
dashdashD.J.:[dæʃ]K.K.:[dæʃ]vi.1.冲; 猛冲The horse dashed onward.那匹马向前直冲。vt. & vi.1.猛掷; (使)猛撞Don't dash stones! It's dangerous.不要扔石头, 那样做危险。2.匆匆地写或画She dashed some paint on the paper and called it a tree.她在纸上涂抹了些颜料, 说这就是一棵树。n.1.猛冲, 飞奔The prisoners made a dash for freedom.囚犯逃奔自由。2.短距离赛跑The contestants lined up for the 100-yard dash.参赛选手列队参加100码短跑。3.少许Give him a glass of water with a dash of whisky in it.给他一杯水, 加少许威士忌。4.破折号The dash is longer than the hyphen.破折号比连字符稍长点。

dash1[dæʃ]vt.1.打碎,击碎,撞碎,打破:She dashed the glass into smithereens against the wall.她把玻璃杯撞在墙上砸得粉碎。He dashed the bowl to bits on a rock.他把碗跌在岩石上摔得粉碎。2.猛掷,猛击,猛冲,使猛撞,使劲扔,撞上(against):to dash one stone against another用一块石头击打另一块石头She dashed the chair against the door.她把椅子猛撞在门上。3.(水、泥浆等)溅,洒,泼,浇,淋:He recovered consciousness when they dashed some cold water in his face.他们往他脸上泼了些冷水之后,他便恢复了知觉(或苏醒过来了)。His hands were dashed with blood.他的两手溅着血。4.(如洒泼似的)乱涂:Don't dash the paint on the wall like that.别那样在墙上乱涂漆。to dash paint here and there on the wall在墙上到处乱涂漆5.(用另一物质)掺和:to dash wine with water用水掺酒wine dashed with whisky掺有威士忌的葡萄酒6.使(希望、计划等)破灭,落空,使受挫,挫败:to dash one's hope使某人的希望破灭The rain dashed their hope for a picnic.那场雨使他们郊游野餐的希望破灭了。7.使沮丧,使泄气,使消沉:The failure dashed her spirit.失败使她精神沮丧。8.使窘迫;使羞愧;使狼狈:Her rejection dashed and humiliated him.她的拒绝使他难堪和丢脸。9.匆忙完成:to dash a letter off匆忙写完一封信to dash off an article for a newspaper匆忙为报纸写一篇文章10.[英国口语、委婉语]咒,诅咒,咒骂[常用于祈使语气,轻微诅咒用语]:He'll dash you.他会咒你的。vi.1.猛击,冲击,撞击,猛打(against或on):The waves dashed against the cliff.海潮冲着峭壁。2.猛冲,突击,飞奔,急奔,急驰,疾驰,疾驶:The horses dashed out of burning stable.马群猛冲出着了火的马厩。When the rain started, we dashed for cover.开始下雨时,我们奔跑着找避雨的地方。n.1.2.少量的掺和物3.少量,少许4.猛冲,急奔,急驶,飞奔;突进;突击5.猛撞,猛击6.(水等的)冲击,撞击,溅泼7.(水等的)冲击声,溅泼声8.精神饱满的行动;突进,突袭;精力;闯劲;冲劲;猛劲;勇猛;(行动或风格的)活力,锐气9.破折号(即 ——)10.[美国、加拿大英语]【田径】(百米)短跑(=sprint)11.(汽车等的)仪表板(=dashboard)12.【电报】(莫尔斯电码的)划长划13.14.(尤指钢笔的)匆忙的笔触,笔势15.潦草的一划(或一笔)16.挫折;令人沮丧的事物17.风头,炫耀,夸示;神气十足18.【音乐】短断音指示记号(表示类似跳音或断音效果的音符上方或下方的垂直记号)19.[主英国英语]一点点,丝毫20.[俚语]贿赂21.[古语]打击a dash of少量的…at a dash一鼓作气地,一气呵成的,迅速而洒脱地cut a dash(在外表或行为上)摆阔;大出风头;招摇过市;炫耀dash it all[惊叹语]真糟糕;真见鬼;真可恶;该死[亦作dash my wig(或buttons)] dash2[dæʃ]vt.1.[主英国英语]=damn[通常用作插入语] dash3[dæʃ]n.1.[西非用语]2.赏金,小费;佣金;礼物3.[俚语]贿赂vt.1.给…赏金(或小费、佣金、礼物)

dashdash[dæʃ]vt.1.猛撞, 猛击, 猛冲, 猛掷2.泼, 浇, 淋, 洒, 溅3.搀加, 混和(with)4.使(计划等)失败; 使(希望等)破灭; 击破; 撞碎5.使沮丧, 使窘迫, 使狼狈; 使羞耻6.匆忙完成, 急写(down, off)7.[英]= damn8.乱涂dash wine with water用水搀酒dash off a note匆忙写了一个便条The boat was dashed against a rock.船 撞到岩礁上。He dashed water in my face.他把水泼到我的脸上。He dashed the bowl to bits on the ground.他把碗猛扔到地上, 摔得粉碎。Her rejection dashed him.她的拒绝使他狼狈[难堪]。vi.waves dashing on the shore冲击着海岸的波涛He dashed out of the room at the sight of a snake.他一看到蛇就冲出了房间。
词性变化dash[dæʃ]n.1.猛冲, 突击2.碰撞3.(水的)撞击声; 爆烈声4.搀和, 注入; 少量的搀和物5.锐气, 闯劲6.打击, 挫折7.炫耀, 虚饰8.破折号9.(莫尔斯电码中的)长划号10.【体】短跑11.(汽车的)挡泥板或仪器板; 控制板12.巷道通风13.令人丧气的东西14.笔触, 笔势15.槌柄16.灰浆17.外观, 门面18.少量, 少许make a dash at the enemy向敌人猛冲thedash of oars striking the water划桨击水的声音a dash of pepper in the soup加入汤中的少许胡椒 面 the 100-metre dash一百米短跑

继承用法dashpot[ˈdæʃˌpɔt]n.1.缓冲器, 阻尼延迟器