work with

work withwork with1.与…在一起干I find it so refreshing to work with young people in this department.我发现和这一部门的青年一起工作令人精神振奋。2.从事…工作He has always liked working with machinery.他总是喜欢搞机械。He likes working with the clay with his hands.他喜欢用手捏黏土。

work with1.(通过努力呼吁等方式)试图影响,对…起作用,对…产生影响:His story worked with them.他的故事对他们起了作用。2.与…合作(或协作):As the leader of this office, she can work with everyone.作为办公室的领导,她和每个人都合作得很好。3.与…共事:I'd like to work with young people.我愿意和年轻人共事。

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