
easeeaseD.J.:[i:z]K.K.:[iz]n.1.容易They are expected to win the election with ease.预计他们在竞选中能够轻易获胜。2.舒适, 安逸vt. & vi.1.(使)减轻, 舒缓The pain began to ease.疼痛开始减轻了。vt.1.使安心, 使宽慰The news that her child was safe eased her mind.孩子平安的消息使她放心了。2.小心缓慢地移动位置vi.1.缓和, 改善They did this to ease their economic crisis.他们这样做是为了缓和经济危机。

ease[i:z]n.1.无病无痛,无忧无虑;舒适,舒坦,安逸,安适,安闲,悠闲2.安心,放心,自由自在,自然,从容,泰然自若,无拘无束,不紧张3.无困难,容易,不费力气4.不贫穷,不窘迫,(经济上)无负担等;宽裕,优裕,富足5.(限制的)放松,缓和6.(利率的)降低7.(价格的)下降趋势vt.1.使无病痛(或忧虑),解除(或减轻)…的痛苦(或忧虑),使安心:to ease the pain of a wound减轻伤口的疼痛to ease one's anxiety减轻某人的焦虑2.解除(或减轻)(痛苦、忧虑、负担等):to ease pain减轻疼痛,解痛to ease the burden减轻负担3.使变得容易,使较容易,使便利:I'll help if it will ease her job.我会帮忙的,如果这样做有助于她的工作的话。4.缓和(紧张状态),使和缓;使轻松;减低…的速度(或强度、努力等):to ease the speed of a car放慢行车的速度to ease the housing shortage缓和住房短缺状况5.调节;放松,放宽,解开:to ease the elastic in a skirt a little把裙子的松紧带放松一点The nurse eased the bandage off.护士轻轻地解下绷带。6.小心翼翼地移动(或推动、安置);使缓慢移动:to ease a car into a narrow parking space把汽车慢慢地开进狭窄的停车场地7.使舒服,使舒适;使休息:The wife eased her husband by tidying up his bed.妻子给她丈夫整理床铺,使他舒服些。8.使(钱、信贷等)得以低利率得到:to ease credit使银根松动9.[戏谑语]从…处轻易地拿走;盗取,窃取:A thief eased the old lady of her purse.小偷偷走了那位老太太的钱包。10.【造船】把(木材)加工整理成船体(或船壳)11.【海洋学】12.使(舵)稍稍转回13.使(船首)径直迎着浪头14.松开(舵、帆、绳等)15.【建筑业】给…增建附属建筑物vi.1.减少,减轻;减慢,放慢;松弛,放松;缓和,减缓(常与 off, up 连用):The tension between the two countries has eased off.两国的紧张局势已有所缓和。2.小心翼翼地移动(或搬动):to ease through the door小心翼翼地穿过门3.(股票、价格等)呈下降趋势:The dollar eased against the mark.美元对马克的兑换率下降了。at ease[亦作 at one's ease] 安适,舒适,舒坦;安逸,自在;不拘束,不拘礼;泰然自若【军事】a)稍息(口令)b)稍息姿势Ease (或 Easy) all!【赛艇】停桨!停划! 停止!ease all【赛艇】停桨,停划;停止Ease her!【航海学】慢开!Ease makes thief.[谚语]贪图安逸的人会起盗心。ease nature小便;大便ease oneself自我安慰,泄愤,出气;抛弃心头的烦闷小便;大便ease the rudder (或 helm)【航海学】回舵ill at ease见 illput (或 set) someone at his ease使某人感到无拘束;使某人宽心set at ease安慰,使安心stand at ease【军事】(口令)稍息take one's ease休息,轻松一下,享受一下安适,舒适安心,放心with ease从容不迫地;不费劲地,很容易地,轻而易举地;熟练地变形vt.easedeasing

easeease[i:z]n.1.舒适, 安逸, 悠闲, 安心, 不拘束2.容易, 轻松3.(衣服等)宽松; 轻便a life of ease舒适的生活ease of body and mind身心舒畅The hostess greeted her guests with ease.女主人大方地迎接她的客人。He writes with ease.他笔墨流畅。
词性变化ease[i:z]vt.1.减轻(痛苦等); 使舒适; 使安心2.放松; 降低(速度等); 放宽(绳索, 帆等)3.小心地搬ease sb.'s anxiety减轻某人的忧虑ease sb. of his pain [trouble]减轻某人的痛苦[烦恼]ease (down) the speed of a boat减低船速ease a belt松动(绑紧的)(皮)带子Can I ease you of your burden?我能减轻你的负担吗?They eased the piano through the narrow door.他们小心地把钢琴搬过窄门。ease[i:z]vi.1.缓和; 减轻; 放松(off, up)2.灵活地移动(along, over)With success and prosperity, John was finally able to ease off.(事业)成功之后, 约翰终于能够轻松些了。
