

1. If you're still not seeing the flirtation for the financial analyses on the 5th, they could get peeved.


2. Given the strong political pressure against it, some observers think the flirtation with public transport will pass, not least because there are signs already that gas prices have started to fall.


3. Triple flirtation of the white chrysanthemum


4. It is almost needless to say that the flirtation between Albert and the fair peasant continued all day


5. That heavy-duty aspect could stimulate a clandestine flirtation, but remaining behind the scenes will not be your style.


6. Chinese Web sites remainheavily censored, and a brief flirtation with openness andresponsiveness does not mean that China is headed toward Western-styledemocracy.


7. carry on a flirtation


8. In fact, you may even discover a flirtation with a co-worker, and it may even last!


9. This year GUESS Summer Read-to wear continues its wildness and flirtation.


10. She had a mild flirtation with him when they first met.


11. They usually have something to feel guilty about, even if it's just a bad thought or flirtation, so why look too closely?


12. After almost succumbing to the slick flirtation of an insincere customer (Noah Wyle), she is rescued by another dashing diner named Mitch (Bill Campbell).


13. One cabinet showcases the media coverage Haider's calculated flirtation with Nazi rhetoric and populist grandstanding whipped up over the years.


14. He goes to his favorite restaurant, exchanges greetings with a waitress and even has a little flirtation with her, making the young girl laugh and blush.


15. Helen and Thomas are only "together" for a few weeks, definitely less than three. They had a few weeks of flirtation before that, but that's all.


16. Headgesture:13456 On some occasions, this act shows self-satisfaction, one's flirtation or courtship.


17. The attempt to elevate Mr Gul to the powerful presidency had prompted millions of pro-secular Turks, wary of Mr Gul's earlier flirtation with political Islam, to take to the streets.


18. There de Cantel began a flirtation with Suzanne Walter;


19. There de Cantel began a flirtation with Suzanne Walter; his own wife and Laroche-Mathieu had become intimates without attempting to conceal their friendship.


20. Her little flirtation with Drouet seemed now an extraordinary thing.


21. Well, I never was up to the flirtation business, either handkerchief, automobile, postage-stamp, or door-step, and she wasn't the kind to start anything.


22. As they break from the party to a hotel room, the flirtation turns into a night filled with passion and remorse.


23. It gives an equal spotlight to the sweet, humorous moments and decimating failings of true family life - displaying marital flirtation and fatherly love alongside hurt feelings and slamming doors.


24. a brief and unsuccessful flirtation with the property market


25. A triumph over a schoolfellow, a flirtation with the lover of a friend, an assertion of the right divine invested in blue eyes and shimmering golden-tinted hair.


26. Frank's efforts at flirtation had become tiresome to her.


27. The limits of the ministry's flirtation with openness last year became quickly evident when foot-andmouth broke out near the capital (it had done so before, but the ministry kept quiet about it).


28. There was a flirtation with retail sales when Dell machines were sold in Staples stores and some others.


29. Of course I spoil your flirtation, or whatever it is you call it, with your cousin.


30. The flirtation between lovebirds is also simply about the several specifid steps.


31. a brief flirtation with the idea of starting his own business


32. My mom always told me that when I grow up girls would be winking at me, fluttering their eyelids as a flirtation and I would never notice.


33. I think he realizes that his presumptuous little flirtation is over


34. I need softness, I need flirtation.


35. Ignore attempt at flirtation made by Jack.


36. Most miserably want to calculate pig eight quit, the size also calculate commander-in-chief.Commander-in-chief and beauty adjust flirtation to consider as what, beauty since thou love hero.


37. From the Central Plains of Thailand .This is a dance of flirtation and fun.


38. Onlookers, however, would have detected the subtle flirtation as they mirrored each other’s actions and looked directly into each other’s eyes.


39. While most of us never intend to take it beyond that initial flirtation, these behaviors certainly raise a few eyebrows and can cause tension in our relationships.


40. The greatest miracle of love is that it is cleared of flirtation,; the greatest miracle is that it is cleared of cliche.


41. Now, the couple, whose flirtation flies in the face of the sense and sensibility of the age, is faced with a terrible dilemma.


42. The flirtation that man adroitness can satisfy feminine requirement again movement, what is the demand that can help a woman discover she is true, the woman can long to get more accordingly.


43. "Lau" as a dance which creative from the connection of Hakka cultures, and it connected to traditional theater resources are the manly thought of Tu-Lau flirtation expressions.


44. Monday and Tuesday find you inspiring blatant flirtation and more modest forms of affection -- as both lover and loved.


45. The Ivorian hitman has made it clear that he wants to leave Stamford Bridge and has continued his flirtation with the Diavolo by recalling a past dalliance in his book.


46. Someone who routinely instigates or participates in flirtation with the opposite sex lacks both sensitivity and consideration for their partner's feelings;


47. ending the state's brief flirtation with legalized gay marriage.


48. A misunderstanding, a betrayed confidence, an unrepaid loan, an ill-conceived flirtation.


49. At recess Tom continued his flirtation with Amy with jubilant self-satisfaction.


50. Flirtation is a game we play, a dance for which everyone knows the moves.


51. Flirtation of fight of the dish check on house occupants of sing a hymn to make to endow with of brag Lao Ke of real attained boring of the best state-have no not to chat.


52. " " dear, inside bedgown very soft also." such flirtation, again stupid man can listen clearly is what meaning.


53. " "In a matter of days, a flirtation turns to a passion, and Charles and Lucinda are drawn into the dark side of the American Dream.


54. The flirtation went on for nearly a month. Luca played his role of man infatuated with a young beautiful girl, Bruno Tattaglia the role of a businessman trying to recruit an able executive from a rival.

这种调情进行了差不多一个月,路加扮演的是一个给年轻漂亮的姑娘迷住了的男子; 布鲁诺 - 塔塔格里亚扮演的是一个拼命想把竞争对手的得力人员争取过来的商人。

55. Onlookers, however, would have detected the subtle flirtation as they mirrored each other's actions and spoke directly into each other's eyes.


56. A 'casual' flirtation could turn into something far more serious around that time.


57. Alonso is not a complete stranger to the libero position, having enjoyed a brief flirtation with the role during a first-half appearance for the reserves against Crewe, last September.

