
lead sb. up the garden path

1. 把某人引入歧途

You're leading him up the garden path.


习惯用语Everything in your garden is nice.1.[讽] 一切都是再好不过了; 天官赐福, 令人满足了(好得无以复加, 常带讽刺味道)。Everything in the garden is lovely.1.[讽] 一切都是再好不过了; 天官赐福, 令人满足了(好得无以复加, 常带讽刺味道)。lead sb. up the garden1.[口]使某人入歧途lead sb. down the garden1.[口]使某人入歧途lead sb. up the garden path1.[口]使某人入歧途lead sb. down the garden path1.[口]使某人入歧途No garden without its weeds.1.[谚]没有不生杂草的花园。rosy in the garden1.十分美好, 非常称心如意the Garden of the Gods1.奇岩园地带(在美国 Colorado Springs 市附近)Victory gardens1.第二次世界大战时英国城市居民所种的菜园vicotry gardens1.第二次世界大战时英国城市居民所种的菜园特殊用法botanical garden1.植物园forest garden1.森林树木园kitchen garden1.菜园market garden1.(供应市场蔬菜、水果和花的)农圃nursery garden1.苗圃public garden1.[谚]公园truck garden1.商品蔬菜农场Garden of Eden1.(《圣经》中所说亚当和夏娃所住的)伊甸园, 没有罪恶的圣洁之地