
climbclimbD.J.:[klaim]K.K.:[klaɪm]vt. & vi.1.爬, 攀登The plane climbed steeply.飞机陡直地爬升。n.1.攀登2.要攀登到的地方或距离There was a steep climb on the road out of town.市外公路上有一处很陡的上坡路。3.上升, 增长The minister's climb to power had taken 8 years.这位部长花了八年的工夫攀升到权贵之尊。

climb[klaim]vi.1.爬,攀登;上升:The old lady climbed up the stairs with difficulty.这位老太婆艰难地爬上楼梯。The road climbed steeply.这条公路的上坡很陡。2.(飞机)爬升,徐徐上升;爬上;登上:The plane climbed to 30 000 feet.飞机升高到30 000英尺。The children climbed into the school bus.孩子们登上校车。3.(用手脚)爬行:They climbed out through the window.他们从窗户爬出来。4.(植物等)向上攀缘:Some roses climbed on the frames.有的蔷薇攀缘在架子上。5.(温度等)上升;(货币等)增值:The pound sterling has been climbing steadily all week.整个星期英镑一直在稳步增值。6.(在社会地位等方面)向上爬:to climb to power爬上掌权地位The Browns have climbed socially since Mr Brown became a Member of Parliament.自从布朗先生当了国会议员,他一家人在社会上的地位都提高了。7.[口语]匆忙地穿上(或脱下):The soldiers climbed into their uniforms at the sound of the warning bell.听到警报铃声,士兵们迅速穿上军装。vt.1.爬,攀登:We now set out to climb the hill.我们现在动身去爬山。2.(植物等)沿…攀缘而上:The grapevine climbed the wall.葡萄繦沿墙壁向上生长。3.使(飞机)爬,升高:to climb a plane to an altitude使飞机上升到一定高度n.1.攀登,爬,升高2.攀登的地方;登山路线;陡坡3.上升;增长4.屋顶入室盗窃(案)at the climb当飞贼,从屋顶侵入盗窃climb the walls见 wallon the climb有升迁希望变形vi.climbed或 clombclimbing

climbclimb[klaim]vi.1.攀登, 爬, 上坡2.逐渐上升; (飞机)爬升; (植物)攀缘向上; (物价等)逐渐上涨; (道路、楼梯等)倾斜向上3.(在社会地位方面)钻营; 向上爬4.迅速或费力地穿[脱]衣服climb to a height of ten thousand feet升到一万英尺的高度climb over a fence翻过围墙climb to power上台, 捞到大权Monkeys climb well.猴子善于攀爬。The firemen climbed into their clothes.救火员们迅速地穿上他们的衣服。
词性变化climb[klaim]vt.1.爬, 攀登; 登上, 爬上2.使(飞机)爬升; (植物)在...上攀缘而上3.仰起炮身climb a mountain登山climb[klaim]n.1.攀登;【航空】爬升2.(可)攀登之地, 山坡

继承用法climb-downn.1.向下爬2.[口]退让, 让步, 屈服; 认错; (声明的)撤回climbout[ˈklaɪmaʊt]n.1.(飞机)爬升; 经济复苏climbable[ˈklaɪməbl]adj.1.可攀登的, 爬得上去的