
containcontainD.J.:[kənˈtein]K.K.:[kənˈten]vt.1.包含; 容纳Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol.威士忌的酒精含量极高。Rice contains protein and fat.大米含蛋白质和脂肪。The hall can contain two hundred people.大厅可以容纳200人。What is contained in this drawer?这抽屉里装的是什么?2.控制, 抑制The little boy couldn't contain his urine any longer.这个小孩再也忍不住小便了。The cholera outbreak has been contained.霍乱的发生已被控制住了。He contained his fear.他抑制住自己的恐惧。

contain[kən'tein]vt.1.包含,包括,含有,装有;由…组成:The bowl contained a variety of fruit.这个碗里盛着各种各样的水果。2.容纳,能装:The bottle contains 500 millilitres.这个瓶子能装500毫升。3.等于;相当于:A pound contains 16 ounces.一磅等于16英两。4.克制,容忍:At the sight of this cruelty, they could hardly contain their anger.看到这种惨不忍睹的景象,他们简直无法克制他们的愤怒情绪。5.牵制,遏制,制止:The cholera outbreak has been contained.霍乱的爆发已被遏制住。6.【数学】是…的倍数,可被(某数)除尽:Fourteen contains seven and two.14可被7和2除尽。vi.1.[废语]克制感情,自制近义词holdaccommodate

containcontain[kənˈtein]vt.1.包含, 含有2.能装, 能容纳3.忍住, 抑制4.控制, 遏制5.相当于, 等于6.【数】被...除尽, 整除; (边)夹(角), 包围(图形)7.【军】牵[钳]制, 拦截Pig iron may contain 4% of carbon.生铁可含百分之四的碳。The bottle contains two pints.瓶装二品脱。At the sight of this cruelty , he could hardly contain his anger.见此残暴情形, 他无法克制自己的愤怒。A pound contains 16 ounces.一磅等于十六盎司。12 contains 2, 3, 4 and 6. 12可以用2, 3, 4, 6来除。They are making a plan for containing the enemy attack.他们在制订牵制敌人进攻的计划。
词性变化contain[kənˈtein]vi.1.自制He could contain no longer.他再也无法自制。

参考词汇contain;hold;accommodate;都含“包含”、“容纳”的意思。1.contain着重“其中确实包含有”, 如:The bottle contains water. 这个瓶子里有水。 hold指“能容纳”, 如: The house holds 20 people. 这房子能住下20人。 accommodate指“舒适地容纳”、“接纳”, 如:This hotel was built to accommodate 100 people. 建造这个旅馆以接纳100人。