
carecareD.J.:[kɛə]K.K.:[kɛr]vt. & vi.1.关心, 担心, 在乎, 介意I couldn't care less.我不在乎。She affected not to care.她作出不在意的样子。He failed in the examination but I don't think he cares very much.他考试不及格, 但依我看, 他并不太在乎。Please give me something to drink, I don't care which.请给我点饮料喝一喝, 不管哪一种都行。The captain cares the safety of both the crew and the passengers.船长为船员和旅客们的安全操心。Would you care to come and have a chat with me?如果你不介意的话, 过来和我聊聊天好吗?Carrie doesn't care how far she has to walk.嘉莉不在乎她得走多远。They didn't care if/whether it rained or not.他们不在乎下雨还是不下雨。I don't care whether he comes or not.我不在乎他来不来。I don't care whether it rains, I am happy.我才不在乎下不下雨呢, 我快活着呢。I don't care whether he stays or goes.我不在乎他是留下来还是离去。The boss never cared whether a worker should live or die.老板从来不顾工人死活。I don't care if you smoke.你抽不抽烟, 我不在意。vt.1.喜欢, 愿意I don't care to go on a hike.我不喜欢徒步旅行。I don't care to see plays or films that depict murders or violence.我不喜欢看描写谋杀或暴力的戏剧或电影。n.1.照顾, 护理Children need good care.孩子需要很好照料。2.小心, 注意3.忧虑, 挂念Care killed a cat.忧虑伤身。4.负责照管、办理的事

care[kεə]n.1.烦恼,忧虑;操心2.引起烦恼、忧虑的缘故;操心的事3.当心,小心,注意;谨慎4.关心,关怀,关切;爱护5.照顾,照管;看护,监护6.负责照管的事情;负责,责任vi.1.关心,关怀;担心;操心:He cared only about his own family.他只关心自己的家庭。2.介意;计较;反对:Do you care if I open the window?我打开窗户您介意吗?3.喜爱,喜欢;对…中意(常与 for 连用):She does not care very greatly for art.她对艺术不十分感兴趣。He didn't care for anything about Europe.他一点也不喜欢欧洲。4.照顾,照料,照看;赡养(常与 for 连用):Who is to care for me when I'm old?我年老时谁来照顾我呢?5.希望;想要;想做(常与 for 连用):Do you care for more cake?您还要点蛋糕吗?vt.1.对…介意,计较;对…关心:I don't care what they say.I shall go on just the same.我不管他们说什么,我将照样干下去。2.想要;希望;欲望[后接不定式,常用于否定、疑问及条件句中]:Would you care to come?你愿意来吗?Anyone who cares to come will be welcome.凡是愿意来的人一律欢迎。近义词concernsolicitudeworryanxiety反义词unconcernindifferencebeyond (或 past) caring不关心;不管,不理会could care less[短语 couldn't care less的讹用][口语]一点也不在乎;毫不关心,根本不放在心上drown care(以酒等)消愁解闷for all (或 what) I care[口语]与我无关,关我什么事give care (to)留意,注意;当心have a care谨慎,小心;当心,注意[亦作 take care]have the care of照料I don't care if I do.[口语]好吧,我没意见。[接受对方邀请喝酒时的答语]leave… to the care of someone把…托付给某人照料(或保护)place… under the care of someone把…置于某人保护(或照管)之下take care提防,注意,当心[用作命令式][口语]保重;再见take care of[美国英语]负责;照顾;关怀赡养,为…提供生计应付,处理;满足…的需要[委婉语]逮捕take into care送(无人管教的孩子等)进孤儿院(或教养院等)under the care of在…的照管下;由…管理Who cares?[口语]管它呢!(表示无所谓、撒手不管)变形vi.caredcaring

carecare[kɛə]n.1.注意, 小心2.照料, 关心, 护理3.挂念; 忧虑; 忧愁4.[常用复]心事care of tools爱护工具care of the children照管孩子Take care that no mistakes be made.当心不要出错。Few people are free from care.很少人是无忧无虑的。C-has made her look ten years older.忧愁使她看起来老了十年。
词性变化care[kɛə]vi.1.关心2.喜欢; 爱好3.照顾I don't care for music.我不爱好音乐。He cares for no one.他不顾别人。care[kɛə]vt.1.[方]照顾, 关心2.[方]介意, 计较, 愿意Nobody cares what I do.没有人管我干什么。I don't care how far I'll have to go.无论走多远, 我都不在乎。

继承用法carefree[ˈkeəfri:]adj.1.无忧无虑的care-ladenadj.1.忧心忡忡的caretaker[ˈkeəteɪkə(r)]n.1.(空屋的)看管人, 看守人, [美]看门人2.暂时行使职权者careworn[ˈkeəwɔ:n]adj.1.受忧虑折磨的
