snap at

snap atsnap at1.As the fish snaps at the bait, it gets caught on the hook.鱼咬饵时, 就被钓在钩上。2.对…厉声说“I'm tired of hearing your complaints, ”he snapped at me.“你那些牢骚我都听烦了。”他对我厉声说。3.急切地接受He snapped at an invitation to the palace.他急切地接受了去宫廷的邀请。The chairman snapped at the committee member's suggestion to break for coffee.主席马上接受了那位委员的建议, 同意休会喝些咖啡。

snap at1.猛然咬住;向…猛咬:The dog snapped at my trousers.那只狗猛然咬住了我的裤子。2.抢白,恶狠狠地对…说:He would only snap at you.他只会抢白你。3.[口语] 马上接受(提议等),迫不及待地抓住(机会等):He'd snap at this chance.他会马上抓住这个机会的。
