
coughcoughD.J.:[kɔf]K.K.:[kɔf, kɑf]vt. & vi.1.咳嗽She coughed the whole night.她咳了一晚上。She coughed a terrible cough.她咳嗽得非常厉害。He coughed himself hoarse.他咳得嗓子沙哑了。n.1.咳, 咳嗽His illness started with a slight cough.他的病是从轻微咳嗽开始的。He had short dry coughs.他干咳了几声。

cough[kɔ:f]vi.1.咳,咳嗽:Cover your mouth when you cough.咳嗽时要捂上嘴。2.发出咳嗽似的声音;发出嘎嘎声:The engine began to cough on the hill.在山坡上引擎发出嘎嘎的爆发声。vt.1.咳出(常与 up 连用):She coughed blood again this morning.今天早晨她又咳血了。He coughed up some drops of blood.他咳出了几滴血。2.[俚语]付出:You'll have to cough up three dollars for that ticket.你买那张票需付三美元。3.[俚语]吐露:He coughed up all he knew.他把他所知道的一切情况都讲出来了。n.1.咳嗽,咳嗽声2.咳嗽病3.咳嗽似的声音

coughcough[kɔ:f]n.1.咳, 咳嗽2.咳嗽声3.(机关枪等的)连续发射声whooping cough百日咳cough crane鸣鹤cough drop咳嗽糖cough lozenge咳嗽片cough syrup止咳糖浆
词性变化cough[kɔ:f]vi.1.咳嗽, 发出咳嗽似的声音2.(引擎等)发突突声vt.1.咳; 咳出