

1. Banda Sonora Origina...


2. April 2, 1778. The Banda Islands suffer an earthquake, a tidal wave, a volcanic eruption and a hurricane. This collection of disasters effectively ended the Dutch monopoly on nutmeg. See Nutmeg.


3. Mr Banda, a native of Lundazi who is now a prominent lawyer in Lusaka, had warned me that I would see that Lundazi was now “worse off”.


4. Banda Myzomela

n. 斑达摄蜜鸟

5. Britain has offered to send 120 Gurkha troops to Indonesia in the aid effort - aid flights have restarted to Aceh in the archipeligo after an aid plane crashed into a cow at Banda Aceh airport.


6. The statement is a shift from earlier remarks Banda made when he struck out at human rights groups that have tried to stop Madonna from adopting his son, David.


7. Meanwhile, in Bajaur tribal district up to 20 militants died as Pakistani jets, helicopters and artillery pounded positions in Kamangar, Loi Sum and Banda, according to a local security official.

与此同时,在巴焦尔部落区多达20个武装分子死亡,巴基斯坦战斗机,直升机和炮兵阵地冲击,在kamangar ,来总结和班达亚齐,据当地安全官员。

8. The Chinese medical team is carrying on rescue in tsunami-devastated city Banda Ache of Indonesia.


9. Tutugtog ang banda sa gabi.


10. Together they have two sons: Rocco, 8, and David Banda, 2, a Malawian orphan they adopted last year amid controversy that they had violated international adoption laws.


11. Banda, who said he could not afford to bring up his son, did not meet Madonna but was told his boy was being adopted by a "famous U.S. musician."


12. Acting President Rupiah Banda, who was Mr.Mwanawasa's vice-president, was the candidate of the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy.


13. Early returns from the presidential election in Zambia indicate opposition leader Michael Sata is ahead with 44 percent of the vote while Acting President Rupiah Banda trails with 34 percent.


14. In the following year, two digital learning centers are established in both Medan and Banda Aceh.


15. Acehnese children wear uniforms during a carnival to mark the 60th Indonesian independence day in Indrapuri district outside Banda Aceh August 17, 2005.


16. Even in Indonesia's Banda Aceh, the area hit worst by the 2004 Sumatran earthquake, many well-engineered buildings survived fairly intact, while adjacent structures collapsed.


17. Another shocking reality was that in Banda Aceh, the waves destroyed block after block of reinforced concrete structures that may have withstood the earthquake's shaking.


18. Mr.Smith has paid tribute to Dr. Banda's desire that the tension should be lowered.


19. Make seems to be calmer, though, in Banda Aceh, which was the hardest-hit town in Sumatra.


20. Franja de Gaza - Banda argentina de hard rock con temas propios y covers de Guns n` Roses.


21. "Our understanding was that they would educate and take care of our son just as they were doing at the orphanage," Yohane Banda, 32, told AP in a telephone interview on Sunday.


22. A free-standing arch and crescent-shaped gate frame a mosque in Banda Aceh, Indonesia.


23. In the picture, members of a rescue team are leaving from Beijing to Banda Ache of Indonesia to for rescue work.


24. Under a 1)scorching summer sun, a swarm of 400 furious women 2)engulfed the 3)scruffy electricity office of Banda district in north India.


25. Gu hots were heard yesterday in Banda Aceh.


26. Australian soldiers unload aid from military planes in Banda Aceh.


27. She saw Banda, his proud black face beaming.


28. Reflections of laborers working at a construction site near Baiturrahman mosque on the fifth anniversary of the 2004 Boxing Day earthquake and tsunami, on December 25, 2009 in Banda Aceh, Indonesia.


29. Banda i Wanda - Nie Bede Julia (Hads Up vs.

当前位置:DJ舞曲 - 外文舞曲 - Flashrider vs.

30. Upon hearing the news of the adoption challenge, baby David's biological father, 31-year-old Yohane Banda, was indignant.


31. Banda softly shouted: "You (monkey) have urinated on my jacket," and paused as he looked up to see the animal playing in a tree just above his chair.


32. we pray for the good Lord to keep blessing her for her benevolence," Banda said.


33. Accolgo con favore la banda di amici patrocinio.


34. David Banda, dressed in designer gear, was cuddled by his superstar mum at JFK airport before the family boarded a flight to Heathrow.


35. Thousands of curious onlookers and former rebel soldiers swarmed the provincial capital of Banda Aceh to witness Hasan di Tiro's historic return.


36. Attuazione della fibra ottica cavo al piano-to-home modo di portare la banda larga in tutto vero.


37. Malicia - Banda metalera argentina. Historia, discos con audio y letras, integrantes, fotos, notas y novedades.


38. We need your best FOB price, and CNF Banda abbas for KMnO4.


39. And there were no pictures of damages, at least in Banda Aceh, where the pictures were first coming out from.


40. BANDA, Hastings Kamuzu


41. banda stripes


42. Banda Sea


43. Last night campsite bosses were braced for more anxious calls from other girlfriends who were unaware Banda was HIV positive.


44. Still, Banda said he does not want David to return to the orphanage.


45. Mi banda toca el hip hop.

由 Jan-Erik Mikaelsson 独自表演。

46. The boy's father, Yohane Banda, 32, was quoted in both newspapers as saying: "I am very happy. As you can see there is poverty in my village."


47. floating banda

移动带 浮动带

48. The 6.2 magnitude tremor struck 160 miles northeast of the capital, Dili, in Indonesia's Banda Sea at a depth of 6 miles, the U.S.Geological Survey said.


49. Nutmeg is the kernel of the fruit of the Myristica fragrans, grown in Banda Islands.


50. In Zambia, opposition leader Michel Sata is maintaining a slim lead over rival, Acting President Rupiah Banda, as vote tabulation continues from Thursday's presidential election.


51. The second lot of relief items, which weighed over ten tons, was delivered from Medan to Banda Aceh in several batches after the 30th.


52. A visibly moved Colin Powell said after flying over Banda Aceh Wednesday that he has a much better understanding of the enormous amount of damage the December26 tsunami did to Aceh- located at the northern tip of Indonesia's Sumatra Island.


53. Madonna and Guy Ritchie's adopted three-year-old son David Banda, Britney Spear's son Sean Preston Federline, and Sam Sheen.

