

1. I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery blodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.


2. Specially added bamboo salt active mineral ingredients will brighten, smooth and soften the hair, and make the hair more elastic, docile and elegant.


3. "If I were as docile as Big Brother, I'd probably be locked up at home for ever.


4. "Well said, my boy, and I'm even inclined to see a modicum of value in you, now that I see you so docile and reasonable.


5. At sixty ,I heard them with docile ear.At seventy,I could follow the dictates of my own heart;for what I desired no longer overstepped the boundaries of right .


6. a docile and vulnerable person who would rather follow than make an independent decision.


7. a gentle old horse, docile and obedient.


8. Gibberish someone no longer is no longer someone, no longer docile and sometimes someone's on your toe, suddenly shouted a small drink of your temper chaos.


9. This is a metaphor for someone who is not docile or doesn't toe the line.


10. Nobody believed that an honest and docile man like him could have been a bandit.


11. But she is quick and quiet, docile and clever, sings well, and is of good blood.


12. But he brings his music, to which, who listens, had need bring docile thoughts, and purged ears.


13. No, they will not be as docile as that.


14. The seemingly docile giant pandas have a strong sense of territory, so killing the intruder to guard her domain is a justified act, experts said.


15. He spotted two cows.He had plenty of topes.So “we commandeered the cows and hung our mortars and equipment on them.They were very docile and plodded right along with us.


16. Dan is easy to teach,but his brother is not so docile.


17. Dan is easy to teach, but his brother is not so docile.


18. The behavior is sincere, healthy, clean and pure, gentleness, have the responsibility, docile simple, show consideration to the heavy feeling, considerate, act towards people the amicability kind.


19. The optimism and bright, morally upright docile, reasonable, honesty steady heavy, gentleness considerate, occupy the industry heart, there is responsibility, the appearance is good, skin color white, qualities good, heavy affection.


20. 1.(of a child) well-behaved; docile; 2.shrewd; clever3.[Formal] perverse

21. What was infuriating him, in fact, was not his eldest brother's fate, but that of the girl whose expression was so docile.

事实上使他动气的,并不是他的哥哥。 还有一个另外的原因。 这就是那张带着顺受表情的少女的面庞。

22. The ball python because of its appeal availability and price has become one of the most commonly kept reptile pets today.They are docile undemanding and thrive in captivity.


23. Their unions, once ineffective and docile, are now powerful tools in the collective bargaining process


24. He is like a thoroughbred horse,satisfying to the trained eye,docile to the light touch,and coursing in most wonderful unison with you through with the lark because he sings rather than talks?


25. He always turned up trumps because he never admitted he was a Right Wing in his heart, never being docile, always took some small chances to look for some little freedom.


26. He trembled lest he himself should lose a docile pupil.


27. He was docile and obedient.


28. Anyones all have docile and a side of the greed, but the docile must be high in greedy, otherwise the life is pathetic.


29. The Zaurask were at first obedient and docile, agreeing out of innocence or ignorance to work for the Utraeans.


30. You are a docile guy living in a street inhabited by these speedster goons who always taunt you for your demeanor.


31. Are your boys usually so docile?


32. servile; docile and obedient; all obedience


33. to be docile and obedient; to be all obedience; to be servile


34. In his short story The Professor, Langston Hughes has portrayed in an ironic tone a docile and servile black professor who behaves humbly before the white.


35. In fact, I this is not very docile person, and it is very easy to angry (uh huh), the ladies are not that type!


36. "The playful Lab may still reign supreme, but the docile and adaptive nature of the Bulldog is as a family favorite," said American Kennel Club spokeswoman Lisa Peterson.


37. "The playful Lab may still reign supreme, but the docile and adaptive nature of the Bulldog is gaining ground as a family favorite," said American Kennel Club spokeswoman Lisa Peterson.


38. With its fangs pulled out, the venomous snake is extraordinarily docile in the exhibitor's hands. The special “wine promotion ambassador” has attracted many citizens.


39. Workers have long demanded for a legislated wage increase but the government's export-oriented economic strategy is anchored on maintaining cheap wages and a docile labor force.


40. Upper Gao Wei spends the autochthonal bee that the area lives, kind disposition docile, type of build or figure is greater, collect active.


41. The South Carolina Myrtle Beach city large-scale is in imminent danger with the rare animals research institute's docile tiger method has an unconventional idea.


42. Curly and messy hair, want to reduce hair amount above all, can become its crop cent grows in the layer hair, the crimpness of such hairs will be not quite apparent, appear docile and flowing.


43. It is the docile who achieve the most impossible things in this world.


44. I am a gentleness, docile, industry and thrift run a household of lady, like to sing a song and tour. I hope my husband is good man .


45. "In simple terms, Napoleon ordered the killing of as many blacks as possible in Haiti and Guadeloupe to be replaced by new, docile slaves from Africa," Ribbe said yesterday.


46. Then she would take lessons; and a docile, intelligent, assiduous pupil she made


47. Later our love, li Gu not only self-effacing, considerate, docile and obedient to me, besides just is a doctor of expert class 35 years old, these make me particularly contented.


48. Lyu3 Xiao3 Mei2 give bottom of comment BE:Nature although docile brains dead stupid, although the leg feet be efficient mouth obvious of get and win Alzheimers disease, activity dilatoriness.


49. 1.obedient; biddable; docile; wait for a reply


50. docile pupils eager for instruction; teachable youngsters.


51. a docile child/horse/temperament


52. and docile; 2.good and honest; kindhearted; gentle; well-disposed


53. Docile.A heart of docile, is a beautiful pit.


54. Docile, honesty, resolute and firm, self-confident, open-minded, geniality, show consideration to, romance, there is sentimental appeal, there is sense of responsibility.


55. Both sides of round round lip has one macula each, belt of black Mao Lue is brown, bodily form moderate, disposition lively, docile, love " groan " cry.


56. At its usual cruising speed (at least with me aboard) of 22-25 mph or so, the Fujin SL-II was as docile as the proverbial kitten.


57. Under the flag of the "Rising Sun" all Chinese are forced to be docile subjects, beasts of burden forbidden to show the slightest trace of Chinese national spirit.


58. During the following few weeks, John gradually changed himeself: became docile rather than opposed on purpose , treat issues mildly rather than chopped logic.


59. The content of quality had great majority in the qualities.The most looks has 20%.Is a man as long as have a heart of docile, encyclopedic scholarship and stable business!


60. Christianity and slavery. The docile slave as good Christian.


61. Aunt Tamara was docile, girlish, sensitive, impulsive


62. The soldiers were grateful and docile , made almost childlike by their wounds.


63. A docile herd animal native to the grassy plains of Naboo, shaaks are rotund grazers raised for their meat by Naboo shaak wranglers.


64. Giant pandas have very docile temperaments.


65. She habitually bore herself with strange alternations of cool reserve and docile respect to the man


66. In every sense she is docile and obedient to him.


67. She was excellently, imperturbably good; affectionate, docile, obedient, and much addicted to speaking the truth.


68. She is very docile and intelligent, feeding the seven kittens, the cat is a great mother.


69. If we all help the person whom those need to be help by a heart of docile.


70. They gather about themselves their protective shells of electrons, and become docile neutral atoms.


71. It's like with a fleet, the wind wreaked havoc Looking west, but it can also be docile and dignified passion Sihuo travelers accept the vision of caressing.


72. If you have a heart of docile, warm smile, lidded eyes, a strong arm, so, you may just find him in!

对理想伴侣的描述: 如果你有颗善良的心,温暖的笑容,深邃的眼睛,坚强的臂膀,那么,也许你正是我在寻找的他!

73. These docile lunatic automatons are no more trouble to their guards than cattle.


74. Little girls epitomise a patriarchal society's ideal of compliant, docile sexuality.


75. Kobayakawa said he chose domesticated cats that were docile and thus less likely to pounce.


76. Hope at you of the soft noodles huge underneath have a docile of heart.Don't be intemperate.


77. submissive; docile and obedient


78. Wish sagacity, humor, docile, enthusiasm, steady and heavy, romantic, there is interesting aspect, outstanding personage to persist to business to become the friend.


79. Successful clans enjoy a period of peace, and the warlike boars become quite docile -- some would even dare say romantic -- during winter.


80. I don't like cigarette and don't drink, is a gentleness, docile, good and wise, traditional Chinese woman.

