

1. Except in the case of the first Legislative Council, the above- mentioned Election Committee refers to the one provided for in Annex I of this Law.


2. Buyer issue official LOI and BCL or Purchase Readiness Bank Letter*. (See sample in Annex B.Either English or Chinese version is acceptable.

) 由买方发出正式的采购意向书并提供银行的资金证明或 (见附件B样本,中英文版本都可接受)。

3. The term of the tenancy is specified in the annex 1.


4. The parties mutually agree with the rents as stated in annex 1, the rents includes management fees, heating fees and cable TV fees.


5. If you want clarifications regarding your tax payment and refund, you could call the district tax office for inquiries. (see Annex 2).


6. Contents sendmail included in the annex to this email without the procedure. 6.

5. 目录sendmail包含发送无附件的email的程序。

7. ECHA will prioritise substances to be assessed for inclusion in Annex XIV of the REACH Regulation, signifying that they are subject to authorisation.


8. "General permit" means permission granted in advance and inaccordance with Annex III.


9. "Acceptance Certificate" refers to the certificate in the form attached as Annex 6 to this Contract.


10. The dumping of wastes or other matter listed in Annex I shall be prohibited (See Annex I).


11. A working annex can be converted to a mini-hospital with tie-down hardware for a casket.


12. A few small, the media of weak force, will consider in order to combine, recombine, the means of annex enters big medium group.


13. Conforming implementations shall make at least one codeset available per locale specified in Annex B.


14. Conforming implementations should provide an X Output Method which supports the encoding schemes listed in Annex B.


15. The Lord is providing you a chance to lead an alternate life.Leave this place now through the rear buildings annex and you will escape.


16. The Lord is providing you a chance to lead an alternate life.Leaves this place now through the rear buildings annex and you will escape.


17. The next annex provides the technical details required to get started.


18. Not only by the enterprise of annex hard bring back to life, oneself are procrastinated possibly also to break down.


19. See Annex 3 for the minimum collateral level, overage collateral level and smallest LGD of the collaterals of different categories.


20. At the same time Members shall finalize their positions relating to MFN exemptions in this sector, notwithstanding the provisions of the Annex on Article II Exemptions.


21. China shall provide relevant information, including information specified in Annex 1A, to each subsidiary body in advance of the review.


22. More details of the levels of achievement required to score points in this category are set out in Annex B: Achievement in your chosen field.


23. The redrafted text of those paragraphs appearing as paragraphs 14 and 15 in Annex III attempted to take those concerns into account.


24. The annex has been built on to the main building.


25. The dumping of the wastes listed in Annex II requires a prior special permit (See Annex II).


26. The total ad valorem subsidization shall be calculated in accordance with the provision of Annex IV.


27. He entered the autopsy room and in the annex found David Coleman dissecting a leg.


28. He stated that the services subject to price controls were listed in Annex 4 by their respective CPC codes.


29. The Delegation asserted that the annex to the minutes of the last meeting could not be a basis for structuring the debate.


30. Annex IV - TCF is submitted to a Notified Body for assessment. Annex II requirements must also be met.


31. The business enterprise multinational annex of move because of the analysis.


32. There are 160 members of the Assembly, whose names are set out in List No. 2 in the Annex.


33. However, for the purposes of this Agreement the meaning of the terms given in Annex 1 applies.


34. On lipotropic and growth-promoting activities of lysine and threonine.Chinese J.Physiol., 18(annex): 69-751962.


35. The draft lists prepared by the different delegations were discussed in the plenary, and the PCDA agreed on the proposals contained in Annex I.


36. National laws shall not be applied in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region except for those listed in Annex III to this Law.


37. Company to export products, tools and products for civilian use tools and machine tool factory annex and knives series.


38. Annex II lists two categories of "other wastes".


39. As to the specifications of the commodity, they are detailed in an annex.


40. As for proposal 5, the Delegation declared that such a proposal was actionable and that it should be merged with Annex B2, as a general principle.


41. Supplementary information on the estimated cost of the adoption of these new standards is provided in Annex IV.


42. To annex territories of another country is an injustice.


43. The laws listed in Annex III shall be applied locally by way of promulgation or legislation by the HKSAR.


44. Schism, amalgamative (annex) the unemployed insurance right that the unit after is enjoyed and assumes former unit and obligation.


45. Allocations would be valid for any article or mixture of articles subject to the same quota as specified in Annex 3 of the Protocol.


46. QQ screenshots on stripping functions, stored in the clipboard, you can annex, drawing, editing found inside.


47. Annex brings a completely refreshing feeling to the increasingly irksome gameplay, adding a sense of exhilaration and intensity not found before.


48. The developed market-economy countries have perfected their legislation in encouraging the foreign direct investment, transnational annex and trade of assets.


49. You may install electronic constant tensioner which is an annex if needed.


50. But this is not LSI exclusive recently annex buys the operation.


51. Choice of alloy or plastic bag pack side edge cut line can be equipped with stainless steel door frame马夹bags, POS Annex racks.


52. Sewer mud and dredged stuff containing substances listed in 1 and 2 of this Annex.


53. Accordingly, Group B was ready to enter into in-depth discussions concerning the proposals contained in Annex A.


54. Accordingly, this Annex provides notes and supplementary provisions to the Agreement.


55. International preliminary examination report with its annex.


56. The annex halls were symmetrically built on a 1.5-meter-high brick-and-marble terrace, to set off the loftiness and magnificence of the main hall.


57. In 1993, the UN published the System for Integrated Economic and Environmental Accounting (SEEA) as an annex to the 1993 revisions of the SNA.

在 1993 年,联合国为如对 SNA 的 1993 校订来说的一个附属物的整合经济的和环境的会计 (SEEA) 出版了系统。

58. King County Elections will conduct observer training Wednesday, November 2nd at 6:00 p.m. at the Temporary Elections Annex (TEA).


59. In this annex, more technical details will be discussed.


60. Seller is obligated to realize order (deliver product to Seller disposition in release point) in 25days from signing of annex to this contract.


61. At the date of the writing of this document, the 43 States listed in Annex III had signed the Treaty.


62. The provisions of Annex II shall be observed in the application of this paragraph.


63. Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage, Annex Block, 36A Western Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong.


64. If needed transportation equipment, it is suggested that the equipment and its annex are filled with padded packaging.


65. For the expansion of warehousing and logistics services range, the two sides may amend Annex 1 in writing at any time.


66. It expected to obtain recommendations with regard to Annex A by the end of the week, so that they could achieve concrete results that week.


67. It noted that there was a call for further narrowing the proposals that were contained in Annex A.


68. It is no longer possible to diplomatic annex a country of another religious group.


69. For those goods listed in Annex 2B, China shall phase out limitation on the grant of trading rights pursuant to the schedule in that Annex.


70. For measures subject to phased elimination, China should provide for growth in the quota over the relevant period specified in Annex 3.


71. Any reference to a paragraph or subparagraph of this Annex includes all subdivisions thereof.


72. A summary of the pamphlet is in the Annex.


73. For the purposes of this Agreement, the definitions provided in Annex A shall apply.


74. For the purposes of this Code the definitions in Annex 1 of this Agreement shall apply.


75. The location of this project is shown in Annex I of this permit.


76. The location of this project is shown in Annex I &II of this permit.

工程项目的地点,见载于本许可证中的附件I &II。

77. The hazard classes of the wastes listed in Annex I to the Basel Convention are contained in Annex III to that Convention.


78. Zhuang Yuanzhu 7-storey, in front annex building, next to the cottage, stables, mills, Ranfang, weaving workshops, bunkers and prisons.


79. The Ministerial Conference, upon the request of the Members parties to a Plurilateral Trade Agreement, may decide to delete that Agreement from Annex 4.


80. One of the options proposed was to amend the WIPO convention of 1967, and the Group had included this in the annex to the September document.

