

1. Cerastium cerastoides

n. 六齿卷耳

2. Cerastium limprichtii

n. 华北卷耳

3. Cerastium arvense

n. 卷耳

4. Cerastium fontanum

n. 喜泉卷耳

5. Cerastium szechuense

n. 四川卷耳

6. Cerastium maximum

n. 大卷耳

7. Cerastium tianschanicum

n. 天山卷耳

8. Cerastium pusillum

n. 山卷耳

9. Cerastium perfoliatum

n. 抱茎叶卷耳

10. Cerastium glomeratum

n. 球序卷耳

11. Cerastium pauciflorum

n. 疏花卷耳

12. Cerastium lithospermifolium

n. 紫草叶卷耳

13. Cerastium subpilosum

n. 细叶卷耳

14. Cerastium furcatum

n. 缘毛卷耳

15. Cerastium dahuricum

n. 达乌里卷耳

16. Cerastium wilsonii

n. 鄂西卷耳

17. Cerastium falcatum

n. 镰刀叶卷耳

18. Cerastium baischanense

n. 长白卷耳

19. Any of various herbs of the genera Cerastium and Stellaria, especially S. media, a European weed naturalized worldwide. The herb has small white flowers, petals with two deep lobes, and opposite leaves.


20. [Cerastium aquaticum L.;Stellaria aquaticaarta (L.) Scop.;

拉丁植物动物矿物名 Myosoton aquaticum Moench.

21. [Cerastium aquaticum L.;Stellaria aquaticaarta Scop.;

拉丁植物动物矿物名:Myosoton aquaticum Moench.

22. Their host plants were chiefly Cerastium oruense, Veronica didyma, Aster americana, Humulus candens and so on.

