

1. Kong: Chitty is a creepy and disturbing bird!


2. Where are the pictures that that creepy pretzel vendor took of us together?

|那个怪咸酥饼小贩 帮我们合拍的照片在哪里?

3. Hey, we want to call the band the 'Beatles.'@ Hmm, bit creepy, isn't it? It's all right though, a double meaning.


4. The “Inspirations from the Nature Kingdom” and “Messages from the Creepy Crawlers” along with the “Messages from the Great White Buffalo” come from the unconscious of such species.


5. A picture of a grinning guy who reminds you of your creepy Uncle Lester.


6. As soon as he was out of the bathroom, two figures, one tall and one short, met his eyes. They were Creepy and Weirdo.


7. A hand patted his shoulder. Wen Xiang turned his head and saw Weirdo. Behind him, standing two heads taller, was Creepy.


8. Three college girls driving in a hard-driving rainstorm crash their car. They stumble upon a creepy mansion, and come upon a strange family with a dark secret.


9. Stand by John to find an exit out of this limbo in an action shooter of the creepy kind.


10. Neither that fireman nor I had any time to peer into our creepy thoughts


11. It is also in understanding the void that Creepy Crawler People can exceed at mastering dream weaving, or aiding others in weaving and manifesting their dreams.


12. Necromancy is discovered. There were always creepy people who dressed in black and liked skulls, but they had a sense of purpose.


13. One may not think of us as a “creepy crawler”, and yet we are other small kingdoms that hold a special function upon earth and therefore are associated.


14. His voice was creepy, and he was always in charge of guarding Cybertron for the Decepticons.


15. There is something creepy about him.


16. a creepy ghost story


17. Based on creepy transport model of single solvent in polymer membrane, a transport model of mixed solvents in polymer membrane was presented by considering the coupling between mixed solvents.


18. Bernard: No offence, but I always thought those pictures were a little creepy.


19. On “German” the card loads but shows som creepy letters.


20. But his Joker is a creature of such ghastly life, and the performance is so visceral, creepy and insistently present that the characterization pulls you in almost at once.


21. You think having a wormy millipede stretch its bazillion legs across your upper lip is creepy and beyond disgusting?


22. Within context, don’t be a creepy, arrogant loudmouth or anything.


23. Do you know, sometimes on still, quiet evenings like this, I almost get a creepy feeling that they will all walk in through that window.


24. A creepy feeling; a creepy story.

使人害怕的感觉; 一个令人毛骨悚然的故事

25. The isopod pictured above, for example, is but one of some 600 new species of these woodlouse-like creepy crawlies.


26. The stream of trite and creepy love-talk would have swayed other women and won him someone' s heart, but when it was turned upon me, the power of those words drove me ineffable distances from him, poor fool!

假使他把这串浅薄肉麻的情话去对别个女人说,一定是很动听的,可以得一个所谓的爱的心吧。 但他却向我,就由这些话语的力,把我推得 隔他更远了。 唉,可怜的男子!

27. Further in, you could see tiny crocodile, fishes, frogs, tortoises, and some creepy creatures like snakes, spiders, geckos, and one cute white-ear monkey.


28. It's very creepy to walk alone at 1am.


29. It is very creepy to walk alone at am!


30. Creepy came over in one long stride.Like picking up a tiny chick, he took Carmine by the collar, and lifted him off the ground even as Carmine continued to struggle.


31. Creepy and Weirdo immediately boarded the Flying-cloud Shuttle and flew to the Waterless River.


32. Creepy called in two team members to keep an eye on Boban.


33. Creepy took out a glue-spray vial and sprayed him.Immediately, a layer of white sticky membrane clung tightly to the man.


34. Creepy and Weirdo had a hard time to keep from laughing.But Lin Xiaojun just sat there listlessly , her face betraying no emotion.


35. Creepy immediately sprayed another kind of chemical substance on Boban and the gluish membrane lessened a little.Dr.


36. Creepy and Weirdo, you'll be responsible for investigating the energy situation.As soon as you have something, be it true or false, you're to report it immediately.


37. "It's condescending, it's weird and it't a little creepy," Mr. Bode said, "But there's nothing punitive about them saying, 'Well, if people want to come here and stay with the animals, they can'.

博登先生说“这是有点降低人格的,是不可思议的,甚至有点令人害怕不安的,”“不过他们所说的‘如果有人愿意来这里和动物呆在一起,他们可以来。 ’这话没有惩罚的意思。

38. Elements are more difficult to balance along with all other jobs creepy crawlers do wherever humans live in large enough numbers.


39. But Phoebe, you can go out with a creepy guy any night of the year. I know I do.


40. On hearing the snake hiss, I felt creepy.


41. Well, every little detail is one thing. You know, weird creepy secrets, that's another.


42. The businessman's introduction let a person look creepy, "When night goes out or searching soul, caution bumps really ghostliness or soul oh!


43. Karyotypical Analysis of Erective and Creepy Ophipogonjaponicus in Mianyang of Sichuan


44. And so love flows between the creepy crawlers and the plants;and the plants and the trees;and the trees and the forests and all other kingdoms that live within them.


45. Inside human dwellings, Creepy Crawler People will have a tendency to surround themselves with living plants bringing the outdoors indoors in this manner.


46. At night, the figure was almost unbelievably creepy;


47. In the food court we passed by this creepy pervert feeling up a woman.


48. The design of Geonosian hive interiors are forever in shadow, evoking a creepy sense of the unknown.


49. Where hey, yeah, for the extra challenge, he also gets to be the guy responsible for their safety against a bunch of creepy nightmare enemies.


50. It's kind of creepy down in the cellar!


51. Often, I thought it was creepy to feel this fear in such a seductive place.Saipan was like a bowl of tropical Jell-O.


52. Can't stand the shadows in those creepy catacombs?


53. What a creepy coincidence.


54. Ollivander moved closer to Harry. Harry wished he would blink. Those silvery eyes were a bit creepy.


55. She seems a rather creepy, jejune and adolescent fantasy.


56. Her voice makes my scalp creepy.


57. Ok, ok, Roger was creepy, but he was nothing compared to Pete Carney.


58. Okay. Just a little bit creepy.


59. If bad ’80s comedies are any guide, this move should be saved for large family dinners as a way to antagonize relatives, like when you're sitting across from creepy Uncle Melvin.


60. They are so thin in fact, that I can hear the creepy guy next door say my full name over and over again very slowly whilst masturbating rigorously.


61. For the secretive or creepy type, Vice City is full of surprises, a place where you'll constantly be surprised by the vivacious, fun-loving types who live there and the things you can discover.


62. Then Dr.Lin took the lead, with Black King Kong and Creepy following right behind her.Weirdo deliberately brought up the rear with Xiaojun.While they were walking, Weirdo talked casually with her.


63. I get a creepy feeling when he looks at me


64. I get a creepy feeling when he looks at me.


65. Creepy music coming from a graveyard should always be closely investigated.


66. As Jackson's eccentricities deepened, the magnificient artist turned into a creepy curiosity, succumbing to scandal, controversy and financial ruin.


67. Broken dolls and dead cats are found around and creepy sounds at night when Meg completed a tiny playhouse in the backyard for her daughter.


68. All three are beholden to Yaxley, a creepy acquaintance from their schooldays who shows up periodically, always speaking in metaphysical riddles about a sensual realm called "the Pleroma.


69. Okay, this looks like one of the creepy trees in the forest that Snow White takes off into when she's escaping from the Queen's hench man who was sent to kill her.


70. Creepy huh? this is one history lesson most people probably will not mind reading!


71. I am afraid to go into that store. That guy who works there is really creepy.


72. I didn’t sign up for some creepy love triangle.


73. Dakota Moss: I could handle creepy guys. This guy was different.


74. I have this creepy feeling that someone is just at this very moment reading something that I wrote.


75. I always told you he was creepy.


76. I think he is intense and creepy.


77. My GeekSon thought the cave entrance was “creepy.


78. The military precision of 2,008 drummers moving in perfect synchronicity, pounding out the sound of a billion hearts beating, was both mesmerizing and slightly creepy.


79. Wen Xiang came over and shook hands with him with great enthusiasm.Unexpectedly Li Busu made a code sign to Wen Xiang with his hand.It was the same one Creepy had taught Wen Xiang.


80. When Wen Xiang found that both Creepy and Weirdo had Cantonese accents, he felt friendly towards them and paid closer attention.

