1. A countertrend move back to the .7200 area or higher is probably underway.
2. Countertrend traders sell short when an upside breakout starts running out of speed and cover when a downtrend starts petering out.
3. Emotionally, it is extremely hard to hold a position through a countertrend move.
4. They shake fearful traders out of winning trades with brief countertrend spikes before embarking on runaway moves.
5. Before you put on a trade, be sure to know whether you're investing, momentum trading, or countertrend trading.
6. It is cheaper to exit and reenter than sit through a countertrend move.
7. Momentum traders and countertrend traders capitalize on two opposite aspects of crowd behavior.
8. You can, of course, take two ATSes -a trend-following one and a countertrend one - and attach them to the same chart.
9. While the first screen put you in a trend-following mode, you now want to go countertrend ---- "buy low, sell high.
10. Intraday charts often have countertrend moves late in the day, as traders with paper profits start closing positions.
11. it seems to us that the market had found a very substantial support plateau from where a major countertrend advance will base and climb in the days ahead.
12. Retracements in a trend. Retracement scalps may be taken with the trend following a pullback, or, if the trader is sharp and brave, countertrend during the pullback.
13. If you can't make money trading the longterm trend, you never should try to make money trading countertrend.
14. If you have something that works as a countertrend, go more for the markets where the ranges are big relative to what they were.
15. If something fundamental can make that decline happen, countertrend funds will make it happen.
16. If the ranges are big, trades ought to be oriented to the countertrend.
17. If the trend is the signal, then the countertrend motion is the noise.
18. Although a recession in the developed world is now more or less inevitable, China, India and some of the oil-producing countries are in a very strong countertrend.
19. In summary : it seems to us that the stage had been set for a strong countertrend rally that has the potential to propel the major indices into the area of 50-day moving average.
总结 :在我们看来,大盘似乎已经准备好爆发一轮强劲的逆势反弹,有可能将各大指数推向50日均线附近区域。
20. The temptation to sell naked options close to the money and get fatter premiums is dangerous, because a slight countertrend move can push your position underwater.
21. Oscillators identify tops and bottoms during trading ranges but flash premature countertrend signals when the markets begin to run.
22. Apply these percentages after a trend in either direction to predict the extent of the countertrend swing.
23. Yesterday we’ve said that: “the market had found a very substantial support plateau from where a major countertrend advance will base and climb in the days ahead.
24. All markets have a certain amount of random noise, or quick countertrend moves.
25. The other method is the countertrend strategy.
26. Fibonacci ratios describe the interaction between trend and countertrend markets -- 38%, 50% and 62% retracements form the primary pullback levels.