
announceannounceD.J.:[əˈnauns]K.K.:[əˈnaʊns]vt. & vi.1.宣布, 宣告, 发表They announced that a cold wave would come soon.他们报告说不久寒流就要来。Have they announced when the race will begin?他们宣布比赛什么时候开始了吗?A voice on the phone announced itself as Mr. Baker.电话里的人说他是贝克先生。“I've a proposal to make, ” she announced as she entered.她一进来就对大家说“我有个建议。”vt.1.通报…到达Would you announce the guests as they come in?客人来时你通报一声好吗?2.预告, 预示The bright flowers and warm winds announced that spring was here.鲜艳的花朵和暖和的风已表明春天到了。3.主持, 介绍The inauguration of the President is announced for Friday.总统的就职典礼已定于星期五举行。

announce[ə'nauns]vt.1.宣布,宣告;公布,发表;通告;(正式)通知:The spokesman of the Foreign Ministry announced the news to the reporters.外交部发言人向记者发布新闻。to announce a special sale宣布特价出售2.说,述说,告诉,声称:The president of the company announced (to the employees) that there would be a bonus.公司总经理对雇员说将要发奖金。3.通报(或宣布)…的出席(或到达),报告…的来到,通知客到,报到:to announce guests通知客到4.通知已将…准备就绪:to announce dinner通知晚餐已备好5.(不通过语言) 使…被知道,作为…的迹象,显示:Footsteps announced her return.听见脚步声,知道她回来了。6.预示;预告;预兆:Gathering clouds announced the oncoming storm.聚云预示了即将来临的风暴。7.【无线电、电视】当(电台或电视台)的播音员(或广播员);当(报幕员等):She announces six programs a week.她每周广播6个节目。The mayor announced the program.市长为此节目报幕。vi.1.当电台(或电视台)的播音员(或广播员);当报幕员:She announces for CCTV.她是中国中央电视台的播音员。He announces for the local radio station.他在地方电台当播音员。2.[美国英语]宣布某人的候选人身份(或资格),宣布参加竞选(for);(在竞选中)宣布某人对另一人在政治上的赞同,(在竞选中)宣布支持别人竞选(for):They are hoping that she will announce for governor.他们希望她将宣布参加竞选州长。Bush announced for the U.S. President.布什宣布参加竞选美国总统。近义词declare变形vt.announcedannouncing

announceannounce[əˈnauns]vt.1.正式宣布, 宣告, 发表2.报到, 通知3.预示, 预告, 预言4.显示5.广播(电台节目)announce guests通知客到announce dinner通知开宴[饭]It has been announce d that Mr. A and Miss B will be married next week.已正式宣布A先生与B小姐将于下星期结婚。His earlier work announced a lyric talent of the first order.他的早期作品显露了一流的抒情才华。He announces three programs a week.他每周广播三个节目。
词性变化announce[əˈnauns]vi.1.当报幕员[广播员]2.宣布参加竞选(for)3.宣布支持某人 (for)He announced for governor.他宣布竞选州长。
