
dodgedodgeD.J.:[dɔdʒ]K.K.:[dɑdʒ]vt. & vi.1.闪躲He dodged cleverly when she threw her shoe at him.她用鞋子砸向他时, 他机敏地闪开了。He dodged the book that I threw at him.他躲开了我扔向他的书。vt.1.回避Whatever you do, work hard at it and don't try to dodge the column.无论做什么事, 都要努力去做, 别偷懒。n.1.闪躲, 躲避A dodge behind a tree kept her from being run over.她向树后一闪, 才没被车从身上辗过。2.伎俩, 妙计He tried all sorts of dodges to avoid being called up.他挖空心思, 耍弄各种花招以逃避被征召入伍。

dodge[dɔdʒ]vt.1.闪身躲开,闪开,躲避,避开,闪避:Jack managed to dodge most of the rocks thrown at him.杰克设法躲过了向他投来的大部分石块。She dodged the falling rock and escaped unhurt.她闪避了那块掉落的石头,安然无恙。2.规避,躲避,巧妙地避开,设法或施计回避(问题、责任、义务、指责等),推托,搪塞,对…作遁词:We accused her of dodging her taxes.我们责骂她逃税。This question should not be dodged.这个问题不应该回避。3.避而不见:She entered into the post office in order to dodge me.为了避而不见我,她走进了邮局。4.【摄影术】(放大时)遮挡(照片的一部分)5.[澳大利亚俚语]侵吞,侵占,擅自把(别人的家畜等)据为己有vi.1.躲躲闪闪,躲闪,躲避,避开,躲开,闪开,跳开:He threw a glass at her but she dodged out of the way.他拿一个玻璃杯向她扔过来,但她躲开了。She threw a chair at me,but luckily I dodged.她拿椅子向我扔过来,但我侥幸地躲开了。2.躲避;巧妙地回避;设法或施计逃避问题(或责任、义务等);搪塞,敷衍,推托,找托词,耍花招,玩弄诡计:When asked a direct question,she dodges.当她被问到直接的问题时,她总设法回避。He never dodges.他从不逃避责任。3.【鸣钟术】按变换序列(拉动钟绳)鸣钟4.【摄影术】(放大时)局部遮光,遮挡n.1.托词,遁词,借口;花招;妙计,巧计,诡计;伎俩;窍门2.躲避,躲闪,闪开,躲开,避开,回避,规避3.【鸣钟术】(一套钟的)变序鸣钟4.[美国俚语]行当,生计;行业;非法的买卖(或职业);一种非法(或卑劣)的赚钱手段;诈骗be up to all kinds of dodges施展各种诡计dodge pompey[俚语]【航海学】逃避工作on the dodge东躲西藏以逃避警察追捕,在逃(的);(为逃避追捕而)无固定住处(的)干鸡鸣狗盗(或不正经)的事,干不正当(或骗人)的勾当work(或come) the religious dodge over (或on) someone[口语]以宗教名义求某人帮助(或施舍)变形vt.dodgeddodging

dodgedodge[dɔdʒ]vi.1.躲开; 躲闪2.掩饰; 推托; 搪塞3.托词逃避, 逃避责任dodge about东躲西闪dodge into an alley躲进胡同dodge behind a house躲到屋后He never dodges.他从不搪塞。
词性变化dodge[dɔdʒ]vt.1.闪避, 躲避, 回避dodge a blow躲开一击dodge a contradiction避开矛盾dodge a duty逃避责任dodge the issue回避争论点dodge[dɔdʒ]n.1.躲闪; 躲避2.推托, 搪塞3.诡计; 妙计; 窍门