

1. Lucy could only think that if Arabella was climbing four steps at a time then there was only one more night to go.


2. She checked the cupboard under the stairs, but Arabella was exactly where Lucy had left her.


3. Oh, do skate, Mr Winkle,@ said Arabella.


4. She was asked to step upstairs, and on being shown into a room found that it was Arabella's bedroom, and that the latter had not yet risen.


5. The common assumption among fans is that Dumbledore spent the day preparing things in and around Privet Drive for Harry to be safe there, including stationing Arabella Figg a few streets away.


6. She knew exactly how far it was to the inn that Arabella had named as her lodging.


7. Her parents told her the doll was called Arabella.


8. They asked the Arabella tribe, which has been in intermittent contact with the outside world since the 1940s, about recent sightings or evidence.


9. And they took the road that leadeth to Galgal, and they camped in Masaloth, which is in Arabella: and they made themselves masters of it, and slew many people.


10. He could not bring himself to like the boastful, vain Arabella.


11. foreword by Arabella Boxer.

作者声明: Lyn Rutherford ;

12. A few weeks later, when Harry was appearing before the Wizengamot to account for his using magic during the Dementor attack, Arabella Figg testified on his behalf.


13. Two or three days later he heard that Arabella and her parents had departed.


14. That for sure was different... Arabella McCarthy did the fish slapping dance with me!


15. Hotel Arabella : Book online and save up to 30%.


16. It is about 15 minutes by train from the Arabella station to the city centre of Marienplatz/Karlsplatz.


17. She halted on the turn of her toe till Arabella cried from the bed, "Come in and shut the door," which Sue accordingly did.


18. Take the N2 from Cape Town over Sir Lowry's Pass, turn onto the R43 to Hermanus, right at the R44 to Kleinmond then turn into Arabella Country Estate.


19. He is isolated in his marriage to Arabella because she has no idea of what he is about, and doesn't care.He is isolated in his marriage to Sue because she is frigid.

尽管他来自农村,但在他眼里却是“丑陋的”, 他向往城市的新生活。

20. At the time of Strange and Arabella' s marriage Henry had been Rector of Grace Adieu in Gloucestershire.


21. *At the time of Strange and Arabella's marriage Henry had been Rector of Grace Adieu in Gloucestershire.


22. She walked along the muddy street till she reached the public house mentioned by Arabella, which was not so very far off.


23. They analysed Arabella speech patterns and oral histories for clues.


24. It was extraordinary how far removed from his life Arabella seemed to be.


25. The tragedy of Jude, Arabella, and Sue is more the result of the loss of balance of spiritual ecology than the result of destruction of natural ecology.


26. Dumbledore was furious with him and Arabella Figg beat him around the head and body with her string shopping bag full of tins of cat food.


27. Arabella, in what seems to be typical of Squibs, owns several cats which act as more than pets.


28. Arabella Doreen Figg is an eccentric woman who wears tartan carpet slippers and a housecoat when out shopping for tinned cat food at the corner shop.


29. It's 10 years since Arabella left me.


30. Kathryn Hunter as Arabella Figg


31. Arabella &Argus: Coincidental Cat-Lovers or the Same Person?

阿拉贝拉.费格 &阿格斯.费驰:同为爱猫人/一人???

32. 3. Arabella &Argus: Coincidental Cat-Lovers or the Same Person?


33. Arabella: So they think it was a case of arson. I can hardly believe it.


34. The woman in the rain who spoke thus was Arabella, the evening being that of the day after Sue's remarriage with Phillotson.

