

1. "Good Master Dimmesdale,"said he, "the responsibility of this woman's soul lies greatly with you. It behooves you, therefore, to exhort her to repentance, and to confession, as a proof and consequence thereof."


2. "If in other sciences we should arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics." - Roger Bacon


3. "It behooves him well, if he be still in life,"responded the townsman.


4. "It behooves us to try to answer the question," she said.


5. "It behooves him well, if he be still in life," responded the townsman.


6. Regardless of the method required, it behooves you to keep your anti-spam solution current.


7. But it behooves us to develop spiritual wisdom along with scientific discovery. Otherwise, well be in danger of imbalance; our way of life will become too one-sided.


8. 7, Your create your reality according to your beliefs and expectations, therefore it behooves you to examine them carefully.


9. 028.Your create your reality according to your beliefs and expectations, therefore it behooves you to examine them carefully.


10. You're the one with the power, thus it behooves you to extend small courtesies to make your employees more comfortable.


11. It behooves you to think for yourself.


12. It behooves you to pay particularly close attention to things both large and small in your world now.


13. It behooves you at least to try.


14. 8.IT behooves us to reflect on this matter.


15. As long as the country hopes to be a power in the Olympic movement, it behooves the president to attend the opening.


16. Since you are the celestial favorite, it behooves you to be out and about showing your face to the world.


17. Since the un-chosen times of solitude come to so many of us, it behooves us to learn how to find these joys, so that we many live alone in dignity and grace.


18. And so we say that it behooves all initiates to be diligent.


19. Therefore, it behooves every Hajji to forward due gratitude to Allah for being chosen to perform those acts of worship and, at the same time, to beseech Him for acceptance.


20. In this latter circumstance, it behooves us all to recognise our shortcomings and be prepared to refer our client to someone with greater knowledge and skills when necessary.


21. It indeed behooves us on this occasion, therefore, to take a retrospective look at the course of its establishment and its contributions to history.


22. At a critical time when wireless networks may be on the cusp of massive proliferation,We argue that it behooves us to exercise caution while engaging in cross-layer design.


23. Frankly, the Resident is heavily burdened these days, and it behooves us all not to add to his concerns.


24. Most colleges hold orientation sessions during the summer (sometimes as early as June), and it behooves you to attend if at all possible.


25. It behooves a child to obey his parents.


26. It behooves public officials to do their duty.


27. This is not true for all artists at all times, however it behooves initiates to examine their own possessions based upon this understanding to determine where they may be losing chi or information.


28. It behooves all of us to take these issues seriously.


29. There was a pre-Christian sect called “the Essenes” that was influential in the moulding of Christianity, and it behooves us to look at them briefly.


30. Between you and me, and in order to empty my sack, and make confession to my pastor, as it behooves me to do, I will admit to you that I have good sense.


31. This decision was made on the basis of my and Yu Jie's determination to back out, and behooves us to take responsibility for the hurt this decision caused you.


32. To state the obvious, then, to make people more productive and happy, it behooves us to design interactive products to promote and enhance flow, and for us to go to great pains to avoid any potentially flow-disturbing behavior.


33. It behooves us to pause and take a look at the forces that led us here, and what we might do to prevent another occurrence.


34. " It behooves managers to remember that Abe's right even if an auditor is willing to certify that the tail is a leg.

