

1. (Doctor 1) and patient back stand to the back, two ancon are ticked off each other, doctor bend one's knees bows, carry the patient on the back instead.


2. (Preliminary posture takes below the person that 10) goes: Bipod is opened, distance and shoulder are the same as wide, two tactics holds ancon in the arms.

(10)行者下坐 预备姿势:两脚开立,距离与肩同宽,两手抱肘。

3. 4.Give water: When thrash ends, the centre of the palm turns to ham, the little finger when giving water up, the arm is loosened, small bend ancon.

4. 出水:划水结束时,掌心转向大腿,出水时小指向上,手臂放松,微屈肘。

4. 5.Slowly expiratory, drive in what curve ancon arm at the same time, turn round the waist, bosom, cervical with the head, turn round the level that you do not need to be able to arrive painfully.

5. 慢慢呼气,同时在弯曲肘臂的带动下,扭转腰部、胸部、颈部和头部,扭转到你不需要费力就可以到达的程度。

5. "I meet, " young woman is smiling to say, "If,do not pass the other position of your body, if the arm ancon that also resembles you is euqally hard, the room that asks me comes.


6. The upper arm surrounds: Between humeral joint and ancon joint mid. The upper arm surrounds the half that is equal to thigh circumference.


7. Erythema grew on two tactics ancon, how to do?


8. When fracture of the wounded lower limbs is secured, limbs wants curved move to show bend ancon unbend to bind.


9. Fall to be bent to Ying Wei of joint of the ancon when the nadir in barbell, control barbell forcibly, but not complete extend.


10. When doing passive exercise, but ordinal activity shoulder, ancon, wrist, point to the joint such as joint and genu, ankle, foot.


11. let double ancon and knee bend over be on the floor, contractive abdomen, hip reachs the muscle of leg ministry.


12. Movement: With the occipitalia after the head and upper part of the body of two ancon support, bipod supports below half body, into form of half arch bridge, hold out a trunk.


13. The right hand after 35 days extends fracture of right hand right ancon not straight, how half, be the problem of time?


14. The right hand is built go up in the ball, left arm bends, left ancon is put after the head, help up cervical.


15. Is each netizen good who knows tennis ancon has the remedial method with good what excuse me?


16. Deflating in-phase,when ancon get blood systolic pressures,pulse signal is received on the wrist.When wrist get the blood systolic pressures,pulse signal is received on the finger tip.


17. Make circular motion upcountry, first wrist, hind ancon is articulatory, finally reprise of two arms unbend the shoulder is articulatory, each are done 4 times.


18. Be like when finish have difficulty, usable ancon joint is propped up go up at the ground.


19. The air cell is placed on the ancon and wrist,pulse transducer is placed on fingertip.


20. Before adjusting discharge door, release strain spring, and then adjust spring in order to prevent drop of ancon plate.


21. Mom this year many years old 50, does right ancon joint ache and how is there is swollen appearance to return a responsibility?


22. Sufferred from ping-pong ancon how to be treated?


23. My right ancon fracture 2 months, , still can be cannot complete unbend and bend, can you pull forcibly come over?


24. My right ancon fracture 2 months, , still can be cannot complete unbend and bend, can you pull forcibly come over? If be no good, how should do? Proposal expert opinion


25. My right ancon fracture a month, splint was torn open now, still can be cannot complete unbend and bend, how should I restore as soon as possible?


26. Big toe, forefinger blocks a small of the back up, curve ancon arm again, the made leg with unbend becomes 90 degrees.


27. The axis is with ancon when brandish arm, affect big arm to send force;


28. Have 3 centimeter, one goes up in ancon, one goes up in knee, still have an operation, in ham root, have 20 centimeter. So OK? Thanked


29. Is there the good method that treats tennis ancon? What symptom to have?


30. Which hospital tennis ancon disease goes to curing?


31. NEW GROUP: ANCON HILL -- if you lived on or around Ancon Hill, Quarry Heights... please join!


32. The cuff of sweater and ancon joint place are chafed the most easily, time grows, the wool of these places is met attenuate, broken even.


33. Attention, ancon joint does not get prolapse, antebrachium is become " one " glyph, hold out a bosom to look up, cooperate deep breathing.


34. Next two arms along humeral axis, two ancon are made the same score ahead first lift, do then up, backward, circle annulus movement downward.


35. However, the hasten of industrial structure has become the severe refashion ancon that Jiangsu economy grows further together.


36. The first: Bipod stands to be the same as with two shoulders apart wide, two arms bend ancon side to lift, finger loose park before two shoulders.


37. The back-to-back phase that hold water in the arms is entered draw water, should maintain at this moment carry ancon, make big arm inward turning.


38. How does tennis ancon ache lingering heals hard to treat?


39. Is ancon joint extended how to do continuously?


40. Acute Simple Gastritis Treated by Bloodletting in Ancon Internal Jugular Vein


41. Ancon is rear say: ' earthy melon root can treat Lei of the Fei on the face (prickly heat) , embellish of your face glazing, 100 days of brilliance fire a person, husband and wife is not acquainted.


42. ancon process


43. Does arm ancon always ache what reason this is?


44. Cabbage core and ancon shark's fin


45. Joint of expressional shoulder, finger, ancon is aching;


46. Is effect of ancon of tennis of cure of Shanghai area where excuse me better?


47. In turn process, bent arm ancon is rotational 90 degrees, on half of head and body want 180 degrees to turn.


48. Flywheel breaks, running stops and ancon drops from gutter

