

1. In a report to the IAEA's 35-nation board in June, Mr ElBaradei had called Iran's obstruction of the inspectors' work “disconcerting and regrettable”.


2. “Large earthquakes are always disconcerting,” she said.“Being a geophysicist I was immediately interested in how large the earthquake was and where it had occurred.”


3. "Large earthquakes are always disconcerting," she said. "Being a geophysicist I was immediately interested in how large the earthquake was and where it had occurred."


4. "I know that the entire issue is frustrating and disconcerting," superintendent Scott Staska wrote in a note to parents.


5. "Yes." He still found Gwen's directness disconcerting.


6. Don't let the meeting run over time. Everyone has work they need to get back to and it is disconcerting for people to have to excuse themselves to get to another commitment.


7. His flat game doesn’t manage to disconcert the Swiss player as opposed to Nadal’s spins.


8. Racing against time, Agent Dunham (Anna Torv) flies to Germany to meet with an imprisoned man (guest star Jared Harris) who reveals disconcerting details of a much larger threat.


9. China regrets the disconcerting decision of the International Criminal Court to issue an arrest warrant for the Sudanese President.


10. Facts, however, are awkward things to disconcert, and they are obstinate.


11. How disconcerting, then, must be the advent of an American president who shows signs of heeding Arab complaints.


12. The psychological effect is disconcerting: you are left doubting whether all links will do similar things (i.e. go to another page on this site), or whether you might be taken unexpectedly somewhere else.


13. His disconcerting habit of greeting friends ferociously and strangers charmingly.


14. his disconcerting habit of greeting friends ferociously and strangers charmingly- Herb Caen; an upsetting experience.


15. He was taking up some quite exaggerated positions to return your serve. Is that disconcerting?


16. Q: He was taking up some quite exaggerated positions to return your serve. Is that disconcerting?


17. He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in a rapid succession.


18. 17. He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession.


19. He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession.


20. He was thwarted at every step by political obstacles(William E.H.Lecky.Tofoil is to defeat by or as if by outwitting,confounding,or disconcerting


21. He was thwarted at every step by political obstacles(William E.H.Lecky.Tofoil is to defeat by or as if by outwitting, confounding, or disconcerting:

他每一步都受到政治阻力的阻挠(威廉 E H 莱基)。foil被或似乎被欺骗、混淆或惊慌击败:

22. His hard, shifty little eyes were disconcerting.


23. In his clear glance, in his firm tone, in the robust movement of his shoulders, there was something calculated to disconcert death.


24. a disconcerting reply, stare, silence, manner, etc

令人难堪的回答﹑ 注视﹑ 沉默﹑ 举止等.

25. From a non-Muslim perspective, the events leading up to the need for public discussions such as the Article 11 forum in Penang, have been disconcerting and troubling.


26. 2. From a non-Muslim perspective, the events leading up to the need for public discussions such as the Article 11 forum in Penang, have been disconcerting and troubling.


27. characterized by disconcerting directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion.


28. What I find somewhat disconcerting, though, is that most of the questions reveal that the students haven’t really listened to my explanation, even though they appeared to have been attentive.


29. But this did not disconcert the enthusiast, who proceeded with the story of Joseph Smith's bankruptcy in 1837, and how his ruined creditors gave him a coat of tar and feathers;


30. But the news that GE's leadership was willing to bend the rules over relatively tiny sums may well disconcert investors and analysts.


31. In fact, it’s probably safe to say that for the bulk of the population, our wedding day is close to the only time in our lives that people raise a glass to us.It can be a little disconcerting.


32. To make uneasy or perplexed; disconcert.


33. cause to feel self-conscious or ill at ease; disconcert


34. To make ashamed or uneasy; disconcert.


35. To put out of countenance; disconcert.


36. This paper begins by demonstrating some of the astonishing and disconcerting talk of Chinese culture in academic, political and journalist discourse.


37. All this had been foreshadowed with disconcerting accuracy last summer.


38. Nowadays, it is rather disconcerting to find that there are many fake commodities in the market.


39. With raw, handheld images, this disconcerting yet touching film documents friendship, nostalgia and the uncompromising urge to survive.


40. In making a routine credit check on our company, our bank came up with a disconcerting piece of information.


41. a brief disconcert of the whole gay company


42. In a drawing, no such conventional order exists so any deletion order other than one based on entry sequence would be disconcerting to users.


43. Nearby, modern China is asserting itself in ways that can be disconcerting.


44. The consistency and pervasiveness of this effect is startling,perhaps even disconcerting.


45. She had the disconcerting habit of saying exactly what she thought.


46. She had a fleshy, bulbous nose and eyes which stared out, a fine bright blue, with a disconcerting fixity


47. If such an idea is disconcerting, then surely the idea of schools representing a single religious viewpoint is equally deplorable.


48. disconcert v.


49. Among the most disconcerting discoveries made by the unprepared allied soldiers were the concentration death and labor camps.


50. smiling at strangers is not unusual, which often disconcert people from other countries.S.


51. Tye wants to play rescuing hero, but hottie makes revelatory and disconcerting claims that shift the power balance of their relationship.


52. Although such moves can be quite disconcerting, they cannot be forecast.


53. This can be disconcerting as one discovers that their best friend or spouse annihilates them recurrently in the unconscious.


54. The idea that an airport official can tell me the color of my house as a favor to me when I lose my wallet is a bit disconcerting.


55. When we incarnate, we forget that, so yeah, it can be extremely difficult to understand why horrible things happen to you and even more disconcerting to think you chose for it to happen!


56. "chagrin:a keen feeling of mental unease, as of annoyance or embarrassment, caused by failure, disappointment, or a disconcerting event."


57. A keen feeling of mental unease, as of annoyance or embarrassment, caused by failure, disappointment, or a disconcerting event:


58. Being an “enemy of China” is a disconcerting experience.


59. The stories I had heard were coming back in disconcerting detail.


60. I behaved with a politeness which seemed to disconcert him.


61. disconcert vt.


62. This is necessary to be able to control all the details of the program. For users, it is disconcerting and distracting to know all the details of what is happening.


63. In spite of the existence of elaborate constitutional mechanisms designed to control public spending, the mismanagement of public resources in Kenya is disconcerting.


64. Yeah, it can be very disconcerting when you are in an unfamiliar place and don't know the drill.


65. LL: Yeah, it can be very disconcerting when you are in an unfamiliar place and don‘t know the drill.


66. LL: Yeah, it can be very disconcerting when you are in an unfamiliar place and don't know the drill.


67. all the details of the program.For users, it is disconcerting and distracting to know all the details of what is happening.


68. More disconcerting is the ability of a cancer stem cell to hide.


69. More disconcerting, he may not be able to conduct anything remotely resembling a normal conversation.


70. It was additionally disconcerting to have madame knitting all the way there, in a public conveyance;


71. Some scientists stress that the research is extremely limited, and there are too many unknowns. They say, though, that the documented health problems in wildlife are disconcerting.


72. As he put it, "It's disconcerting to know that the United States is based on freedom of expression, yet in actuality it's quite restrictive."


73. One disconcerting aspect of the fall was the invective it unleashed within China, particularly on the Internet.


74. Teleportation was always vaguely disconcerting, but no more so than this night.He turned and sprinted down the pathways he had learned so well in his youth.


75. When there is no moonlight the road and pond have a haunted disconcerting feel to them.


76. In short, he may rear.While bucking is disconcerting and may cause a fall of the rider, a rear is dangerous.


77. and there was a brief disconcert of the whole gay company;


78. addle, badger, bait, bemused, beset, circumvent, confound, derange, discombobulated, discomfit, disconcert, disquiet, distraught, faze, mystify, nonplus, obfuscate, perturb.

表“ 困扰、骚扰、困惑” 之意:

79. Thwart To foil is to defeat by or as if by outwitting, confounding, or disconcerting


80. This move was unexpected, and proportionately disconcerting

