a small venomous Eurasian snake which has a dark zigzag pattern on its back and bears live young. It is the only poisonous snake in Britain 极北蝰。 亦称 viper
Vipera berus, family Viperidae 拉丁名Vipera berus, 蝰科 ■used in names of similar or related snakes, e.g. death adder, puff adder [用于类似或相关蛇类名称中,如 death adder, puff adder]
Old English nædre 'serpent, adder', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch adder and German Natter. The initial n was lost in Middle English by wrong division of a naddre; compare with apron auger,and umpire
adder2 noun
(Electronics)a unit which adds together two input variables. A full adder can add a bit carried from another addition as well as the two inputs, whereas a half adder can only add the inputs together (电子)加法器