
can/could do with

1. 将就; 能对付

Can you do with a sandwich for lunch?


2. 需要

I could do with a haircut.


Do as you would be done by.

1. 己所不欲, 勿施于人。

do away with

1. 废除; 去掉

They decided to do away with the rule.


2. 杀掉

do by

1. 对待

She does well by her sisters.


do for

1. 适合

This dress will do for her.


2. 照料

She did for me during my illness.


do up

1. 修理

The room needs doing up.


2. 使穿上

She was done up in her Sunday best.


3. 使精疲力尽

He was done up after the long trip.


4. 【俚】用毒品; 打一剂(简称do)

do well

1. 进展良好

The patient is doing well.


2. 最好还是

You would do well to discuss the matter with him.


do with

1. 与……相处; 忍受

I can't do with his selfishness.


She is quite difficult to do with.


2. 处理; 对待

What are we going to do with the problem?


3. 将就, 以……凑合着用

4. 想要; 需要

do without

1. 没有……也行

This is something I can do without.


2. 戒绝; 摒弃

He can't do without cigarettes for one day.


习惯用语Anything doing?1.有办法吗?办得到吗?be done for1.(人、物)不中用了, 完蛋了; (人)精疲力竭be done in [up]1.[口]精疲力竭be [get] done with1.[口]做完, 结束; 不再同...打交道be hard done by1.受到不公平的待遇; 被苛待By doing nothing we learn to do ill.1.[谚]闲则生非。can [could] do with1.认为满足; 将就2.[口]需要; 但愿得到Easy does it!1.[口]别着急!慢慢来!Fair do's1.[doo's, doos, does][口]公平交易[分配]have done1.结束, 做完2.停止! 够了! 算了吧!have done it1.[口]做了蠢事, 把事情搞糟have done with1.做完[结束]某事2.和...断绝关系, 停止往来have sth. [anything, nothing, little, much, a great deal] to do with1.和...有些关系[任何关系, 没有关系, 关系不大, 关系很大]have to do with1.和...有关, 和...打交道How do you do?1.[口]你好? (打招呼用语, 一般用同样的话回答)I never did! (=Well, I never did! Well, I never!)1.我真没想到! 我真没见到过! 我真没听说过!(表示惊讶的感叹语)In doing we learn.1.[谚]边干边学, 在实践中学习。It is better to do well than to say well.1.[谚]说得好不如做得好。It isn't done.1.[口]没有人这样做, 这样做有失礼貌。make do and mend1.(不买新的而把旧的)修补一下凑合使用make (=make do with sth.)1.拿某物勉强凑合对付No, you don't .1.[口]你办不到; 你敢!over and done with1.已经结束[过去]That does it.1.行啦, 够啦2.(=That's done it)这下可糟了。That will do (=That'll do.)1.[口]行啦, 够啦!That [It] will dome.1.[口]对我正合适, 正合乎我的要求That [It] won't do.1.[口]那[这]不行, 不合适We doas we can, since when we can't do as we would.1.[谚]即使事不由己, 也应尽力而为。Well done!1.好极了! 干得好!What can I do for you.1.[口]你要什么?有什么事可以为您效劳?What do you do (for a living)?1.您是干什么工作的?What is to be done?1.怎么办?what (to) do with oneself1.如何利用自己的时间; 如何做有益的事情What we do willingly is easy.1.[谚]愿者不难。Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.1.[谚]值得做的事, 就好好去做。What's doing?1.[口]发生了什么事?What's done can't be undone.1.[谚]覆水难收。What's to do (here)?1.[口]发生了什么事? 怎么回事?Do as I do.1.[美、废]请陪我喝酒, 请和我干一杯。Do as you would be done by.1.[谚]你想别人怎样对待你, 就要怎样对待别人; 已所不欲, 勿施于人。do away with1.废除; 取消; 摆脱; 去除2.杀死, 干掉do badly for1.[口]没有获得(某物)的充足供应, 获得(某物)的数量很少do brown1.使(某人)上当, 使(某人)吃亏2.干得漂亮, 干得彻底do by1.对待do down1.自上而下地搞2.[口]胜过; 压倒3.[口]欺骗, 使上当4.[口]说(某人)坏话, 贬低(某人或某物)do for1.适合...之用; 满足...的需要2.(=doas)作为...之用, 代替3.[口]帮助照料, 料理(家务、生活等)4.[口]设法搞到(在疑问句中用于what或how之后)5.[口]毁掉; 使完蛋; 使丧命; 干掉do for oneself1.自己照顾自己; 自立, 不依靠别人do in1.[口]使极度疲乏, 使精疲力竭2.[俚]毁掉, 搞坏; 干掉, 杀害3.[口]欺骗, 使上当, 使吃亏4.[澳俚](把钱)花光, 用尽do into1.译成do it all1.[美俚]服无期徒刑(下流社会或囚犯用语)do much for [towards]1.对...作出很大贡献; 对...起很大作用do one's best [level best]1.竭尽全力do one's damnedest1.[俚]拼命; 尽力do oneself well1.[口]生活优越, 养尊处优2.(=do well for oneself)取得成就; 生意兴隆do or die1.不顾一切地干, 不成功毋宁死do out1.打扫; 洗刷2.清理, 收拾3.装饰do over1.(=doover again)重做一遍2.重新油漆(家俱等); 重新装修(房屋等)3.(=do sb. over)[俚]痛打(某人); 打得(某人)遍体伤痕4.[俚]诱奸(某女)do right1.做得对dosb. good1.对某人有好处, 对某人有帮助2.使某人高兴, 使某人满意do sb. out of1.从某人处骗取(某物); (用不正当手段)阻止某人拥有do sth. to1.改进; 使...显得更加具有吸引力2.打扰(某人); 使(某人)不安; 使(某人)激动do up1.包扎起来2.扣好(钮扣、风纪扣等); 系上(鞋带等); 拉上(拉链)3.(女子)梳理头发; (用发针、发夹把头发)夹起来, 盘起来4.修缮; 刷新(房屋等); 洗(衣服等)5.穿着, 打扮6.使极度疲倦7.[俚]使破产; 打败do up right [brown]1.[美口]做得认真, 搞得彻底; 做得出色do well1.[与动词不定式连用]以...为明智, 以...为好; 幸而做了(某事)2.(病人)有起色; 恢复健康; (植物)长势好3.发达, 成功; (在考试、竞赛等中)取得良好成绩do well by sb.1.[口]对某人很好; 对某人慷慨大方do well for1.获得许多..., 有大量的...供应do well for oneself1.[口]变得富裕起来; 改善自己的社会地位do well out of1.从...得到很大的利益do with1.对待;处置;利用;放置2.与...相处3.忍受,容忍4.[与can或could连用]满足于,认为足够5.[与can或could连用]需要, 想要; 充分利用do without1.没有...也行; 缺乏; 摒弃Doing is better than saying.1.[谚]会说不如会做; 空言无补。done to the wide [world]1.[口]精疲力竭; 被打败; 穷到极点dos and do don'ts1.惯例, 规章, 应该注意的事项