

1. Back in 1992 Lu Jian was a dissatisfied mid-level bureaucrat at China's department of transport and communications who became surplus to requirements.


2. Sakwa: 3.22-3.25, and 3.27-3.28 (Party Reform, Workers' Opposition, Kronstadt, Bureaucratism, Ban on Factions, Trade Union Debate).


3. "A bureaucrat scores a point for each court case he initiates or for every company he closes, and this improves his job performance evaluation," she noted.


4. Why so much for the bureaucrat's brain?@ the patient asked.


5. A four-to-seven-year-old does as much paperwork as any bureaucrat.


6. An engineer, an accountant, a chemist and a bureaucrat were bragging about how smart their dogs are.


7. A bureaucrat might cross the entire empire, but he could not cross this wall.


8. The autocratic rule of the emperors and nobility has been overthrown, and in its place there have arisen first the warlord bureaucrat rule of the landlord class and then the joint dictatorship of the landlord class and the big bourgeoisie.


9. Otherwise, organizational overlapping, overstaffing, bureaucratism, sluggishness, endless disputes over trifles and the repossession of powers devolved to lower levels will retard economic restructuring and economic growth.


10. Don't be contaminated by bureaucratism.


11. Wiesler, in contrast, appears at first to be a virtual caricature of the unsmiling Stalinist bureaucrat, with a touch of the old Gestapo thrown in for good measure.


12. The ugly bureaucrat, the evil invader, the sinister and ruthless spy, all eyes covetously to the Chinese Olympic Games first person, wants to set at it in the deathtrap.


13. Two scholars need one step only, OK get at truth: Informatization, it is the basic approach that solves a problem, because it is in,turn over bureaucratism substantially.


14. Sidonie Squier, the bureaucrat in charge, does not argue that divorce is wrong: “If you're being abused, you should get out.


15. In other words, these cadres have less problem with bureaucratism and authoritarianism.


16. Others blame the long-held central ambition of every young Chinese man to become a Confucian mandarin, a bureaucrat, rather than an engineer or scientist.


17. In the 1970s, the CEO was a bumbling bureaucrat who couldn't even build a car that would stay in one piece.


18. Second, it is because democratic centralism was undermined and the Party was afflicted with bureaucratism resulting from, among other things, over-concentration of power.


19. He was just another faceless bureaucrat.


20. He defines bureaucrat as a desk-bound employee.


21. He is a conservative bureaucrat who can be counted upon to follow a beaten path.

他是一个保守的官僚, 他准会循规蹈矩地办事。

22. He is an omnipotent bureaucrat.


23. He believes that the common people defer to birth but not to mere position: they dearly love a lord but they can't stand a bureaucrat.


24. The perfect bureaucrat everywhere is the man who manages to make no decisions and escape all responsibility.


25. Say no to bureaucratism and assure the organization information smooth at any stage of the company development.


26. But bureaucratism, the carapace that lends a country however child, all over the mountains and plains rises magnificently.


27. But it is good that I feel we overcome bureaucratism than other company.


28. But does his previous career, mostly as a government bureaucrat in the central bank, really equip him for the job?


29. However, the experience of these seven years has also shown us that, with the Party in power, our comrades are liable to become tainted with bureaucratism.


30. A member of the Salesian order, whose particular mission is to work with the young, he is quintessentially a pastoral cleric rather than a church bureaucrat.


31. Morgan: Bureaucrat Conrad, if you complete your death transaction without filing a suicide and/ or falling accident permit, you will be posthumously demoted.


32. So you think I'm a bureaucrat with a badge following some arbitrary guideline.

你认为我是个带警徽的官僚 依照某些死板规则做事。

33. If casing changes a mind, fulfil for the action, with respect to the mistake that can make bureaucratism and subjectivism, the career of bungle party and people, that is more dangerous.


34. Even if concocted by Mr.Wen’s admirers, the report reveals a shift away from the prime minister’s persona as a vacillating, avuncular bureaucrat.


35. Some of the Party comrades who are guilty of bureaucratism also work very diligently, hence the new expression, "busy work bureaucratism".


36. The research in public administration theory and research literatures has devoted more substantial attention to the subject of bureaucratism.


37. They also feared that the Trade Secrets Act would not be a very powerful deterrent in this situation, because the Justice Department would be unlikely to prosecute a bureaucrat for releasing documents to the public.


38. Qu Qiubai put forward the concept “Bureaucrat Capital” in the 1920s.

39. The numbers of them once surpass that of the intelligentsia and the resigned bureaucrat, which causes the extreme expansion of Hunan gentry forces in the period of Xianfeng and Tongzhi.


40. Plot outline: With their warning about Lord Voldemort's return scoffed at, Harry and Dumbledore are targeted by the Wizard authorities as an authoritarian bureaucrat slowly seizes power.


41. The supervisory job that strengthens pair of cadres is influence assure what move correctly reliably, it is the important step that overcomes bureaucratism.

加强对干部的监督工作是权力正确运行的可靠保证 ,是克服官僚主义的重要措施。

42. The ruling period of the Northern Warlords was the full developing stage of bureaucrat capital.


43. Even the serious military dudes, again played by Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gibson, get in on the fun when they give an obnoxious Defence Department bureaucrat his comeuppance.


44. The history and future are interlinked on this: Bureaucratism, essence is division layer makes pyramid structure.


45. The history is full of acid imply, the idea source of our country, come from a kind of completely as contrary as bureaucratism thought originally.


46. The bureaucrat has obvious advantages as follows: improving the unification of applying to law, intensifying the supervisal to authority, making the jurisdiction withstand interference easily.


47. Leaders at all levels must improve their work style, get rid of any bureaucratism and familiarize themselves with realities at the grass roots.


48. At the same time, judicial review may contribute to the political legitimacy of bureaucrat is regulation, by providing an independent check on the validity of administrative decisions.


49. Based on the brief inspection of ordinary ideology about loyalty and filial piety in Tang Dynasty, the article studies the ideology and behavior of bureaucrat gentries about loyalty and filial piety.


50. Reviewing the more than one century's development of public administration, its theoretical pattern changes from bureaucrat to democracy and service.


51. Because of national influence constant evolution arrives in bureaucratism hand, and communal influence puts in a society 's charge all.


52. So we should absorb the reasonable elements of bureaucrat, perfect the administration system and add the elements of humanity in order to establish the humanity bureaucrat.


53. Therefore, it is our task to continue to broaden our co-operation with non-Party people and to enable them to play an ever greater role in our struggle against bureaucratism and in all fields of state affairs.


54. Therefore, carrying out the mass line and overcoming bureaucratism invariably involve a long-term struggle.


55. Tendencies towards bureaucratism of different shades are growing among many functionaries in Party organizations and state organs.


56. Physically, we had a very hierarchical/ bureaucrat / departmentalized organization set-up.


57. Making a speech to countrywide student union in the center, reagan is main assail an old end, namely a variety of malady of daily paperwork, bureaucratism reachs the government its are endangered.


58. However after more than 10 years, ren Tiantang also walked up in those days the old road of face cards enterprise, the bureaucratism of the company gradually be current.


59. So far as methods of management are concerned, we should lay particular stress on overcoming bureaucratism.


60. And in the mists of a Roman night, the dilemma also remains.On the one hand, Bellarmine, bureaucrat, defender of the Church, believed the Bible was the literal word of God.


61. Under the circumstances that the resultant of forces of all sorts of complicated factors in U.S.A. are promoted, politicizing seeming to be an irresistible trend of professional bureaucrat.


62. In carrying out the mass line and combating bureaucratism, it is of vital importance to work in close co-operation with non-Party people, getting as many of them as possible to participate.


63. We should resolutely get rid of formalism and bureaucratism, which harm both our country and the people.


64. Polycentric Governance theory is the newly theory of public administration research area.It devotes a new governance logic which is different from bureaucrat"s administration theory.


65. She has gone from fiery senator and presidential contender to increasingly marginalized run of the mill bureaucrat.


66. One of the first things you have to learn if you want to be a successful bureaucrat is not to make waves.


67. BUREAUCRATISM: You have 2 cows. The State takes both, shoots one, milks the other, then throws the milk away.


68. Bureaucratism basically is behaved to break away from masses, lose contact with reality, use the power in the hand, pervert the law of practise favouritism bribery, take bribes.


69. Among some cadres bureaucratism assumes the form of conceit and complacency.


70. Another fairy widespread form of bureaucratism is authoritarianism.


71. Bureaucratism is parasitism a cancer on system of human society politics, fight bureaucracy must have a definite object in view.


72. Bureaucratism is the one big damage that affects our career progress.


73. BUREAUCRATISM: You have 2 cows. The State takes both, shoots one, milks the other, and then files the milk away...


74. Bureaucratism: You have 2 cows; the Government takes both, shoots one, milks the other and throws the milk away..


75. Bureaucratic politics and bureaucratism has distinctions.


76. Bureaucrat business took the North Dynasties commodity trade to develope, and changed traditional business content.It had enormous influence on that time's economy.


77. Bureaucrat-capital refers to that one clique--the four big families and doesn't mean bureaucrat plus capital. Otherwise, if a county magistrate opened a shop, we would have to confiscate it.


78. A long-time bureaucrat who has never run for public office, Mr Steinmeier needed to convince sceptical voters that he has the heft to do Ms Merkel's job.


79. The bureaucrat often acts as a representative of the power and prestige of the entire structure. This often leads to domineering attitude.


80. A high government official or bureaucrat.

