
disputedisputeD.J.:[disˈpju:t]K.K.:[dɪˈspjut]vt. & vi.1.辩论; 争论Some husbands and wives are always disputing.有些夫妇总是争吵。Let's dispute the decision.咱们来讨论一下这个决定吧。They disputed how to get the best results.他们讨论如何获得最佳结果。They were disputing whether they should start at once.他们在讨论是否应立即开始。vt.1.怀疑…的真实性或妥当性I disputed the minister's figures, the true cost of the project is much higher.我怀疑部长所说的数字; 那个项目的实际花费要高得多。I don't dispute that children need love.我对于儿童需要爱并无异议。n.1.辩论, 争端, 争执We had a dispute about how much money he owed me.我们就他欠我多少钱一事进行了一番争论。John got into a dispute with Jack about the money.约翰与杰克为了钱的事吵了起来。

dispute[dis'pju:t; 'dis-]vi.1.争论,争辩;辩论;讨论:We disputed with each other on various issues.我们为各种问题互相争论。It's ridiculous to dis-pute about such things.为这种事情争论太可笑了。2.激烈争辩,争执,争吵,吵架:The school board members spend their time disputing and getting nothing done.学校董事们争论不休,但一事无成。vt.1.就…进行辩论,就…发生争论,争论,辩论,讨论(问题):The issue was hotly disputed in the committee.委员会对这个问题进行了激烈辩论。The lawyers disputed the case before the judge.律师在法官面前辩论这案件2.对…提出质疑(或怀疑、异议);(提出理由)反对;辩驳:The accountant disputes the figures you gave him .会计师对你提供的数字提出质疑。to dispute a proposal对 一项提案提出异议3.为争夺(土地、阵地、胜利等)而战:The two sides continued to dispute the ownership of the territory.双方继续争夺那片领土的所有权。4.阻止;抵抗,对抗;抵制:We disputed an advance of the enemy troops.我们阻止敌军的推进。n.1.争论,辩论;讨论2.纠纷,争端,纷争3.争执,争吵,吵架4.(劳资)纠纷;罢工5.[废语]斗争;争夺;斗殴近义词argumentdiscussbeyond(或past,without,out of)dispute不容争辩的(地),无可置疑的(地)明确的(地);最终的(地)in(或 under ) dispute在争论中(的),处于争议中(的);尚未解决变形vi.disputeddisputing

disputedispute[disˈpju:t]vt.1.争论, 辩论; 争执2.反驳, 驳斥, 对...提出质疑3.反对, 反抗, 阻止4.争夺(土地, 奖品, 胜利等)Your bravery has never been disputed.没有人怀疑过你的勇敢。The soldiers disputed every inch of ground when the enemy attacked.敌人进犯, 战士们寸土必争。
词性变化dispute[disˈpju:t]vi.1.辩论; 争论2.竞争3.争吵, 吵闹dispute with [against] sb. over [on, about] sth.和某人争论某事dispute for a prize争夺奖品They are always -ting.她们总是喜欢争吵。dispute[disˈpju:t]n.1.争论, 辩论; 争端, 吵闹the frontier disputes边界之争

