

1. I was merely reciting some fines by a former poet. I don't aspire so high.


2. "And if the society and celebrity ideal is thin, that's what she's going to aspire to, just to get one up on other women.


3. "We cannot underestimate the power of individuals and companies together, especially when they aspire to do good things," he concluded.


4. A title to aspire for.


5. Nanjing XinMa krafts recycle corporation applies itself to wastrel callback all the while, widely accept people with abilities under the sun, aspire future.


6. All beings aspire after freedom.


7. Whether the Summer Queen has actually smiled on you or you merely aspire to seek her blessing, you claim some association with the Summer Fey and study their musical magic.


8. Don't aspire to be like me. Be better. Shoot higher.


9. There things do not exist: equality, freedom, and perfection. Even though they are just human being's conceptions, I still aspire to them.


10. The world needs peace. The people want cooperation. Nations aspire for development. Society seeks progress. This is the trend of our times.


11. With the language gone we could never aspire again to being more than half a nation.


12. Ideologist of Chinese ancient time regards the first pace of cultivate one's morality as aspire, the person that thinks to do not have ambition is cannot somewhat factitive.


13. For our goal is to aspire to that level of competence to confidently offer professional support in an all-inclusive basis and at affordable prices.


14. Immolate domesticity for aspire after career galvanization.


15. Banishing what you aspire after out of your mind can be the sole option in order to get a comparative balance between right and wrong.


16. Men don't aspire after the absolute right.


17. A person should aspire to live an upright life openly with pride, and this means saying “No” to proprietary software.


18. They always aspire to be at the top, and they deserve to.


19. Nor do they aspire to such command themselves.


20. They knew unerringly what to aspire to.


21. They begin to aspire to something better.


22. They aspire to freedom.


23. They also aspire to a higher place in society's pecking order, but in so doing force others in the rat race to run faster to keep up.


24. On what wings dare he aspire?


25. He did not aspire to become an official, get rich or go into business.


26. He says Iraqis hope and aspire to achieve the ultimate goal set to take place at the end of 2011, with the final pullout of foreign troops from the country.


27. To ensure our presence through assured quality and aspire for growth through optimized performance.


28. Any man endowed with the required qualities can aspire to the status.


29. Will Islam aspire to political power, or will more mystical or pietistic versions of the religion win out?


30. Preference will be given to those who love the culturally diverse metropolitan Shanghai?and aspire to eventually become permanent faculty members at Tongji University.


31. But why didn't he aspire to the glamour job of being a pilot?


32. But despite the recent catwalk trend for size zero models, most adult British women don't aspire to be super skinny.


33. And not let it control what I aspire to have.


34. The entire array, moreover, clad in burnished steel, and with plumage nodding over their bright morions, had a brilliancy of effect which no modern display can aspire to equal.


35. Growing up in France, did you aspire to play in the NBA? If so, was there a point where you knew it was likely to happen?


36. You can't reproduce the poetry of Michael Ondaatje's writing on film but you can aspire to a different kind of poetry, which is cinematic poetry.


37. Do you aspire to know the heights, and depths, and lengths, and breadths?


38. In what distant deeps or skies Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand, dare sieze the fire?


39. If you can’t be a pinup model or a Playboy bunny you can at least aspire to it in your own unique way and keep him entertained in the process!


40. Performing high quality orthopaedic surgery is a goal we all aspire to.


41. As last week's jailing of the activist Hu Jia showed, China still has some way to go with its approach to human rights standards from those we aspire to in the West.


42. As a matter of fact, after the demands on materials have been satisfied, people always aspire for and become more and more attached to quality spiritual life.


43. And those who aspire to start their own business.


44. The serfs could not aspire to buying farm tools, let alone draught animals.


45. They also have to pass it in A-Level examinations, which is a must if they aspire to study in NUS or NTU.


46. And thousands of young players aspire to be like him.


47. A goal to which adherents of a religious faith or practice fervently aspire.


48. Foolish dictum: In a team, a valuable team player must aspire to be leader.


49. Just as a household cannot give every member everything he or she wants, a society cannot give every individual the highest standard of living to which he or she might aspire.


50. Living together with you is what I aspire toward in my life.


51. So if we aspire to be an international centre of something and attempt to establish the relevant international market in Hong Kong, we have to work on these conditions.


52. Therefore, we aspire to combine history and culture, to set up a theorizing framework to explain the wider phenomenon, and to initiate a new research orientation.


53. Issues of international trade are among the most important that must be faced by countries that aspire to economic development.


54. The Master of Science in Product Development (MPD) program is for scientists, engineers, and technical professionals who aspire to reach product development lead...


55. In sport, perhaps, the levels of acceptable precision may be such that the highest levels of metrology may not be needed, but we must aspire to it, nevertheless.


56. In your mind's eye, you can see clearly the things you want to have, the paces you intend to go, the relationships you desire to develop, and the positions you aspire to reach.


57. Masculine qualities may be required in the business world, but is that really what women aspire to?


58. Studying at Au is a doorway that can lead to a highly productive career within the various sectors of society from which the students come and to which they aspire.


59. In his childhood, he aspired to become a great general.


60. In the US we have three words that every American knows, and almost all aspire to.


61. In this group,the Cs constantly aspire to be Bs,and the nightmare for Bs is to become Cs.


62. This way,when their children aspire to be the next Joscelin Yeo,they won't feel like they are fighting a losing battle against a society that holds doctors and lawyers in awe.


63. It is unpleasant to be in pain, but if we endeavor to overcome all the difficulties and achieve the goal we aspire after, we will be filled with joy.


64. The angels aspire to become men, for the perfect man, the man-God, [as distinguished from the God-man] is above every angel.


65. Not only women should aspire to education, but also should aspire to independent.


66. Youths in the Girl Scouts study rated parents as very influential in helping them aspire to become leaders -- more so than friends, coaches and celebrities.


67. She thought to herself, and almost said: Young man, art is not that easy to aspire to!...


68. If you do not aspire to excellence, you will never achieve it.


69. If you aspire to compete with the best, you just walk a narrow road.


70. If you aspire to the highest place, it is no disgrace to stop at the second, or even the third place.


71. And, as the unions make up one-third of the party's electoral college, those who aspire to be the next Labour leader must court them assiduously.


72. Scholars aspire after truth.


73. It is a nearly unavoidable accessory in our walk through life-we see someone do something great,and we aspire to reach their heights.


74. These people and Ma learn from each other, support each other, help each other, they aspire to be the pillars of society.


75. Its basis tenet is meeting the need of customer, aspire the high-quality. Welcome the customers from all around the world to visit and develop to establish refulgence together.


76. There are other footnotes of history to aspire to in this game.


77. For us, it's something that we may aspire to but can never attain.

对我们来说, 那是可望而不可及的。

78. The first quality requested by the masters to those that aspire to The Path is discernment.


79. Though most Geonosians are content to live within their assigned castes, a few develop ambition and aspire to ascend socially.


80. And yet, despite these handicaps, both aspire to large returns.

