

1. “Why would he pick on the little guy who's trying to do good when you've got egregious waste of money in the tens of billions occurring in Detroit?


2. (4) bronchusAsthmatic: Most patient is egregious the help that depends on others, hope to get others, babyish, amphibolous on feeling to others and oneself wait for a feature.


3. (9) narcissism character: Main show is this kind of person egregious ego care, boastful self-respect.


4. After a quarter century in which each major party has routinely accused leading figures in the other of breaking assorted laws, it may now take an egregious scandal to rock the public.


5. 14.When it comes to blatant lies, there are none more egregious than budget figures.Time spent agonizing over them is time wasted.


6. The 700 pages of legislation, which I doubt many members of Congress have even attempted to read, contains many egregious provisions, some of which are unrelated to the trouble at hand.


7. The KPK, which deals only with big cases, has managed to make the perpetrators of some of the more egregious instances of public robbery a mite nervous.


8. But neither he nor Mr Cameron has employed the obvious remedy: to sack the egregious offenders and urge specific deselections, or impose them on reluctant constituencies if necessary.


9. Instead of pussyfooting around with coking coal, the west may one day address the most egregious imbalance of all.


10. China is probably the most egregious example of a country that should long since have graduated from World Bank borrowing.


11. From time to time the Chinese government executes particularly egregious offenders, to no apparent avail.


12. They called the project "a fictitious rewriting of history" and urged it be shelved until "egregious factual errors" could be fixed.


13. They will say: "Yes indeed; a Warner did come to us, but we rejected him and said, 'Allah never sent down any (Message): ye are nothing but an egregious delusion!'"


14. The Israelis knew they would get pasted, as the council is a serial Israel-bashing outfit that often lets more egregious human-rights abusers around the world off the hook.


15. But it also brings corrupt practice, constant because of egregious the water mark that absorb water or oil and forms malformation in leather surface, blotch, influence use value and beautiful.


16. 9.Among the most egregious conflicts of interest,analysts have been pressured and paid to recommend stocks simply to curryfavor with the issuing companies.


17. Beijing has made some efforts to rescind outdated laws, and some of the more egregious rules, such as the Hubei smoking edict and the Chongqing chastity test, have been withdrawn.


18. Last year, in an effort to avoid being referred to the Security Council for its egregious breaches of nuclear safeguards, Iran offered to clear up all outstanding issues in just three weeks.


19. But local politicians have made their own egregious contributions to the debacle without even the fig leaf of ideology.


20. Perhaps the most egregious problem is that the X server reconfigures the PCI bus to correct BIOS mapping errors without informing the operating system kernel.


21. At the same time,the computer is a kind of culture whose ability of changing thinking manners is egregious.


22. Well, here we have in flesh and blood the most egregious imposture I have ever witnessed! What's your name? Madeleine or C閟ar?


23. Thus it seems slightly less egregious that, according to another poll, 10 percent of us think that Senator Barack Obama, a Christian, is instead a Muslim.


24. Science and Tech. In Our Country Get Egregious Advancement under Guidance of "Go Up to Outer Space, Drill Down Into Deep Earth, Go to Sea and Probe to Poles"


25. Under the supervision of two teachers, Michael Romano and Galit Lipa, they try to bring the most egregious injustices of California's three-strikes law before judges.


26. In China, North to Harbin, South to Qingjiang one line, West to Wuzhong one line, East to Bohai Gulf island and northeast Border Line.People of wide area felt egregious jounce.


27. The lack of due process was particularly egregious in death penalty cases.


28. That on the outer side was, one may say, on an egregious scale.


29. an egregious mistake


30. Exaggerated actions and egregious expressions will increase the wrinkles of face.So the following are harmful for beauty care like habitual laughter, frowning, winking, and making a face, etc.


31. a crying shame; an egregious lie; flagrant violation of human rights; a glaring error; gross ineptitude; gross injustice; rank treachery.


32. IF LIBERATING a nation from an egregious dictatorship had been the initial impulse behind the invasionof Iraq, it might have been a “just war”.


33. If it's really , it's very egregious message.


34. The most egregious offence is the “pay-for-delay” deal, under which a patent-holder pays a maker of generic drugs to delay its launch of a cheap copy.


35. Countries that ignore the bank's warnings on egregious borrowing are likely to see IDA aid volumes cut and terms hardened.


36. It's not too egregious to pay more attention to the modern science value.


37. an egregious lie.


38. Ensure that all the egregious perks are taken from both Detroit execs and the UAW.


39. My only egregious mistake: Denver simply can't have two representatives on a 15-man squad.


40. Fuck, why not share me one cigarette, u are so egregious" I am very unhappy.


41. The second task is to deal with the most egregious envelope-pushers.


42. When it comes to blatant lies, there are none more egregious than budget figures.


43. In sutra, the moni as well as wishful bead is a universal appellation of bead.It is provided with plenty of egregious power.


44. On both sides, the most egregious posturing is economically illiterate.


45. " apparent, core international hopes to borrow this to enter profit in taller show Wu of the industry that put generation, cast off to DRAM business egregious depend on.


46. A greater worry is that both Zardari and Sharif have earned reputations - and indictments - for egregious corruption.


47. I've seen a picture that a man cut an ox's head with it.How egregious!


48. The most egregious recent example: so-called affordable housing policies to enable as many Americans as possible to own their homes.


49. Perhaps the most egregious policy was reserving around 800 industries, designated "small-scale industries"(SSI), for tiny companies that were unable to compete against the large firms of competitor nations.


50. Shares of the most egregious mortgage lenders have plunged and dozens have gonebust.


51. In machine learning, a particularly egregious case occurs in Bandit analysis where the punchline of some papers is “logarithmic regret”, ...

机器学习是人工智能子字段是有关设计和开发的算法,使计算机能够改善 ...

52. egregious incompetence, cowardice, etc

极其无能﹑ 胆怯...的表现

53. an egregious error


54. egregious:Conspicuously bad or offensive.


55. "The failure of the intelligence agencies to share information with each other was one of our government 's most egregious lapses leading up to Sept.11,"charges Democratic Senator Joseph Lieberman.


56. S. in January 2004.The act itself does not outlaw spamming;it only prohibits certain particularly egregious techniques, such as using fake “From:” information.


57. But its egregious ability is that, he can weave all kinds of things into integrated, actual and logistic oneiric events, which are different of species, spaces, and times.


58. The modern laws of conflict do not seek to ban war, or even to eliminate the killing of civilians;they merely seek to stop the most egregious abuses and to limit harm to civilians as far as possible.


59. Now investors are starting to differentiate between the weak and the strong, singling out those countries (such as the Baltic nations) where the economic imbalances look egregious.


60. What an egregious example was here!


61. Even for less egregious crimes public support for the death penalty is widespread, as China often points out when justifying its frequent use of executions (more than the rest of the world combined).


62. And because most labour rights abuses are so flagrant and egregious, in the vast majority of cases, the workers win.


63. The aim should be to secure a new deal along the lines of the old agreement, but this time with an explicit goal of phasing out the most egregious subsidies within a reasonable period.


64. President Barack Obama may turn out to be the most egregious unilateralist in American history.


65. an egregious error; a grievous fault


66. Keep up pressure on Wall Street, among the most egregious conflicts of interest,analysts have been pressured and paid to recommend stocks simply to curry favor with the issuing companies.


67. Keep up pressure on Wall Street. Among the most egregious conflicts of interest, analysts have been pressured and paid to recommend stocks simply to curry favor with the issuing companies.


68. If curtain area is larger, colour is too colourful, or egregious and luxurious, can form two centers with bed act the role ofing, as a result makes a person dazzling, promiscuous theme.


69. In many emerging economies corruption is egregious and overt.


70. 14、When it comes to blatant lies, there are none more egregious than budget figures.


71. The House of Representatives was expected to approve the compensation bill, curbing egregious pay-offs and giving shareholders a vote on pay, on July 31st.


72. None of this excuses his egregious, almost maniacal, tactics and his total insensitiveness to our necessities.


73. None of this excuses his egregious, almost maniacal, tactics and his total insensitiveness to our necessities


74. The errors, too, while serious, were arguably less egregious than one in the first volume, which declared California to be an island.


75. The story seemed too egregious to be believed.


76. At worst some egregious minion had conducted a childish private enterprise .


77. Banks would love to wriggle out of the most egregious deals, or at least get better terms.


78. an egregious blunder


79. In addition, the screen space consumed by the images becomes increasingly egregious, particularly in sovereign posture applications (see Chapter 9 for an extensive discussion of the concept of posture).

