

1. 2Train envision ability of the students, and innovation ability, transpire their thoughts. To cultivate students' practice ability.


2. 2 Never envision your future accroding to the past.


3. Envision method


4. IQ tests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies,to envision paper after it has been folded and cut ,and to deduce numerical sequences,among other similar tasks.


5. MVC is a surprisingly simple, yet incredibly useful pattern that forces the developer to envision an application in terms of three fundamental components


6. The leaders of today's fast-paced, global enterprises envision IT solutions capable of superior performance, unbound by the limits of time and space.

Symbol Technologies是当今发展迅速、全球企业预测IT解决方案的领导厂商,产品具有出众的性能、不受时间和空间的限制。

7. XML applications have such diversity that I cannot envision a single mapping that is appropriate for all of them.


8. "In the same manner, we envision that the word tsunami will be the subject of considerable discretion before being used in anything other than a most serious manner," he said.


9. "Before you can make your new financial goals a reality, you must envision yourself achieving them."


10. “We envision our stores becoming true destinations where members of the local community can experience and connect with our brand,” said Beaver Theodosakis, president and founder of prAna.


11. "I envision that vaccine approaches like this could be useful as maintenance therapy," says Kwak."We would use chemotherapy and surgery to debulk the tumor and then vaccinate to maintain remission.

“我设想,这 样使用疫苗做为一种维持治疗可能更管用,”夸克说,“我们用化疗和手术摧毁大部分肿瘤,然后用免疫方法维持缓解。”

12. "Theoretically, we can envision a small molecule that can increase levels of NAD, or SIRT3 and SIRT4 directly, in the mitochondria," says Sinclair.


13. A somewhat better metaphor happens when we envision a nature path which forks into two directions.


14. Some vendors envision a future where most, if not all, IT resources come from the cloud, but Microsoft isn't one of them.


15. Some futurologists ,in particular, have taken this important moment to envision and describe a new century to us.


16. Whenever you start to remember Liza kissing your friend, make a conscious decision to envision something more pleasing-perhaps substitute your face for his.


17. Instead of constantly worrying and stressing, set aside time each day to envision a new life.


18. Never Stop Dreaming. Dreamers have the ability to change the world. They envision the impossible and make it happen. Follow your dreams and you will achieve the unachievable.


19. Host: I envision them as potential human repair kits.


20. Joe, when you envision the fight taking place, do you envision knocking out Lacy?


21. Perhaps when you envision something like construction equipment operation training, you think of a long, drawn-out process that is necessarily given in an inconvenient manner.


22. The original blueprint for the human form was for conscious dreaming, in which each would consciously envision that which was desired to be made manifest and then bring it to fruition through the act of intention.


23. They envision an equal society, free of poverty and disease.


24. They envision Chinese food as a haphazard mish-mash of ingredients, thrown together in a giant wok, doused in oil and dumped onto a porcelain plate.


25. They didn't envision any problems with the new building.


26. They think of viruses that infect an organization from the outside.They envision hackers breaking into their information vaults.


27. He said during the Finals that he couldn't envision playing for another team next season.


28. “I can envision people having a station at home and being connected through a telepresence to a therapist,” he says.


29. Envision on Strengthening Auditing Work to Improve Internal Administration System in Enterprise System Reform


30. On the other hand, I do envision a time ahead when the clinical science will come to share the same ground in their base of knowledge.


31. Crack Detecting System of glass bottles is a subsystem of on-line detecting system of glassware with computer envision .


32. It simply requires that you envision interactions that emulate the qualities of a sensitive and caring person.


33. What areas of the project to you envision contributing data or resources to?


34. You can speculate and guess and theorize and envision, and all those things have their place.Yet you will not know for sure what you can and cannot do until you step forward and make the effort.


35. You will achieve precisely the success you can envision for yourself. Cultiveate that vision every day,in every way you can.

你将会达成你为自己设定的目标,每天都要运用一切方 法培养你对未来的远见。

36. You will achieve precisely the success you can envision for yourself.Cultiveate that vision every day,in every way you can.


37. One must envision their future, and one may use the dreams and desires held latent in the unconscious as keys to where one will go as they ascend.


38. What do you envision for Monday night, will you think about that moment when you step on the court, and that ovation, you rus? to the unbelievable level, what do you think about?


39. You might envision passengers standing and waiting for others to vacate a seat so that they may limber up.


40. Can you envision these values being as valid 100 years from now as they are today?


41. Ever envision yourself crossing the finish line, scoring a promotion, or acing an exam?


42. To make or envision as ideal.


43. Eg envision yourself as a successful speaker, speaking a at a packed auditorium, the audience giving a standing ovation when you finished your speech.


44. Envision a good result before you do anything.


45. Keywords Envision;LSAB;immunohistolochemistry method;contrast;


46. Envision has set up R &D offices in Germany, UK and China to leverage global resources.


47. An Envision of the Construction of the Public-Service Management Specialty


48. Reflection and Envision of the Developing Trend of China's Re-education-through-labour Work


49. Our everyday experience with this kind of situation allows us to envision a complex distribution of disturbances.


50. Value orientation of rural junior middle schools: present situation, envision and breakthrough


51. Despite the imposed limitations, UWB developers are confident that the wireless technology will be able to accomplish most of the data-transfer tasks its proponents envision for it.


52. " Of course, every creation has an instinctive element which [he] does not envision, and intelligence does not play such an important role.


53. Experiences of application of EnVision System in immunohistochemical assays


54. In my mind, it is possible to envision a world without extreme poverty, where imaginations of poverty will be of the distant past.


55. "The director must envision the entire finished film, including sound and visual images, before photography and recording begin."


56. When you envision connector development, you probably think about mapping specific functions, such as creating or deleting content in the native repository.


57. Similar Wi-Fi networks are under development in many other cities, including Philadelphia and Chicago, but most of those envision charging for Internet access.


58. Thus, it isvery important to envision the new materiel support modes.


59. The key to coming to peace with your role as a perpetual student lies in surrendering to what is, rather than trying to create what you envision should be.


60. Envision and Application of Nationalization of City orbital- draw Power Supply Equipment


61. 2.Train the envision ability of the students, and innovation ability, transpire their thoughts.


62. The structure design and assemblability evaluation of the rolling bearing based on VR technology are made by envision of DENEB company on SGI OCTANE workstation.


63. " Childrenare fascinated with pregnancy and birth, and they may envision anythingfrom Mom vomiting up the baby to Dad unzipping Mom's belly and lettingthe baby walk out.


64. Though blinded in infancy, she wrote hymns that inspirationally envision our future reunion with Christ.


65. B &TF: If you were a writer or producer, what kind of a storyline would you envision for your characters?


66. If you were to envision your ideal Web accessibility Web site, what sorts of information would it contain?


67. It is the power that takes you over obstacles, the fuel that propels you toward the life you envision.


68. Andreessen, Barksdale and Clark envision a future Netscape product that will assume many of the computer's operating-system functions, browsing local files as seamlessly as it browses today's Web.


69. The ability to reflect back on one's actions and envision alternative scenarios is the basis of free will, introspective learning, personal responsibility and social adaptation.


70. Envision your ideal day, in full detail, from sun up to sun down.


71. Let's envision the Earth as a tremendous bathtub.


72. Spot illustrations can help children envision themselves in reading process.


73. It is very tempting to envision the dialog box that accompanies this command, but there should be no such interruption.


74. to envision a bright future


75. To see in or as if in a vision; envision.


76. That complexity is apparent when one tries to envision the more than 22,000 separate churches, sects, and denominations that make up the Christian faith tradition today.


77. Paul Pierce would root against Boston and then go down to the park and envision he was draining a last second shot to beat the Celtics.


78. When I imagine using an umbrella to keep the sun off, I envision umbrellas so huge you can barely carry them, umbrellas with lots of bright colors or "Heineken" advertised on the side, like you would see at a beach.


79. There were first, of course, the many hardware and software engineers who envision, design, implement, and test embedded real? time systems.


80. Pro: The Nobel Prize ensures that a generation of children will envision his face while being scolded for leaving a room without turning off the lights.

