a thing said or done that serves as a signal to an actor or other performer to enter or to begin their speech or performance (让演员等开始说话或表演的)提示;暗示 ■a signal for action 行动信号 his success was the cue for the rest of Fleet Street to forge ahead. 他的成功号召了英国报业界的其他人努力前进。 ■a piece of information or circumstance which aids the memory in retrieving details not recalled spontaneously (帮助唤起记忆的)提示信息;提示环境 ■(Psychology)a feature of something perceived that is used in the brain's interpretation of the perception (心理)线索 expectancy is communicated both by auditory and visual cues. 期望通过听觉和视觉线索得以传达。 ■a hint or indication about how to behave in particular circumstances (对特定环境下行为的)提示;暗示 my teacher joked about such attitudes and I followed her cue. 老师开玩笑地谈起那些看法,我领会了她的意思。 ■[mass noun]a facility for playing through an audio or video recording very rapidly until a desired starting point is reached 提示器
(cues, cued, cueing 或 cuing)
[with obj.]give a cue to or for 提示;暗示 Ros and Guil, cued by Hamlet, also bow deeply. 罗斯和吉尔在哈姆雷特的暗示下,也深深地鞠了个躬。 ■act as a prompt or reminder 作为提示;作为提醒 have a list of needs and questions on paper to cue you. 将需要和问题记在纸上以提醒你。 ■set a piece of audio or video equipment in readiness to play (a particular part of the recorded material) 使放音或录像准备播放(录制材料的特定部分) features make it easier to cue up a tape for editing. 专题节目使得备好磁带准备编辑更加容易。
常用词组 on cue
at the correct moment 恰是时候 right on cue the door opened. 门适时地开了。
take one's cue from
follow the example or advice of 学…的样;听从…的建议 McGee did not move and Julia took her cue from him. 麦吉没有动,朱莉娅也学他的样。
mid 16th cent.: of unknown origin
cue2 noun
a long straight tapering wooden rod for striking the ball in snooker, billiards, etc. (台球等的)球杆
(cues, cued, cueing 或 cuing)
[no obj.]use such a rod to strike the ball 用球杆击
派生 cueist noun
(rare 罕).)
mid 18th cent. (denoting a long plait or pigtail): variant of queue