

1. Controversies on "Subject" and Reconstruction--Studies on the Two Basic Guiding Principles of Environmental Ethics


2. A new provision concerning the right of special defense has been added to the amended Criminal Code in 1997,which has aroused controversies among criminal jurists.


3. NRC first reviewed the feasibility study in 2001 during controversies over the accuracy of models being used by the Corps to justify lock expansion based on increased demand for barge transportation.


4. “This Wronged One hath frequented no school, neither hath He attended the controversies of the learned.


5. It is the theory of the Republic that in deciding such controversies, the judges of the state should have a large amount of discretion.


6. A distinct question is the extent to which Congress may grant an agency judicial power, i.e., the power to adjudicate controversies between individual litigants.


7. Rejoice in your friends, avoid the law and controversies.


8. The author provides a more balanced view than many previous biographers, acknowledging Hamilton’s great successes while exposing the controversies caused by his stubborn and inflammatory personality.


9. In the world, all major controversies have both pros and cons, the only difference is whether or not it is good or bad.


10. Chinese constitutions concerning administrative divisions are too "rigid", and fail to adopt the technique of "legal reservation", so relevant constitutional controversies arise.


11. To advance the development of Olympic Games healthily, this article analyzed three different controversies of Olympic marketing's main body from benefits of social and economical angles.


12. In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.


13. Controversies over the Retainment and Abandonment of Main Entries


14. Nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work--which is by faith.


15. The controversies appear to have eroded support for Obama in national polls.


16. The controversies appear to have eroded a support for Obama in national polls.


17. " Huntington lived the life of his choice, neither seeking controversies nor ducking them.


18. Too many decisions are being excessively influenced by social issues and other controversies of our times.


19. The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way.


20. Research presentations at this year's Digestive Disease Week (DDW) meeting highlighted important controversies regarding our understanding and recognition of NAFLD.


21. From the perspective of avant-garde and contemporary art, art itself should generate controversies.


22. On different ways of journalist thinking from the perspective of reporting controversies


23. From questions of this class spring all our constitutional controversies, and we divide upon them into majorities and minorities.


24. He joined the CIA in 1966 and, despite being embroiled in such controversies as the exaggeration of the Soviet threat and the Iran-contra affair, he became the CIA's director under Mr Bush's father.


25. I enjoy listening to them discuss the latest controversies.


26. They have the authority to adjudicate specific controversies between adverse litigants over which and over whom they have jurisdiction.


27. They have authority to interpret the Constitution, all federal statutes, treaties, and federal administrative rules, but their authority is limited to actual cases and controversies.


28. He urged upon citizens of the country the necessity of persisting in participation in political controversies.


29. He urged upon citizens of the country the necessity of persisting in participation I political controversies.


30. He insisted that despite the controversies surrounding last year's tie, all is well between the clubs. "We have a good relationship," he said.


31. Because he is so honest, he does not shy away from writing about any of these controversies, often with lacerating self criticism and always with self-deprecating charm.


32. He did not generate controversies at that time, but he might do so in future.


33. He procureth feuds and reconcileth controversies between friends.


34. And he is most known for his poetry, poetic views and the poetry movement, which invite him a great deal of controversies and studies.


35. There have been many controversies regarding conservative surgery for the treatment of multicystic ameloblastoma, owing to its high rate of recurrence.


36. But his victories are also covered (with) the controversies in his life, most notably the death of a young woman when he drove a car off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island in 1969.


37. But you know how the theologians in their collegiate chairs, and philosophers in their controversies, occasionally say cruel truths;


38. Standardization of treatment is urgently needed in the clinic,but there are many controversies regarding its treatment,such as the extent of surgery and the choice of adjuvant therapy modality.


39. There are many controversies concerning the Crime, in the theory of criminal law and judicial practice, as one of typical malfeasance crime manifestations that state functionary carry on by jobbery.


40. Keep your temper! Avoid getting into controversies with a lady in your circle!


41. Have sectional,sectarian,controversies


42. But as a new charge in the new Criminal Law, the Crime of Embezzlement has given rise to many controversies in the academic circles.


43. Controversies over Ricardian Equivalence Theorem


44. Controversies about financial remuneration will cause many professionals to seek other types of employment.


45. Key words: national character; origin; controversies;connotation; character; influential factors


46. - One of the most well known of the blogging hosts. Offers multiple account types such as ad-supported and paid. The center of a few controversies recently.


47. controversies about creation


48. Generative literature shows that there are controversies over the questions: whether Chinese Resultative V-V Compound is generated in lexicon or syntax and how its causative feature is checked.


49. Police Officers'and Attorneys'ForumDifferentiation and Analyses on Labor Controversies


50. On Some Controversies of the Permo Carboniferous stratigraphy in North China Platform


51. The legacy of the crisis may turn out to be rules that address longstanding controversies with short selling and attempt to prevent selling frenzies like those that occurred last fall.


52. Even though this toy never saw production it has been at the core of several controversies, stories, and dreams.


53. Even significant controversies may be settled through mediation.


54. The controversies, instead, surround efforts to improve the slums.


55. What are the function and result of the two controversies in ancient Greece?


56. Furthermore, the controversies sunounding the Human Genome Project can be better explained by the past events leading to the project, the structure of the project, and the moral discussion of the project.


57. But still the numerical controversies raged.


58. to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party;


59. Contract writing is not creative writing and is not meant to provoke reflective thoughts or controversies about nuances of meaning.


60. Speaking to reporters here Wednesday evening, General Hartmann addressed one of the main controversies surrounding the process, the use of secret evidence.


61. Because the Mainland and Hong Kong differ greatly in both culture and legal system, there exist great controversies on the interpretation of the Basic Law.


62. The author holds that the controversies can be accounted for by the divergence in methodology.Thus,in order to defi...


63. The controversies surrounding population growth are unlikely to subside soon.


64. In the past few years, these problems have drawn extensive studies and intensive controversies in the fields of paleo-geology, paleontology, and paleoclimatology.


65. Controversies Between the State-run and Private Economy: the Early Reflections for the Theories of Chinese Economic Modernization


66. While the political dust of the 1999 general election has settled, there has been no lack of controversies in Malaysian politics.


67. The legal controversies that were stirring Washington in 2005 went beyond the standard problems of legal interpretation, however.


68. Sociobiology has become one of the greatest scientific controversies of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, especially in the context of explaining human behavior.


69. In this review, the consensus is presented and controversies of PSP management are discussed, especially on the roles of VATS.


70. There has been a lot of controversies on which layer the silastic implants should be inserted in the augmentation rhinoplasty,i.e. subperiosteal or deep subfascial.


71. But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and strife and disputes about the Law, for they are unprofitable and worthless.


72. Most of the Games' early controversies concerned the judge, which was often incompetent and sometimes blatantly biased. Although the judging level improved lately, it never quite fades away.


73. If things are missing from a search, we often link to websites that explain the controversies.


74. Lv Liangbiao, the vicegerent lawyer of Wahaha and a senior partner of Dacheng Law Office, advised both two sides put aside some controversies by dint of this chance so as to return to the negotiation.


75. Some in Mumbai's large Muslim community fear the attacks may stir the upcoming political campaigns, aware that such controversies can easily end up in religious clashes.


76. It was written by scholars and learned men in dozens of different creeds.But riding high above all secular controversies was a faith in One who was the Creator, the Giver of Life, the Omnipotent.


77. It protects you from destructive controversies.


78. It steers smack into some of the biggest controversies in American education - tying teacher tenure and salaries to performance, and setting national standards for what is taught and tested.


79. Religious controversies are always productive of more acrimony and irreconcilable hatreds than those which spring from any other cause.


80. Discussion on the Controversies of "Pleasant Physical Education"

