
chokechokeD.J.:[tʃəuk]K.K.:[tʃok]vt. & vi.1.填塞The channel chokes.这条水道堵塞了。2.(使)窒息He choked with anger.他气得说不出话来。

choke[tʃəuk]vt.1.使窒息,使不能呼吸,掐住…的脖子;呛:The smoke almost choked me.烟呛得我几乎透不过气来。2.阻塞;堵塞;阻止:The pipe was choked by cotton.管道被棉花堵住了。3.扑灭;闷住;扼杀:The great fire was choked at last.大火终于被扑灭。By reducing the financial allocations, the government was choking the life out of their schools.政府正通过削减财政拨款的办法来扼杀他们的学校。4.抑制,压制 (感情等);阻止…的生长,妨碍…的发展 (常与 off连用):Her voice was choked with sobs.她泣不成声。5.咽下,吞下 (常与down 连用):He choked down his breakfast and rushed to the hospital.他匆匆吞下早饭,急忙赶往医院。6.使生气;使失望:They were choked at his words.他的话使他们很恼火。7.[美国英语](打棒球、高尔夫球时)手握球棒中段击球vi.1.窒息;闷死;噎住;呛:He choked on a soya bean and died suddenly.他被一颗黄豆噎住,突然死去。2.阻塞;塞满;阻止:The channel had chocked up with sand so that boats couldn't use it.航道被沙土淤积堵塞,因此船舶不能使用它了。3.[口语](由于感情冲动或过分紧张而)说不出话来;哽咽:He was choking with emotion.他激动得说不出话来。4.失去镇静;惊慌失措;(因过分紧张而)失常,搞糟;举止失措;变得慌乱;乱了步骤:Our basketball team began to choke up in the last quarter.我们的篮球队在最后一节因过度紧张而开始失常了。n.1.窒息;噎;呛2.阻塞的声音3.【机械学】 阻气门4.【电工学】 扼流线圈,抗流圈变形vt.chokedchoking

chokechoke[tʃəuk]vt.1.使阻塞、堵塞、噎塞、哽塞、淤塞、塞满2.闷死, 掐死, 干死(植物), 扑灭(火等)3.阻止, 抑制, 防止, 扼止4.【机】阻塞...的气门(以获得更浓缩的燃料混合物)5.(棒球)握球棒的中段choke one's feeling抑制感情The smoke almost choked me.烟呛得我几乎喘不出气来。
词性变化chokevi.1.窒息, 哽, 噎2.(管道, 水流等) 塞住, 堵塞3.说不出话来4.举止失措choke on a fish bone鱼刺卡在喉咙里choke with anger气得说不出话来choken.1.窒息, 噎, 哽2.堵塞, 闭塞部分3.【机】节气门, 阻风门, 节流口, 调节闸板, 挡渣凸包;【无】扼流器, 扼流圈
