

1. 1.20 The concentration of the true spiritual aspirant is attained though faith, energy, recollectedness, absorption and illumination.


2. I came to Celestica on Dec.8 of 2003 and will leave from Sep.28 ! In the past three years , I met my kindly leaders and many aspirant colleagues .


3. The IFSC may also appoint Aspirant Judges who undergo the final, practical phase of their training programme by assisting the IFSC Judge in his/her judging duties.


4. “Of course, if we could become a democratic society, we would like that,” said another history major and party aspirant.


5. "Red-eyed disease " it is an eye comes on first more, once send lose face eyeball,have unwell symptom so, if the horse is aspirant travel cure is OK also stay in illness keep within limits.


6. Often an aspirant feels he is groping in the dark and is always wasting time due to trial and error.


7. A man with the idea of sex may be a good aspirant, but he is still far from the goal.


8. An aspirant should not associate with a woman, even though she is very much devoted to God.


9. An aspirant of this kind makes his own efforts to catch hold of God.


10. " the expert still says, domestic majority is at present alleged " aspirant wind " model kitchen is provided is not true whole sealing actually " aspirant wind " .


11. Individual ability asks: Specialized subject diploma, certain English reads knowledge, study is aspirant, the job is serious, rigorous.


12. an aspirant professor


13. an aspirant to the presidency


14. Living in the world and entangled in many of its duties, the aspirant, during the first stage of spiritual life, finds many obstacles in the path of concentration.


15. They are active, aspirant and curious about the new things. The strong desire for knowledge promotes them to learn more about and meet the challenges of the world.


16. He resolved that his conduct should be worthy of an aspirant who was already a model of discretion


17. Any aspirant can mimic the style, but without passion the movements will lack true power.


18. Whatever may be the loads of the mind, if the longing is honest and earnest, sooner or later, the aspirant can get Self-realization.


19. When you see those signs of longing in an aspirant, you can rightly say that for him the vision of God is not far to seek.


20. The aspirant must channel the fire, an unwavering commitment of intent.


21. People like Vicky and her friends represent the leading edge, the trailblazers for a huge mass of young, eagerly aspirant consumers.


22. We provide good training &development and staff benefits plan, we are inviting the most diligent, aspirant and responsible candidates to join and grow together with us.


23. Taking wind kind best among them is " aspirant wind " .


24. Diligent &Hard-working, Optimistic &Aspirant, Team-Spirit, Dignified, Excellent Adaptive Capacity, Some Management Skills and Experience, Challenges and Pressures can make her grow up faster.


25. I used to be an aspirant woman.


26. aspirant tube


27. Would the spiritual aspirant who lives off the kindness of strangers, be feasible in western society, in this day and age?


28. The aspirant must possess and study all three before he or she can safely attempt to train in this demanding art.


29. OK: LZ, you are very aspirant.


30. I also have the will to run a business.I’m looking here sincerely, for an aspirant, compassionate, responsible person who’s willing to establish together with me, a wonderful life.


31. A state in which the aspirant is one with the object of his meditation


32. whereby divine energy is transmitted by the Master into the heart of the aspirant in order to expedite his or her spiritual development.


33. She would keep reminding me of a Sanskrit saying that the unworthy aspirant after poetic fame departs in jeers!


34. Well, the aspirant himself didn't play fair in the past, and now he must learn what it means to be the recipient of such treatment.


35. 3.Envying is a kind of insalubrious psychology, can prevent oneself aspirant, make oneself encounter difficulty to also cannot free oneself.


36. It combines philosophy with rituals, meditation with ceremonies, renunciation with enjoyment.The underlying purpose is gradually to train the aspirant to meditate on his identity with the Ultimate.


37. For a man, the world is full of diverse objects. For an aspirant, the world is the manifestation of the Lord. But for a Saint, the world is God Himself.


38. 20,The concentration of the true spiritual aspirant is attained through faith,energy,recollectedness,absorption and illumination.


39. The concentration of the true spiritual aspirant is attained through faith, energy, recollectedness, absorption and illumination.


40. 1.20 The concentration of the true spiritual aspirant is attained through faith, energy, recollectedness, absorption and illumination.


41. 20 The concentration of the true spiritual aspirant is attained through faith, energy, recollectedness, absorption and illumination.


42. The Master had said to him, "If an aspirant practises a little spiritual discipline, then someone comes forward to help him.


43. Looking for a humorous man who is warm-hearted, open-minded,easygoing,responsible and aspirant,who likes sports, travelling and music,and who really wants to have a happy family.


44. It not means we do not h***e misers, but in comparison with Mauriat and Balzac's miser and aspirant, that is dwarfed.


45. As some EU members shy away from yet further enlargement of their club, they risk provoking an anti-Western backlash in one aspirant country, Turkey.


46. When such concentration is not accompanied by non-attachment,and ignorance there fore remains,the aspirant will reach the state of the disicarnate gods or become merged in the forces of Nature.


47. When such concentration is not accompanied by non-attachment, and ignorance there fore remains, the aspirant will reach the state of the disicarnate gods or become merged in the forces of Nature.


48. 19 When such concentration is not accompanied by non-attachment, adn ignorance therefore remains, the aspirant will reach the state of the disincarnate gods or become merged in the forces of Nautre.


49. 19 When such concentration is not accompanied by non-attachment, and ignorance therefore remains, the aspirant will reach the state of the disincarnate gods or become merged in the forces of Nature.


50. We will use our active and aspirant appearance,


51. We aspire to grow and move parallel with graphic design, providing a complete forum to aspirant graphic designers.


52. I am a traditional good girl,having nice appearance,kindhearted ,aspirant and goodqualities.


53. the team i was in is a young one with a few mates. everyone is optimistic and aspirant.


54. The Warring States is mad: He is an aspirant youth, so I am willing to help him.

战国狂: 他是个上进的青年,所以我愿意帮助他。

55. It is reported, of Hui Cong net " spring scenery acts " will lead preexistence Baidu, Gu Ge aspirant travel.


56. Mastering one's dream is a part of becoming the dreamer and the dream as an ascending aspirant.


57. Submits a detailed report about each Aspirant Judge to the IFSC Officials Commission.


58. Political analyst Larry Sabato, who heads the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, says the upcoming trip is critical for a presidential aspirant with limited foreign policy credentials.


59. an aspirant to political power


60. New Years is a time of reflection, in which one may take inventory of the year or years past and all that such experiences has taught oneself as a spiritual aspirant.


61. The aspirant makes a detailed study of his twelfth house conditions from the standpoint of malefic conjunctions, squares and oppositions.


62. "She was a businesswoman, energetic and aspirant.


63. The Moon symbolizes the feminine polarity of the human psyche and whether the aspirant is male or female, this karmic aspect, indicates disorders and insufficiencies of this faculty.


64. literary aspirant


65. Just so, an aspirant does not suffer if he has discrimination, dispassion, and faith in the guru's words.


66. "When such an aspirant is about to die, Amitayus appears before him, surrounded by Avalokiteshvara, Mahasthamaprapta and innumerable sages and attendants, carrying a purple-gold lotus-seat.


67. She must be good-educated ,sublimate,aspirant,nice figure.


68. an aspirant after [for] honors


69. The aspirant should meditate on Him.


70. An aspirant had to keep his body, mind, senses, and soul unspotted;


71. Aspirant and self-motivated, full of passion and optimism


72. Edward Kennedy (1932--), U. S. Senator, presidential aspirant, and a leader of the liberal wing of the democratic party.

爱德华 - 肯尼迪(1932-),美国参议院议员,总统职位谋求者,民主党自由派领导人。

73. Edward Kennedy (1932--), U. S. Senator, presidential aspirant, and a leader of the liberal wing of the democratic party


74. Love is a kind of pleased bend from in the other party of the aspirant of[with] meaning and control.


75. The father, or an older brother, may be the instrument used during the aspirant's childhood to reflect the past wrong.


76. China's aspirant middle class, which M&S is aiming to attract through its portals, "are looking for luxury and style at one end, or better value at the cheaper end", Mr Rein says.


77. Squabbling among aspirant leaders has been a feature of the French Socialist Party ever since the death of Franç


78. The Italian Sa Ba Fu that at present home basically uses is professional " aspirant wind " model furnace head manufacturer.


79. Dakini serves as instigator, inspirer, messenger, even trickster, pushing the tantrika (aspirant) across the barriers to enlightenment.


80. 4. Dakini serves as instigator, inspirer, messenger, even trickster, pushing the tantrika (aspirant) across the barriers to enlightenment.

