1. 1.Sudden onset of high fever, severe headache, muscle pain, joint pains, eyepit pain and serious fatigue.
2. The forehead is small and narrow than Pseudois nayaur but outside of it is smooth and glossy.The tear bone smooth, little introcession and it's eyepit strong.
3. When he get the job, he is sooooooooooooo happy, and the eyeball behind the tears of eyepit is red, not only because he was crying, but also the everyday's hard working.
4. Wolf-berry and pig liver: Soup made of it can relieve temperature, diminish eye tiredness and black eyepit.
5. using the red liquid medicine for eyes, whether i cry when i sleep? tear out of the eyepit or blood from the heart, will be both read?
6. 1. Sudden onset of high fever, severe headache, muscle pain, joint pains, eyepit pain and serious fatigue.
7. Appliation of high density sparking polyethylene implant in the dissilient fracture of eyepit