
charmcharmD.J.:[tʃɑ:m]K.K.:[tʃɑrm]n.1.魅力, 吸引力2.魔力, 魔法, 咒语vt.1.使高兴, 使着迷; 吸引2.使中魔法, (犹如用魔法)控制The witch charmed the prince.女巫使王子中了魔法。

charm1[tʃɑ:m]n.1.魔力,魅力,诱惑力2.诱人之处,可爱之处3.妩媚,美貌,美色4.咒文,咒语;符咒5.随身护符,护身符,避邪物6.(手镯、项圈、表链等上的)小饰物,小饰品7.【物理学】粲,粲数,粲数基粒vt.1.迷住;使陶醉;使喜悦:She charmed her listeners with her sweet voice.她甜润的嗓子使听众如醉如痴。The children were charmed by the sailor's tales of adventure.孩子们听这位水手的冒险故事听得入了迷。2.对…行魔法;(用符咒) 保护;(用魔力) 控制:The wicked old woman charmed the princess with magic words.这个老巫婆用咒语使公主中了魔。It seemed as if he had a charmed life.他似有符咒护身。3.(用个人的魅力或魔法)消除 (烦恼、悲伤等);哄诱;获得:Children's laughter charmed away the old man's troubles.孩子们的笑声驱散了老人的烦恼。He's used to charming his way out of the troubles.他总能想出办法从烦恼中摆脱出来。vi.1.迷人,有魅力;令人陶醉;令人喜爱:He has written a novel that charms by its minute description.他写了一本描写细腻颇具吸引力的小说。2.行魔法;画符咒近义词attractbe charmed with (或 by)给…迷住;醉心于…I shall be charmed.我那可太荣幸了。like a charm效验如神地;异常成功地 charm2[tʃɑ:m]n.1.[英国方言] 混杂的鸟鸣声; (儿童的)乱喊乱叫

charmcharm[tʃɑ:m]n.1.魅力, 魔力2.[pl. ]妩媚, 可爱之处3.符咒, 护符4.小饰物5.(粒子)粲,粲数charm school社交学校charms against evil spirits能驱除恶魔的咒符Her charm of manner made her very popular.她风度优雅, 备受大家欢迎。He fell victim to her charms.他为她的姿色所倾倒。
词性变化charm[tʃɑ:m]vt.1.对...施魔法; 用(魔法, 神力)治愈2.迷住, 使...迷住charm sb. asleep(用魔法)对某人施催眠术She charmed away his sorrow.她驱走了他的悲伤。We were charmed with the scenery.我们陶醉在景色之中。I'm charmed to meet you.幸会, 幸会。charm[tʃɑ:m]vi.1.行魔法2.令人陶醉Does goodness charm more than beauty ?善良是否比美色更为人们所欣赏?

