

1. In Gladstone, Australia, from July 1, 1994, no household was allowed to keep more than two cats, and from January 1, 1995, cats were under a night curfew.

1994年7月1日起,澳大利亚的格莱斯顿市规定每户养猫不得超过2只; 从1995年1月1日起,对猫实行宵禁。

2. impose a curfew

v. 实行宵禁

3. lift a curfew

v. 撤消宵禁

4. curfew order

[法] 宵禁令

5. life a curfew

[法] 撤销宵禁

6. "stubborn unlaid ghost/That breaks his magic chains at curfew time" (John Milton)


7. If you get good grades, your parents let you do things -- a car when you get a license, a later curfew, says Kelsey Darch, who has gotten both.


8. A woman ventures on to the streets of Srinagar in Indian-administered Kashmir during an unofficial curfew.


9. Authorities in Najaf imposed a curfew.


10. A spokeswoman for recently elected Andalusian regionalparty Mayor Javier Checa says the curfew is an attempt to encourage the men to stay at home and do the chores.


11. The lovestruck alien Krelman tried to woo her on the night the Empire enacted a curfew on the spaceport city due to suspected subversive activities on the planet.


12. My curfew for school nights is 9 o'clock.


13. But Ms Figueroa says the curfew is unfair as she needs to work late to catch up on paperwork because her days are filled with meetings.


14. East Timor has declared a two-day state of emergency. Under the decree, police have additional powers, public gatherings are banned and a nighttime curfew is in place.


15. an 11 o'clock curfew


16. They might impose a curfew along their western sea coast.


17. They were also banned from owning radios, and were subject to a curfew.


18. Several hours before curfew time and tied herself to bell's huge clapper.


19. He says he believes Iraq's security situation is under control. "I do not think we need to declare a curfew," he insisted.


20. He says he believes Iraqi Iraq's security situation is under controll, control." I do not think we need to declare a few curfew, " he insisted.


21. Notified the citizens of the curfew by posting signs.


22. Iraq says it will close borders, extend curfew hours and ban travel as part of stringent security measures to protect voters during this week's parliamentary elections.


23. But it reached a new depth of deadness two weeks ago when a curfew forced people to stay home at night.


24. But the security forces hope a continuing curfew would give them time to get greater control of the areas of the capital where there are still clashes.


25. But the curfew was widely flouted.


26. But by the time darkness fell and a curfew was in place, fewer than 500 had managed to get into the city.


27. You must get home before curfew.


28. Make the curfew and miss the curfew you are grounded.


29. Say your child comes home past his curfew.


30. Are supplier employees free to enter or leave the housing provided at any time (except possibly during a nighttime curfew)?


31. Elite commandos: Officials on Sunday said elite commando troops had been dropped into parts of Mingora for advance combat as the army lifted a curfew to allow thousands of civilians to flee.


32. Heavily armed foreign troops and a night curfew have brought calm to Honiara, but many Chinese remain homeless and scared.


33. The military government clamped a curfew onto the capital.


34. The army clamped a curfew on five towns.


35. The army imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew.


36. Almost always, they would come home way past their curfew.


37. Several workers were using emergency water drainage, traffic police have been on both sides of the bridge in the middle of a set curfew logo.


38. People began heading home as the hour of curfew approached.


39. Councillors in California have passed a curfew on their own mayor because they don't like her working late at night.


40. Bedding, linen, towel will be prepared.It is an ideal location in the central part of Tokyo for budget stayers.There is no curfew, you can come back any time.Room size: 6 tatami size.

包含床铺, 床单, 毛巾, 网路连线, 公共设施. 是适合预算有限的旅客在东京中心的住宿. 无宵禁时间, 可自由随时进出. 客房面积: 6个榻榻米大小左右的面积.

41. Israeli troops enforcing a curfew clashed with dozens of young Palestinian stone-throwers Saturday, and a 14-year-old was killed by army fire, doctors said.


42. Nancy: The curfew for our children is at 11p.m.


43. Campaigners believe the marines on Okinawa will soon revert to their old ways once the curfew is lifted.

参加抗议活动的人们 认为,一旦宵禁取消,冲绳岛上的美国海军们又会重蹈覆辙。

44. American parents allow their daughters or sons to go out with their boy or girlfriends as long as they come home at the certain curfew.


45. On Wednesday the authoritiesannounced a two-month night-time curfew and troops surrounded monasteries inthe city.


46. The Government lifted an overnight traffic curfew on Wednesday, and a strengthened military force, aided by helicopters clattering overhead, kept streets largely calm.


47. Variety of nightlife available within walking distance of the hostel, no curfew here,but don't drink too much and miss yourself!


48. The din had woken the city; and though the Emperor's guards were riding back and forth, attempting to enforce an on-the-spot curfew, nobody was attending to them.


49. Participants are not allowed to go out after the 11:00PM curfew, or stay in any room with the people of opposite sex.


50. A curfew imposed ahead of the judgment remains in place.


51. We mustn't go out during curfew.


52. a 10p.m. curfew for all residents.

在晚间 十时起对所有居民实行的宵禁

53. a 10 p.m. curfew for all residents.


54. stuBBorn unlaid ghost/That Breaks his magic chains at curfew time


55. stubborn unlaid ghost / That breaks his magic chains at curfew time(bJohn Milton)

坚持不眠的幽灵/在宵禁时分解除了他的魔法链(b约翰 米尔顿)

56. stubborn unlaid ghost / That breaks his magic chains at curfew time(John Milton)

坚持不眠的幽灵/在宵禁时分解除了他的魔法链(约翰 米尔顿)

57. Quintus developed a self-imposed curfew;none strayed out later than early evening.


58. And displayed on the wall are car keys confiscated from Palestinian drivers caught breaking curfew.


59. Even provinces such as Suzhou, Yangzhou and Chuzhou where courtesan pavilions and drinking houses were in great abundance were subject to the curfew, so there were no night markets.


60. The rumors turned out to be false, but the idea of trying to make Payton agree to a 10:30 curfew almost makes you wish the rumors were true.


61. No passing during the night of curfew


62. nature hath taught her too immoderate sleep is rust to the soul: she rises therefore with Chanti-cleer, the dame's cock, and at night makes the lamb her curfew.

大自然已使她懂得:无节制的睡眠只会锈蚀灵魂。 因此她清晨与女主人的公鸡同起,夜晚与归栏的羊群同息。

63. Nature hath taught her too immoderate sleep is rust to the soul: she rises therefore with Chanti-cleer,the dame's cock,and at night makes the lamb her curfew.


64. Most were walled, closed their gates at night, and imposed some form of curfew.


65. The spokeswoman said that before the bus attack the Israeli military had got intelligence about the attack and then renewed a curfew in the nearby Palestinian town of Qalqilya.


66. The girl and her father had recently quarreled because he revoked her privileges for missing curfew.


67. In Williamsville's town square, the area where its citizens were once most outraged at the high crime rate, not a single crime has been reported since the curfew was introduced.


68. B: Okay, how about a midnight curfew? And I'll let you know where I am.


69. If yes, what time is your curfew during the week? on weekends?


70. If I don't go home soon, my parents will chew me out for missing my curfew.


71. I warn you that you will be quiet--When the curfew of fear and the gibbet of unemployment make you obedient


72. I warn you that you will be quiet--When the curfew of fear and the gibbet of unemployment make you obedient.


73. Security forces have orders to shoot anyone trying to enter the curfew zone.


74. Officials ordered a curfew,to no avail.


75. Officials order a curfew to know avail.


76. impose [ lift ] a curfew


77. place(some area)under curfew


78. a signal (usually a bell) announcing the start of curfew restrictions


79. a signal (usually a bell) announcing the start of curfew restrictions.


80. nighttime curfew

