

1. Chug along,down,up, etc.;move steadily in the specified direction while making this sound


2. chug (-a-lug)

v. 一口气喝完整瓶啤酒

3. Chug a lot of energy drinks before, during,and after practice?


4. "Chug, chug, toot, toot!" Off we go!


5. The glib answer is that America has two economies: residential construction and car production are in a slump, but the rest is still chugging along.


6. Is it necessary to chug down eight glasses of water daily, or is this recommendation exaggerated and out of date?


7. Once in office, he seems to have calculated that Japan would chug happily along, leaving him to pursue pet nationalist themes such as inculcating patriotism in schools.


8. The breadth of China's role could depend on its ability to keep its own economy chugging along.


9. To keep mortgage markets chugging along, the Treasury will become a buyer of last resort for bonds packaged by the agencies, purchasing them in the open market if demand slackens.


10. Puuf, Puuf, Puuf, Chug, Chug, Chug!Two little trains are heading West.One is a shiny, streamlined train, moving fast.The other is a little old train, moving not so fast.


11. It's mad for humans to chug moo-juice!


12. 3.He can really chug his beer.


13. 23. He can really chug his beer.


14. He can really chug his beer .


15. But if the US and European economies continue to chug along, and China and India appear set to post double-digit growth rates again, those could be signals that prices will remain high.


16. But we were loving every minute of it, chugging straight up a mountainside, puff by puff, in a 1938 steam train built by the Italians when Eritrea was the jewel in their African crown.


17. The eyes of the world as an adventure and mystery of the incarnation of how piracy can be brazen with AK47 then on the sudden chug it!


18. Oh, I love to chug milk! Sometimes I chug milk right out of the bottle in the fridge.


19. You could sense it in the sound of the chugging engine.The devil was in the river.


20. Have you or your co-workers bragged about pulling an all-nighter recently while chugging double espressos to stay awake?


21. At speeds of around one-millionth of that of a modern broadbandconnection, it sent data chugging along dedicated networks to clunky terminals.


22. everyone knows you have more fun throwing rolls and having chugging contests than comparing how far down your portfolios are.


23. I guess you can't really chug a cup of hot tea, but what about a bottle of cool water?


24. Shorten your stride and chug on up.You can think of the little train that could and repeat "I think I can" on the way up a big hill.


25. The soundtrack of the first Runaway has stayed chugging round the heads of many players.


26. Engines expected will include BMW's 3.0 liter twin-turbo and the 4.4 liter, twin-turbo V8, all with plenty of power output to keep the new 5-series healthily chugging along.


27. LL: I guess you can't really chug a cup of hot tea, but what about a bottle of cool water?


28. Only sprinters or those of us chugging up a hill have to left our legs high.


29. Everybody, get ready to chug your beer!


30. Yeah, chug comes from the sound you make when you drink something quickly and all at one time.


31. "Chug:dull explosive sound, usually short and repeated, made by or as if by a laboring engine."


32. So there's some incentive for the researchers to find that you should eat cereal after exercise instead of chugging a sports drink.


33. There in a department-store window were two electric trains chugging through a miniature, snow-covered town.


34. The economies of emerging markets in Asia and the Middle East are still chugging along, but analysts are cutting growth forecasts for them too.


35. With China’s economy chugging along at 11 percent GDP, it is no wonder freight rates are strong.


36. As things keep chugging along over there, you most definitely don't want to emulate the West's definition of success via 'stuff'.


37. If attention wanes or players become impulsive or anxious, cars slow to a chug.


38. It's such a preposterous setup that I was always aware of the plot chugging away, and the logistics of the chase defy all common sense.


39. They chug along the mRNA track, decoding each successive triplet of nucleotides into a specific amino acid and adding that to a growing chain.


40. And it even worked for subjects who already chug a couple thermoses of joe a day.


41. Small motorboats chug out of the harbor.


42. Although both should be able to keep chugging along, neither is likely to set any great pace.


43. As the operating point crosses over the stability boundary, the chug amplitude disappears


44. I was at home in my writing room, chugging along on my electric guitar, minding my reggae influences, grateful for another sunny afternoon in San Diego.


45. The steam injected into the quiescent subcooled water, can form several condensation modes including chugging, bubbling and jet according to the steam flow rate.


46. Suddenly, the car started chugging and sputtering until finally the engine quit altogether.


47. We asked a resting worker what was going on.'For the Olympics,' he said after chugging some water.


48. I hear the trains collide, the chains rattle, the locomotive chugging, snorting, sniffing, steaming and pissing.


49. I'll chug it it with the dosage thatI'm not to exceed.


50. It suddenly dawned on me that this express was not roaring down the line at ninety miles an hour, but barely chugging along at thirty.


51. I stood and watched the train chug around the loop of track without me.


52. Tugboats chug past, shoving and hauling their variously laden barges; on a shrouded morning, foghorns hoot and moan.


53. Then he heard their old car chugging up the lane.


54. Then he heard their old car chugging up the lane . Through the window he watched her taking carrier bags from the boot.


55. Busy boasts chug and scurry about the river - racy speed boat, stolid, snorting tugs.If I had long days of sight ahead, I should spend many of them watching the delightful activity upon the river.


56. I caught up with a nitrate train, chugging along, its open wagons trailing a gauze of white mist.


57. Sometimes I nodded off on a bench, listening to the chugging of the machine as it echoed through the freezing, lugubrious hall.


58. Small motorboats chug out of the harbour.


59. Fill mug half way with beer. Splash Rum on Tequila in shot glass, then light with match. Drop flaming shot glass in mug. Drop in a lime slice. Chug it.


60. The nuclear industry has been chugging along in Asia, but in the West safety worries have caused it to stall.


61. Those chalky-white mustaches that color our lips after chugging down a refreshing ice-cold glass of creamy milk is caused by the protein called Casein.


62. The train went chugging (ie chugged) up the hill.


63. The train went chugging up the hill.


64. Chugging at a stately pace for thousands of kilometers across Russia by train with a150- person entourage, Kim Jong Il looked like an eccentric aristocrat on an odyssey back in time.


65. Until upgrades are made, trains will be forced to chug along at 120 kilometres per hour over another 22,000 kilometres.


66. TV talk show has entered a bottleneck period, gradually chug.


67. Objective: To gather clinical experience for chug use and improve medical service quality.


68. For me, there is nothing better than chugging a glass of milk right after eating a plate of my mom's chocolate chip cookies.


69. LL: Oh, I love to chug milk! Sometimes I chug milk right out of the bottle in the fridge.


70. better than chugging a glass of milk right after eating a plate of my mom's chocolate chip cookies.


71. LL: For me, there is nothing better than chugging a glass of milk right after eating a plate of my mom's Chocolate Chip Cookies.


72. chugging like a tugboat through the night.


73. Busy boasts chug and scurry about the river - racy speed boat, stolid, snorting tugs


74. All Chelsea seem to be doing is be chugging along.


75. And now chugging along at 20 kilometres an hour, she's reached Moyale.


76. Chug that liquid.


77. Make sure your roommate sees you drinking it and say “you had a good run” while you chug the shake.


78. To determine who serves, whoever finishes chugging a beer first spins the paddle and whoever it points closest to is deemed the server.


79. The company says that the chug would best be combined with exercise and better eating, but that obviously would be up to patients.

该公司的人说,这种药最好与锻炼和有节制地饮食同时进行。 但是,很明显这要由病人决定。

80. The peaceful green countryside was filled with the chugging of the boat engine and the stink of its exhaust.

