

1. His symbols are the healing hands and the Caduceus, a winged staff intertwined with two snakes, which can be seen on the signs of pharmacies and hospitals.


2. Confirmed site of Caduceus Medical Station (The Staff!

) (已确定的Caduceus医疗站点,就是图里的The Staff!)

3. Unfortunately, although both the staff of Aesculapius and the caduceus are in use, only one of them has a historical connection with the practice of medicine.


4. Two are an interwoven double helix called ida and pingala, often represented by double serpents (as in the caduceus).


5. Before the doctors appropriated it, the caduceus was worn by people who wanted the gift of eloquence and eternal youth.


6. Caduceus The wand of Mercury, associated in our day with the medical profession, has been a lucky talisman for thousands of years.


7. of or relating to a caduceus.


8. The association of physicians with thievery through the adoption of Hermes caduceus as a medical symbol is undoubtedly undesirable and only those cynics who accuse physicians of an excessive interest in making money may find it appropriate.


9. More often, he is given the attributes of Hermes and portrayed wearing winged sandals or a winged cap and carrying a caduceus.


10. The caduceus began as the magical rod of the Greek messenger-god Hermes (or the Roman god, Mercury).


11. The first of these came in the 1500 s when printers began to use the caduceus as their insignia because they felt it symbolized their role as messengers and businessmen.


12. The caduceus, with its wings and twin snakes, is an impostor which somehow managed to find a connection to medicine, a connection which is unfounded and undesirable.


13. bracts 3;sepals 5, obovate, covered with caduceus tomentum outside;


14. Despite the attractive symmetry of the caduceus though, it is just not a symbol that should be, or ever historically was, associated with the practice of medicine.


15. Despite the apparent clarity around the distinct origins and meaning of the caduceus and the staff of Aesculapius, they are both used commonly, and often interchangeably, every day.


16. Although the specific origin of the caduceus is unknown, its beginnings can be traced back to Greek and Roman mythology.


17. The caduceus was adopted as a symbol of physicians because of its similarity to the staff of Asclepius.


18. That in itself was not a problem until several publishers of medical texts began prominently displaying the caduceus on the books given to students and doctors.

