
depositdepositD.J.:[diˈpɔzit]K.K.:[dɪˈpɑzɪt]vt.1.放置; 放下He deposited the books on the desk.他把书放在桌子上。Deposit the sand here.把沙子放在这儿。2.存放; 交与…保管He's deposited quite a lot of money recently.他最近存了不少钱。She deposited her money in the bank.她把钱存在银行里。3.付订金He deposited a small amount of money toward the purchase of the car.他为买这辆汽车先付了少量订金。n.1.矿床, 矿藏; 沉淀物There are rich deposits of gold in those hills.那些丘陵里埋藏着丰富的金矿。There is too much deposit in a bottle of wine.酒瓶里有太多的沉淀物。2.储蓄, 存款I'd like to make a deposit please.我想存款, 请给我办理一下。3.订金; 押金, 保证金The hotel requires a deposit for all advance bookings.旅馆规定凡预订房间都要先付订金。

deposit[di'pɔzit]vt.1.存储,存(款),储蓄:She deposited her paycheck every Saturday.她每星期六都存储她的薪金支票。I deposited $50 in my savings account.我往储蓄账户上存50美元。2.付(保证金);预付或交(定金):I deposited $400 on a car.我预付400美元作为购买汽车的定金。3.把…交给…保管,交付;留下(某物):He deposited his returned books with the librarian.他把归还的书交给图书管理员。4.(把硬币)放入(自动售货机):She deposited a quarter and pushed the button.她往自动售货机投进一次2角5分硬币,然后揿了一下按钮。5.(尤指小心地或准确地)放置,放下,搁下,摆,安置:Mary deposited the baby in the crib.玛丽把婴儿放在有围栏的童床上。Deposit your lunch tray at the cafeteria door.把你的午餐托盘放在自助餐馆门口。6.存放;寄存,储存,信托:He deposited his overcoat in the cloakroom.他把大衣寄在衣帽间。7.使沉积,使淤积,使沉淀:The river deposited soil at its mouth.河口沉积了淤泥。The river deposits rich soil at its bends.有大量的沃土沉积在河的转弯处。8.[美国英语]使(农田)休耕vi.1.付保证金,付定金2.存储3.安置4.投入5.沉积;沉淀n.1.存款,储蓄;存储2.存放,寄存;寄存物,委托保管物3.保证金,定金,押金4.寄存处,存放处;储藏所,仓库,货栈5.受托人,保管人6.7.沉积,沉淀8.沉积物,堆积物;积垢9.【采矿】(贮藏石油或矿物的)矿藏,矿床10.(电解后金属表面的)熔敷层on deposit存放着,寄存,保藏着(在银行里)存(款),储存着(以分期付款或购物时)作为第一期交付的货款

depositdeposit[diˈpɔzit]vt.1.放下, 寄存, 存放2.储蓄, 贮存3.沉淀, 淤积4.交付保证金; 抵押5.把硬币投入(自动售货机等)6.留下; 产(卵)7.【建】浇注8.熔敷9.涂; (喷)镀:When the River Nile is in flood, it deposits a layer of mud on the fields.尼罗河泛滥时, 便在田野上沉积一层泥。You may deposit your returned books with the librarian.你可以把要还的书留在图书管理员处。
词性变化deposit[diˈpɔzit]vi.1.沉淀, 淤积; 堆积; 附着2.寄存; 贮存, 抵押; 留下, 放下If you evaporate a little sea water on a porcelain dish; on cooling, crystals of common salt will deposit on the sides of the dish.如果你将少许海水放到瓷盘中蒸发, 冷却后就会有普通食盐的结晶附着在盘的四周。deposit[diˈpɔzit]n.1.沉积物; 矿藏, 矿床2.存款; 保证金, 押金3.寄存; 寄存品4.寄存处, 保管处5.水柜Valuable mineral deposits have been found in this region.在这地区发现有价值的矿床。

继承用法depositor[diˈpɔzitə]n.1.储户; 存放者2.【化】沉积器