

1. Very cute and empathetic answer! But you need to turn a bit more to find the right ones.


2. * "Create an advisory board of smart and empathetic people and confer with them regularly about your job search," says Jansen.


3. "You expect women to be more sensitive to suffering and more empathetic to the other side.


4. "When women saw the shock, they still had an empathetic response, even though it was reduced," Dr.Stephan said."The men had none at all.


5. "Now that's a lesson from his early days that I think crippled him temperamentally," says Smith, "particularly as the kind of empathetic leader that we desperately called for after 1929.


6. Below is an example of a statement expressing grief and one expressing jubilation. These situations require more empathetic responses.


7. Be empathetic to his her problem. Different caregivers should use a consistent approach in managing the behavior.


8. Still, Lachmann says, I had taken the first step to becoming empathetic -- which is faking it.


9. We are empathetic towards these applicants and encourage them to explore the current news, specific case analyses, definitions, and other immigration reference material on our website.


10. 6.Some are genial and openly charismatic, even empathetic, while others cringe and skulk as only a consummate caern advisor can.


11. ' And the author and the editor together have a voice, and that voice is reassuring and empathetic.


12. ' And the author and the editor together have a voice and that voice is reassuring and empathetic.


13. You have been a great kid ever since you were born, always quiet, empathetic, attentive, and well-mannered.


14. You may be empathetic to their situation, but if you spend your time solving their problems, Surprise!


15. You're bumping into all sorts of big issues, and beneath the big questions is an even bigger one: How will you communicate with each other in a way that's clear and honest, empathetic and supportive?


16. Personal coaches do not fit the athletic coach stereotype, but are more a combination of best friend, effective mentor, enthusiastic cheerleader, and empathetic listener.


17. You can be empathetic and compassionate with yourself without wallowing in self-pity.


18. Mindful people are happier, more exuberant, more empathetic, and more secure.


19. Moral Reasoning, Empathetic Response, and Prosocial Behavior: Their Interrelations in Middle School Students


20. Many questions were asked but we feel that everybody, especially our empathetic professor, recognized our courage and boldness for our beliefs.


21. Tyson, meanwhile, says that Comen is not empathetic at times, and that sometimes one or the other just doesn't "get it" when they're communicating.


22. Later research showed that mirror neurons are located in other parts of the human brain, such as the cingulate and insular cortices, and that they may play a role in empathetic emotional responses.


23. John Hasnas: Calling on judges to be compassionate or empathetic is in effect to ask them to undo this balance and favor the seen over the unseen.


24. Uh-huh. Let's see. Uhm, well, first you need to lose any kind of empathy. You can't be empathetic at all. That's number one.


25. Because I've always been a right-brain kind of person -- more of an inventive and empathetic storyteller than a linear, logical number cruncher --this book really spoke to me.


26. Thus, empathetic listening promotes communication, which is essential in the business world. Often communication breaks down because neither party has learned to listen.


27. Feminist "Empathetic Cooperation" and Its Integration with International Relations Theory


28. Not all her male classmates were as empathetic.


29. As you might guess, if his hair is thinning out, 39 his ego is most likely whittling down too. But on the bright side, hes probably more empathetic.


30. Now if you're going to build a team, at work, at home, at school, wherever, how do you become a more empathetic person?How can you become a more empathetic person?


31. There's another reason nice people take on too much work: They are overly empathetic.


32. To an informed and empathetic observer, the necessary actions will usually be clear.


33. He also believes that virtual guilt is produced through the combination of empathetic grief and cognitive ascription, mainly affected by previous experience, empathy related capacity, level of morality and degree of relationship.


34. You become very introspective about your beliefs and become more empathetic to other people's problems when you can work with them one-on-one.


35. We will be empathetic, appreciative of different perspectives and flexible in the application of policies to meet specific needs.


36. I didn't recognize it because I'd always run from emotional discomfort -- and, at least in the beginning, I found trying to be empathetic profoundly uncomfortable.


37. The decisive elements for prosocial behaviors include empathetic ability, belief in agreement between one's good fortune and virtue and the sense of moral responsibility, etc.


38. The results also showed that different presenting styles affected empathetic response.


39. a sensitive and empathetic school counselor.


40. An empathetic questioner asked Torre how difficult it was, in the midst of losing all these games, also dealing with all the queries about the possibility of losing his job.


41. The study aims to understand the empathetic reactions in delinquent juveniles.


42. Justice is supposed to be blind, not empathetic.


43. Every picture tells a story and helps group members become more sensitive and empathetic to each other through their drawings and paintings.


44. If a person is nervous throughout a test session, even though you’re being empathetic and nonjudgmental, it is useless to try and change his or her feelings.


45. No one I know is more deeply committed to the empathetic understanding of the peoples of Asia than John Dower.


46. Emma:Again, I would stay calm to maintain order in the cabin. I would try to calm the passenger down by being not only empathetic but also authoritative.


47. Patients also said they wanted doctors who were confident, respectful, straightforward, empathetic, compassionate and interested in them as individuals.


48. Empathetic listening, on its own, may resolve your customer's problem.


49. empathetic learning


50. Empathetic deixis manifests the subjectivity of the discourses.


51. When you are empathetic you will begin to seek out and understand ways that help bridge the gap between you and other people.


52. empathetic distress


53. Empathetic Hypallage: Its Feature of Markedness and Rhetorical Functions


54. Be empathetic: try to understand what the sender feels.


55. empathetic understanding


56. Asking your child to tell you her reasons for refusing to sit in her car seat validates her feelings and teaches her to be empathetic.


57. Albert Einstein in the form of a so-called empathetic robot made its public debut at the Technology, Entertainment and Design conference in the US recently.


58. This conjunction makes you highly empathetic and feeds a strong need to merge with the one you love.


59. Sweaty, anxious and empathetic, these characters push up through their novels with an energy that still draws and captivates readers.


60. This means that I’m empathetic, that I need to “connect on a deeply personal level”, but also that I tend to “see so many angles to any issue or decision” that I can be “indecisive”.


61. People who vote are more empathetic and altruistic.


62. Type FOURs are empathetic to feelings of others.


63. Added legwork should include extensive role playing, thorough homework about a possible employer's culture and an empathetic sense of how your skills match its needs.


64. They are service-oriented and empathetic to other individuals.


65. A major Realization stage mission is learning the basics of good dialogue: assertive speaking and empathetic listening.

