[with obj.](一般作 be deafened)cause (someone) to lose the power of hearing permanently or temporarily 使(暂时或永久性)失聪,使聋 we were deafened by the explosion. 我们被爆炸震聋了。 ■(of a loud noise) overwhelm (someone) with sound (巨大的噪声)淹没,压倒 the roar of the water deafened them. 水的轰鸣声吞没了一切。 ■(deafen someone to)(of a sound) cause someone to be unaware of (other sounds) (某一声响)使没听见(其他响动) the noise deafened him to Ron's approach. 嘈杂声使他没听见罗恩走过来。