

1. " Belong" collocates with " to" .

" belong" 习惯上与“to”搭配。

2. 2) their significant collocates,and the MI value and Z score between synonyms and their collocates;


3. * Common subject and object collocates used with the verb are included.


4. 'Bitter' collocates with 'tears' but 'sour' does not.

bitter 可与 tears 搭配,而 sour 则不可。

5. 'Bitter' and 'tears' are collocates.

bitter 和 tears 可搭配使用。

6. * `Weak' collocates with `tea' but `feeble' does not.

weak可与tea搭配, 而feeble则不可.

7. “Heavy” collocates with “rain” but “large” does not.


8. "weak" collocates with "tea",but "feeble"does not.

“weak”与“tea”搭配, 而“feeble”则不能。

9. Moreover,“bu+adjective”can also collocates with every quantity degree adverbial word of grade,shows different quantity.


10. Brief introduction: The product collocates according to YIWEIKE. It has good capility of starting in low temperature, anti oxygen and antichafe. It fits the request of CD of API.


11. Brief introduction: The product collocates according to the characteristic of the Wushiling engine.


12. But neglecting the importance of planning decision-making this key link which rationally collocates social resources, will make urban planning and urban administration much more effectively.


13. 'Glad' collocates with 'news'.

和 'news'构成连语

14. So although 贫and穷are synonyms, they collocate differently.So 贫and农are collocates搭配词,穷and人are collocates.


15. The imbalance of resource collocates is the important reason which leads to the differences between development of city and village.


16. As each of the two passive voices has its character, the preposition, which collocates with it, is quite different.


17. Because the resource of corporation logistics collocates is illogicality, make information processing below, the logistics ability no well, induce cannot shape scale benefit.


18. and if it collocates with railroad, the evacuation time is then 123 minutes.


19. The omission of collocates and the transference of modifiers is considered the most prominent features of deviation in English collocation.


20. This sueding machine is applicable to suede knitted,woven,superfine and warp-knitted fabrics.It also collocates with carving roller to suede various types of figures.


21. It is the phenomenon that the connotation of a lexical item can be conveyed by the habitual co-occurrence of its collocates, as revealed through the exploration of a computer-readable corpus.


22. "Belong" collocates with "to".

