

1. "We're not contraindicating dental amalgam in any patient group [other than those who have allergies]," Runner noted during the news conference.


2. Surgical operations recover 10 example, 1 example the death because of the lung of serious amalgamation, lose the guts shock, adman exhaustion.

11例手术痊愈 10例 ,1例因合并严重的肺挫伤 ,失血性休克 ,呼吸性衰竭死亡。

3. A18 year old male patient,Mesial lesion in relation to 26.Mesial and distal amalgam restorations with marginal deterioration.Discoloured Palatal groove.


4. In 1956, United College was founded by the amalgamation of five private colleges: Canton Overseas, Kwang Hsia, Wah Kiu, Wen Hua and Ping Jing.


5. Bocelli, 49, pioneered the amalgamation of classical and pop styles that helped a wave of operatic singers to cash in on the crossover appeal of the Three Tenors.


6. After the world enters post-industrial time, EBD represents the trend of city development, with ecological city format, city-outskirt amalgamation and industrial parks etc.


7. NMIT was formed in 1988 through the amalgamation of Preston College of TAFE and Collingwood College of TAFE.


8. Study of the Adhesion Intensity of Amalgam Restoration with Super-Bond Adhesive.


9. The collision is characterized by the process of large-scale rotation and amalgamation, in which exhumation of the UHP rocks might happen.


10. There is no denying that your dog-eared, coffee-stained Lonely Planet Guide is an extremely helpful amalgamation of maps, tips, and sleep/eat suggestions.


11. Compared to control group, no difference were found for mood status (POMS) among amalgam subgroups with various amalgam faces and duration.


12. She has a duskier complexion than her seven predecessors, with features representing an amalgam of white, Hispanic, Indian, African and Asian ancestry.


13. When the two crews recover, they find that the two ships have fused together in a freakish amalgam.


14. The job losses stem largely from the amalgamation of TSB's bank and insurance operations into a unified'bancassurance'.


15. Amalgam was mixed with mercury by the silver, copper and the tin powder.It s properties can be improved by adding few metals like zinc, indium and palladium .


16. In order to obtain a smooth transition in full image seam Gaussian functions weighted amalgamation algorithm based on human visual system(HVS) character is used to blend images.

为了实现图像的平滑过渡避免出现拼接痕迹, 最后提出了基于人眼视觉特性的高斯函数权值加权图像融合过渡的方法。

17. To counter this myth, we explained that we're really an amalgam of little guys.


18. To research the methods of data amalgamation for multi-sensor fire-control system, a improved Kalman filtering algorithm was adopted.


19. People no longer try to discover the amalgamation of objective world and subjective world when faced nature, to harden their sensities of art,and to find the true art language which belongs to their own.


20. They look towards the amalgamation of some of the neighbourhood factories.


21. People chose proper responding pattern according to different situation, whatever good or bad, only when people understood them as amalgamation and coexistence was the deed right.


22. The author introduces how to establish the model of date amalgamation with bayes and calculate the position and rate of target according the date form the sensors.


23. It's introduced that Dow Chemical Company has been continuously developing with technological innovation,industrial reconstruction and amalgamation as motive power.


24. It is appears that the evolution between the amalgamation operation and separateness has experienced two times.


25. They look towards the amalgamation of some of the neighborhood factories.


26. His practice shows the Chinese culture, and in another way, verifies the topic of culture amalgamation.


27. His work is a strange amalgam of several musical styles.


28. The cultures are isolate in any societies,their conflict and amalgamation will occur when the relation among the nations or countries change.


29. The amalgamation of erterprises, coordination effect, human resource conformity,personnel adjustment, staff communication, and culture conformity.


30. A little increment of the elongation of the cladding wires is a coincidence of partial grain boundary amalgamation and sphericized cementite in Q195 steel.


31. It was possible that secondary caries of gallium alloy's restorative may be higher than those of amalgam.


32. As an amalgamation of Germany's manufacturers of woodworking machines, the German Woodworking Machinery Manufacturers Association represents the interests of the industry at both national and international level.


33. You will be mesmerized by the sophisticated Libran, but that is about as far as this amalgamation will go. You will also tire of the lazy Libran's ways.


34. With such an advantage, it is important for Tianjin to enhance its economic link between Beijing and Hebei, and speed up the economic amalgamation of the Golden Coast.


35. The best filling material is silver amalgam.


36. Both light and dark work together to create amalgamation.


37. The amalgamation of policy can defer over developmentin single area.


38. Secondly, the stability of designed AFCS is analyzed and an amalgamation control mode of damper and stability augmentation control system is put forward in the paper.


39. The paper analyses the problem about the developing of DCS system,compares DCS with FCS,and brings out the precept about amalgamation DCS and FCS.


40. By 2025, there may be little dream to sustain anyone that has not entered the new dream through amalgamation of tones.


41. An amalgam of strength, reputation, and commitment to ethical principles.


42. The setting up, amalgamation or dissolution of any health and quarantine organ shall be decided by the health administrative department under the State Council.


43. It's an amalgam slightly disarmed by pastel-colored earmuffs, but Sean is still clearly not to be messed with.


44. On the other hand, with the amalgamation of the current telecom technology and IP technology, IP VPN, which has Quality of service (Qos) and security guarantee, will be the basic flat in future telecom network.

另一方面,随着目前的电信网络技术逐步与IP技术走向融合,有服务质量(Qos)和安全性保证的IP VPN网络将是未来电信网络的基础平台。

45. It also can be used in the manufacture of sodium hydroxide , vitamins, spices, dyes, sodium amalgam, tetraethyl lead, titanium and oil refining and so on.


46. The broader conclusion Dr Gill draws is that people are superorganisms whose metabolism represents an amalgamation of human and microbial attributes.


47. The surface area of filling mercury amalgam did not relate to Hg concentration.The larger volume of polishing old mercury amalgam was, the higher concentration of Hg was.


48. Meanwhile, for the more political participation, Municipal Referendum is decided to set into the process of municipal amalgamation by government.


49. The thoughts and methods of CRM and MIS are used in the process of BPR, which embodies the upholder and amalgamation of those management techniques.


50. Otherwise co-operation will turn into amalgamation and the united front will inevitably be sacrificed.


51. Or rather (this being Los Angeles) a fantasy amalgam of several town centres.


52. Thus each level of the project can be understood as the amalgamation of a few simply described smaller units.


53. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is an amalgamation of buildings and additions from different eras that merges with the stone walls of the buildings around it.


54. Of all quarters in the queer adventurous amalgam called London, Soho is perhaps least suited to the Forsyte spirit.


55. The adoption of sports ind ustrial amalgamation depends on the local industrial structure and resource.


56. In many cases, the game design is an amalgamation of the "best" ideas of the development team.


57. Then carries on the production experiment of processing recycling of the amalgam,the total processed amalgam is 441.


58. Adding few palladium in amalgam can impove the amalgam s mercury vapor release rate, mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and creep resistance.


59. In endodontics, various materials have been used for root repair: amalgam, zinc oxide eugenol, calcium hydroxide, composites and glass-ionomers.


60. Over the decade, COBO has not only gained remarkable popularity but also achieved numerous awards which manifest the amalgamation of quality and elegance.


61. Rather he/she is an amalgamation of different ethnic backgrounds and different kinds of experiences.


62. Gold has been recovered from the ores by amalgamation for a long time past.


63. The amalgamation of universities is widely acclaimed.


64. Her character is an amalgam of many different traits.


65. Now,thanks to the regular addition of supplements and amalgamation into the second edition,published in 1989,it defines 240,000.


66. How to accelerate the amalgamation of geographically close cities with convenient transport network is a question deserving researches.


67. How to reflect and eliminate the effects of inflation on amalgamation accounting statement is one of the puzzles of the multinational accounting.


68. It may be only an amalgam;it is better if it be a chemical combination.


69. It is an amalgam of small buildings and newer, giant shed-like structures, redolent of fish and diesel oil.


70. The evolution of the Chinese curriculum is associated with the contradiction and conflict, intertexture and amalgamation, decline and innovation of culture.


71. In experiment, we test correct segmentation rate, correct detection of amalgam rate, and correct detection of missing teeth rate.


72. Conclusion: To reduce the microleakage, it might be recommended to restore the endodontically treated posterior tooth using a bonded amalgam coronal-radicular technique.


73. SEM showed that the bonding resin can adhere tightly to the cavity wall and amalgam.


74. The semiconductor industry is at the top-end of modern high technology. (%s)It is the amalgamation of the latest advancements in the various technological fields.


75. Composite resins are the preferred alternative to amalgam in many cases. They have a long history of biocompatibility and safety.


76. A Presidential decision is always an amalgam of judgement, confidence in his associates, and concern about their morale.


77. My primary life study has been about love.Second comes economics, so here, in the form of a few rules, is a little amalgam of the two fields: the economics of love.


78. Like the weather, we are a complex amalgam of feedback systems: genes in our brains switch on in response to our behavior as well as vice versa.


79. We look towards the amalgamation of some of the neighborhood factories.


80. We look toward the amalgamation of some of the neighborhood factories.

