

1. In June he announced the sale of some 70 Kmart stores -- 5 percent of the base -- to Sears and Home Depot for more than $900 million.


2. XF181 was approaching Chai Wan Depot although it had two different route numbers.


3. The word “depot” was borrowed from French.


4. "Give me 1643," he called to Central, after looking up the Michigan Central depot number.


5. After Reader's Digest contacted Office Depot, the company notified Madsen that it had resolved the matter and would be sending the rebate.


6. The amount that the MULE gathers is subject to balance, but it will be more than the cost of a supply depot by a generous amount.


7. I thought Home Depot has signs everywhere in their parking lot said "No Night market parking"?


8. Good relationship with Shanghai port authority, The Custom, terminals, MSA(Maritime Safety Administration) ,depot etc.


9. State Grain Reserves Ningxiang Depot has given its work force an all-rounded training for the knowledge of inspection, warehousing, and computers, etc.


10. "Tilling Stevens" 'Express K5LA7' bus was enjoyed a shower in Chai Wan Depot.


11. Specialize in : Sewage Treatment Plant, Steel Bridge For Shell Depot, Penstock Valves, Steel Mill Equipment.


12. Dane Madsen loves a bargain, so when he spotted a $100 rebate offer on $699 Lenovo laptops at Office Depot, he bought two.


13. Two lanes will be provided for traffic coming from the N7 and heading for the city and the Luas depot.


14. Major facilities affected include the Field Patrol Detachment's Headquarters Depot, Queen's Hill Camp Recreation Centre and 140 Junior Police Officers' Married Quarters.


15. Major facilities affected include the Field Patrol Detachment's Headquarters Depot,Queen's Hill Camp Recreation Centre and 140 Junior Police Officers'Married Quarters.


16. It is mainly used for water proofing in kitchen, avatory basenent, balciny, border, house top,cistern,natatorium,depot,workshop,the first grand floor and so on.


17. To understand the market trend of Checker Depot.


18. At 10 a.m. on 30 July 1904, the first tramcar left the depot for the official opening.


19. Ashley, let me go to the depot with you.


20. Subway station and airline depot at the back. Convienent Communication to all directions.


21. The Terrans are alerted to this threat when an SCV starts building a supply depot by the rocks.


22. The machinery used in the construction of arch roof truss of grain reserve depot in Xianyang as well as operation key points are introduced.


23. They leased the building as a depot.


24. He would have asked more, but it did not seem wise, so he decided to inquire at the depot.


25. He wanted to keep his job at the Navy depot in Mechanicsburg and live in my parents' house.


26. He retraced his steps along Central Avenue to the depot and found himself quickly before the walls of the very large concern he was seeking.


27. He was greatly agitated lest at the first station across the border or at the depot in New York there should be waiting for him an officer of the law.


28. This outraged many shareholders, notably those seeking improvements in Home Depot's governance.


29. His Sharpie deal makes sure he can sign all the No. 23 merchandise their kids bring to the Home Depot Center.


30. He turned, tickets in hand, and escorted her to a seat inside the depot on the smooth wooden benches with their curved backs and arms.


31. With a bouquet of fresh-picked daisies in hand, he left for the train depot.


32. The Lai oily sale with this annual before grain depot only many jins 10, and now the sale nearby of a month this number.


33. Loyang was a depot in the growing smuggling trade, and its commerce could hide industrial depression.


34. For example, during the search of the North Point bus depot, CMB management had assigned a lawyer to be present throughout.


35. You mustn't smoke near the oil depot.


36. Go down to the depot as early as you can; because it is the early bird that catches the worm,and if you get there after ten o'clock the best of the stuff has been sold.


37. Driving a 20 tonne camion into a narrow truck depot, pickin...

你要想办法驾驶一个20 吨重的货车开进狭窄的停车场,装上货物。

38. In addition, immune stimulation can induce lipolysis of fat depot around lymph node.


39. The world's third largest depot in the public Monday that the auto market by the downturn, the depot in sales last month showed a declining trend.


40. The depot is only a few blocks from here.


41. Position: Repair Center Manager Reports To: Director, APJ Depot Staging and Internal Repair Services Organisation: ...


42. Is the bus depot at the corner of the Waldorf Hotel?


43. Among them, harrah recreation and Office Depot all won the award of well-known company value that CIO magazine issues.

其中,Harrah娱乐和Office Depot均获得了CIO杂志颁发的著名企业价值奖。

44. Rule #9: Good places to shop for men include Home Depot, John Deere, Goodyear Tire, and Napa Auto Parts.

准则9:给男性朋友们买礼物的好地方包括:家得宝, 约翰迪尔, 固特异轮胎 和 纳帕汽车配件行。

45. Before the train had come to a standstill under the arched roof of the Bonneville depot , it was all but taken by assault.


46. Recycle your car oil at a recycling depot or petrol station; it contains lead, nickel and cadmium.


47. Keep the depot clear and natty, the product settle orderly.


48. The depot, from which only a half hour before he had stepped down, was so small and dull.


49. The intersection opposite to Hua ENG Wire & Cable Co. Ltd. is the route of entering Zuoying Depot.


50. No matter male or female in MS group it was decreased in adipose tissue serious depot than in light depot (P < 0.05).


51. The lorry driver loaded up at the depot.


52. After visiting the depot, we walked along the track to see other steam engines and luckily we were invited to ride on a JS Steam loco for a distance.


53. I am in charge of the depot, only i. People will hold me responsible but not you.


54. The Home Depot surpasses Lowe's to become the top seller in the home improvement industry.


55. A city of south-central Indiana south-southeast of Indianapolis. It was a supply depot for Union troops during the Civil War. Population,31, 802.


56. A city of south-central Indiana south-southeast of Indianapolis. It was a supply depot for Union troops during the Civil War. Population, 3,802.


57. A city of south-central Indiana south-southeast of Indianapolis. It was a supply depot for Union troops during the Civil War. Population, 31,802.


58. Carrie began to think it was a little bit curious--this going to a depot--but said nothing.


59. Oh, Scarlett,I, I`d rather remember you as you are now...not shivering at the depot.


60. Three class are: The Railway Ministry, the Railway Bureau, Electric Business , the Communication and Signal Depot.


61. The bigger the depot, the bigger the fleet that can be hold.


62. From there, Jimmy went to work at the Navy depot in Mechanicsburg, where my father found him a job unloading color-coded boxes.

在 那之后,吉姆去了一家位于米凯尼克斯伯格的海军机械库工作,在那里我父亲给他找了一份卸载色码箱的工作。

63. The Permit Holder shall install proper site drainage system and petrol interceptor on the Project site before operation of the temporary bus depot.


64. The Permit Holder shall provide cover to the refuelling, maintenance and chemical waste storage areas during operation of the temporary bus depot.


65. After his recent trip to Iceland, the old train depot that is now his studio was abuzz.


66. The intelligentized management of information for rear-area ammunition depot is essential in all parts of the informatization construction of troops.


67. In the glacier, Amundsen makes his depot very carefully because it is very important to find it again ,next summer .


68. Arriving at the Home Depot Center for training on Monday, Beckham was there to greet the Chelsea team coach, and with his international colleagues.


69. The training session in the Home Depot Center football stadium was the second of the day following on from a morning one at the regular UCLA campus.


70. To construct and operate a temporary bus depot at Area 85, TKO.


71. The system combine C/S and B/S system structure and realize the operation flow of the grain depot.


72. Finally the lunchroom manager at a Texas railroad depot said the black GIs could go on around black to the kitchen for a sandwich and coffee.


73. In box 5, AVL represents an Army Supply Depot.


74. Home Depot and Lowes rent steam carpet cleaners.I forgot the name, but it is easy to find it if you ask the personnel.


75. Tianjin State Grain Depot and Badalin Grain depot are located in the grain consuming zone as in Beijing area .


76. As she rounded the corner of the Atlanta Hotel and came in full view of the depot and the tracks, she halted appalled.


77. The Home Depot is a major retailer and the largest user of Less-than-Truck-Load (LTL) shipping in North America.


78. If subway,passenger depot, train station, hospital, dining room, guesthousepublic seat bedpan.


79. Had the initiative been Israel's, the Air Force would have spent the first 48 hours or so attacking airfields and taking out the ammunition depot.


80. Please send the sample with TNT for me to pay on arrival to South their depot in Durban.

