

1. 2008 September, China declare to no longer participate any relevant the meeting which dissolve a peninsula crisis, the United States mean mightiness disaffection.


2. In 2009, elections in India, Japan and Indonesia could all be sway ed by public disaffection about economic performance.


3. incitement to disaffection

[法] 煽动背叛法

4. Because the cargo has not cleaned up, also does not have other places to be possible to deposit, the merchants express the disaffection.


5. "How you exert BEHa ha ha ha of?can't you talk?"she is some disaffection.


6. "Stem ah?Are we hear an important place.What did she say me?"I have a little disaffection.


7. Civil liberties groups say that chaining people together doesn't solve the causes of crime, such as poverty or disaffection within society.


8. ”Although some loss serious owner expressed the intense disaffection, even arrives sells the building scene and the developer theory, but still did not help matters.


9. There was no defect in God's government, no cause for disaffection.


10. Meanwhile,you subside the staff to your disaffection!


11. ”After Genoa's tie, Chinese rice Commander in Chief Muliniao expressed his disaffection with such words.


12. The traffic police requests her show papers, causes Li Danyang's disaffection.


13. In fact already might see Mu Shuai from competition's process to three player's angers, Muliniao does not stop is making the hand signal, after the game his disaffection has displayed obviously.


14. However, you must not let this disaster disaffect you.


15. But there is a scramble to investigate disaffection among white voters.


16. You can say that he is a disaffection in the present condition;Can also say that he is to eats satisfied support to have no matter to fuck;Can also say, person ah, is an idle making the 贱 in fact!


17. There is much disaffection among the ranks of the party.


18. The GOP reign in the House that began with Newt Gingrich in a burst of vision and confrontation in 1994 came crashing down amid voter disaffection with congressional corruption.


19. Keywords air purifier;air disaffection;elimination of bacteria by filtration static electricity;negative ion;influencing factor;bacterial aerosol;


20. Disaffection broke out almost from the start.


21. Four, in the streaking process, any has already gone out to inspect, despise expression of eyes for you, or mean a disaffection, you all squatted down body and the hands clap fart fart to show esteem.


22. Country An Zhei plants the procedure as if to express to referee's disaffection, but the referee enforces the law has the superior to cut the commission to determine.


23. ”King passed one unhappy days later, arrived at the rocket to bring joyfully to Ataisite far trades him really in the team the disaffection which brought to him.


24. On this forum, singers spoke of the young people's attitude about civil rights, war and peace, spoke of their disaffection with society and of the kinds of feelings between love and hate.


25. In the interview, Adelman expressed himself to the team attention not centralized disaffection.


26. It also looks at customers’ satisfaction and disaffection degree over the City’s infrastructure, price and service.


27. there is growing disaffection with large corporations.


28. But more dangerous for schools than some parents' disaffection is the broader impression of exclusivity a posh uniform creates.


29. ????To the teacher's ethics disaffection, already became the people universal one mood.


30. And although Britain's police and intelligence services are now better informed than they were about the disaffection of many young Muslims, it is clear that radicalisation continues apace.


31. Will the disaffection of the young bring down the regime?


32. Dinan brother Zhang Chao, Zhang Yuan Shu to go for help Shouchun, Road and a half of its soldiers was killed, possession of Hong Yuan Shao anger does not save Zhang Chao, Shao Dong Jun disaffection.


33. I consider it a privilege, therefore, to be charged under it.I have endeavored to give in their briefest outline the reasons for my disaffection.


34. I will say some everybody's disaffection!


35. I have endeavoured to give in their briefest outline the reasons for my disaffection.


36. Under his influence the leaven of disaffection was fast doing its work.


37. The government didn't realize clouds (no bigger) the size of a man's hand until disaffection becomes too widespread to control.


38. disaffection often leads to outright treason


39. Otherwise, they fossilize in their jobs, and they often grow bitter, slowly but surely infecting their groups with disaffection.

新的任务、新的培训,中止消极情绪的传染Sliders need to be reenergized, either with new jobs or training.

40. singers sang about young people's attitude toward the civil rights, war and peace, about their disaffection with the then society and feelings from love to hate.


41. In addition, is similar to at presentation ceremony's speech, at the press conference, he expresses the disaffection once more to the Venice film festival's appraisal system.


42. Disaffection of the masses


43. River's lakes all flow toward the nautical mile, sea but disaffection; River lake from where flow, still return where.


44. France refuses to extradite Peter Leila the decision to incur expresses best wishes the side “the red travel” the victim family member intense disaffection.


45. Now, the disaffection of the intellectuals in the rear lines brought about the collapse of morale among the generals, many of whom were on the verge of revolt.


46. Gates, speaking to reporters here Wednesday, called on Turkey not to rely only on military means to combat disaffection by the country's Kurdish population.


47. 1. Researchers found that the honeymoon period for newlyweds lasts less than five years and that disillusionment and disaffection often set in by the end of that period.


48. There is a lot of disaffection with Nur Adde among the old MP-warlord interests.


49. The patients were followed up for 0.5 to 2 years.Result According synthetic score of fracture,26,13,4 and 3 cases demonstated excellent,fine,moderate and disaffect treatment effect,respectively.


50. A paramount goal of U.S. Antiterrorist policy should be to prevent the disaffection of U.S. Citizens of the Muslim faith and Middle Eastern ethnicity.


51. Populace's disaffection, directly relates the society the harmony and the stability.


52. To the court too I should say why I plead guilty to the charge of promoting disaffection towards the Government established by law in India


53. The politician tried to disaffect every major voting bloc.


54. Study time, didn't also ideal, only have viewpoint, be be an architect to direct perhaps, what to think is all own O.K. play, return to be filled with disaffection to the society and the parents.


55. The sight of men whispering together in small knots or speaking in subdued tones points to disaffection amongst the rank and file.


56. The sight of men whispering together in small knots or speaking in subdued tones points to disaffection amongst the rank and file


57. This saying just teams and groups staff Zhu Ming who and Zhou Di overhauled from the work site has heard, expresses the disaffection immediately to the Yang East Asia's procedure.


58. There are signs of growing disaffection amongst voters.


59. That feeling of disaffection, resentment and exclusion, felt by many 2nd and 3rd generation French citizens of African and Arab descent, had until now been bubbling beneath the surface.


60. Result this price, surpasses half the net friend and expressed the disaffection to the price.


61. Lack of food and supplies caused disaffection among the soldiers.


62. Bob Dylan touch a nerve of disaffection.


63. Bob Dylan touched a nerve of disaffection.

