

1. Actaeon takes in the scene in one glance, his face is turning scarlet, his hands express shock.Two of the nymphs haven't yet cottoned on;

不经意的一瞥使得亚克托安满脸通红,双手战栗着. 其中两个仙女忙着伺候戴安娜,还未来得及着衣。

2. "The Fruit of the Tree," "The Hermit and the Wild Woman" and "Artemis to Actaeon.

不论怎样说,像她那样的人,总是不合时宜 的。

3. In Ovid, Actaeon is an innocent, guided by a cruel fate into the cool grove.


4. But a fatality hung over the family of Cadmus in consequence of his killing the serpent sacred to Mars. Semele and Ino, his daughters, and Actaeon and Pentheus, his grandchildren, all perished unhappily.


5. And then it's back to another Theban tale - that of Pentheus, a cousin of Actaeon, who spied on his mother when she was taking part in sacred, Bacchic rites.


6. After Actaeon's sticky end comes the story of his aunt, Semele.


7. There's harm in looking, then - which is the subject of the exhibition opening today at Compton Verney in Warwickshire, called Fatal Attraction: Diana and Actaeon - the Forbidden Gaze.


8. When Actaeon boasted that he was a better hunter than her, or saw her bathing, she took revenge by changing him into a stag , and he was torn to pieces by his own dogs.


9. The woods ring again, and yet no fox bursts forth on to the open level of the pond, nor following pack pursuing their Actaeon.


10. There's even a part of Actaeon, as he is mauled and savaged, who can imagine being a spectator at the kill, in all its excitement.


11. the goddess of hunt, Artemis transfigured Actaeon who sees her bathing by chance into a deer;


12. In Ovid, the first moment of horror is Actaeon's sight of his metamorphosed body reflected in a stream.


13. It is the companion piece to Diana and Actaeon, telling the next part of the story.


14. Diana, invisible, observes Actaeon in the thicket from which he imagines he can spy on her.


15. Actaeon lies in wait for Diana, the Huntress hunted, to see her finally dripping wet at her bath, resting from hunt.

