

1. A girl, wearing a long braid down her back. Chueh-hui recognized the bondmaid, Ming-feng.

他看见了来人的全身,他还看见垂在背后的辫子。 这是鸣凤。

2. But as they came closer over the zigzag bridge leading from the near side of the isle, he got a look at her. It was Chien-erh, bondmaid in the household of his uncle Ke-an.


3. For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman.


4. On the left were two other beds, one occupied by Mama Huang, an elderly servant whose hair was streaked with grey, the other by the sixteen-yearold bondmaid, Ming-feng. The girl was sitting up, gazing dully at the lamp wick.

在左边也有一张同样的木板床,上面睡看头发花白的老黄妈; 还有一张较小的床,十六岁的婢女鸣凤坐在床沿上,痴痴地望着灯花。

5. The speaker was the. bondmaid Ming-feng, a girl of sixteen. She wore her hair in a long single braid down her back. Her trim young frame was encased in a padded jacket of blue cloth.


6. The speaker was Wan-erh, bondmaid in the Third Household of Chueh-hui's uncle Ke-ming, a long-faced girl about a year older than Ming-f eng, who spoke rather quickly.

