
gogoD.J.:[ɡəu]K.K.:[ɡo]vi.1.去; 走; 行; 驶I want to go, but she wants to stay.我要走, 但她想留下来。I told the driver to go slow.我叫司机开慢点。The train is going north.列车向北行驶。The train goes in 15 minutes.火车15分钟后开出。She has gone to the station.她去车站了。He went to see his aunt last night.他昨天晚上去看望了姨母。Go and have a glass of beer!去喝一杯啤酒吧!I'm going to enter a university.我要上大学。He often goes marketing.他经常去市场做生意。2.进行, 运行, 运转Everything went pretty smoothly.一切进展相当顺利。There are still two years to go.还有两年时间可利用。The engine went beautifully.这台发动机运转得相当好。3.放, 置My clothes won't all go into that tiny suitcase.那个小衣箱装不下我所有的衣物。The shirts go in the top drawer.衬衫放在最上层的抽屉里。4.伸展, 通往Where does this road go to?这条路通向哪里?I want a rope long enough to go from here to there.我要一根可以从这里拉到那里的长绳子。The roots of this plant go deep.这种植物的根扎得很深。5.消失, 丢失My fever has gone, but I have a cough.我退烧了, 但是还有点咳嗽。He got up in the morning and found that all the snow had gone.他早晨起来发现雪已经全部消失了。My purse has gone!我的钱包丢了!6.垮下来, 死The ladder went at the critical moment.在关键时刻梯子垮了。The bridge went under the heavy weight.桥被压垮了。7.花费, 销售My money is going fast!我的钱花得很快!A lot of my grant goes on books.我的许多补助金都花在书上。How much of your money goes in rent?你花在租金上的钱是多少?These socks are going at one pound a pair.这些短袜每双卖一英镑。The antique table went to the lady in the pink hat.这张古董桌子卖给那位戴粉红色帽子的女士了。8.行, 有效9.据说, 流传The story goes that he was murdered.据说他被谋杀了。The story goes that long ago there lived a king.流传着这样一个故事, 讲的是很久以前有个国王。This is how the song goes.这首歌就是这么唱的。link v.1.发出…声音Ducks go “quack”.鸭子发出“嘎嘎”的叫声。The guns went “boom”.大炮发出“轰轰”声。2.变得, 成为, 处于…状态The woman had gone mad.那女人疯了。Fruit quickly goes rotten in hot weather.在热天, 水果会很快变质。He went pale at the news.他听到这个消息时脸色变得苍白。My absence had gone unnoticed.我的缺席未能引起人家注意。n.1.轮到机会You've been on the swing for ten minutes, it's my go now.你荡秋千有10分钟了, 现在该轮到我了。You'll be given a go next time.下次你会有机会的。2.精力, 干劲The youth has plenty of go in him.这个年轻人活力十足。The children are full of go.They run and play all day.这些小孩子精力充沛, 他们整天跑呀玩呀。

gon.1.Papago的变形 go1[ɡəu]vi.1.前进;行走;去;驶:to go 90 miles an hour每小时走90英里a train that goes to Beijing一列开往北京的火车2.(从某地)离去,出发,离开:The car has just gone.汽车刚开走。I'll have to go today.今天我必须走。3.(如机器等)运转,运行;操作;行动,进行;起作用;(心脏)跳动:a clock that isn't going不走的钟This machine goes by steam.这台机器是由蒸汽驱动的。4.采取(特定的)行动:Go warily.小心行事。5.处于;成为;变得;变成(某种特定状态):The old woman has gone blind.这位老太太已经失明了。It's very sad, his wife went mad and had to be locked up in the special hospital.真令人伤心,他太太发疯了,不得不关在疯人院内。6.(消息等)被流传,传播;(货币等)流通,通用,通行:A rumor went through the town.谣言传遍全镇。The sovereign goes throughout the British Isles.英镑在英伦诸岛通用。7.通(向),延伸至;到达;通到:Where does this path go to?这条路通到哪里?Her knowledge fails to go very deep.她的知识不够精深。8.(时间)过去,消逝;被用完:One month is already gone.一个月已经过去了。This evening went pleasantly enough.今晚过得非常愉快。9.做特定的动作:Go like this with your right hand.你的右手要这样做动作。While he was speaking, he went like this.当他讲话时,他像这样做手势。10.(使自己)遭受,招惹:Don't go to trouble.不要招惹麻烦。11.被出售,被卖掉(常与at, for连用):There were perfectly good coats going at $50 .有挺好的外衣仅售50元。The car went very cheap.这车卖得非常便宜。12.(钱等)被用于,让与,分配给(某一特定的领受者或目的)(常与for, in, on, to连用):All his money goes on books.他把所有的钱都花在书籍上了。Not more than a quarter of your income should go in rent.你的收入用于房租不应超过四分之一。13.(奖品、职位、财产等)被给(予),属(于),归(于)(to):To whom did the money go when the old man died?老人死时,钱财归何人所有?The first prize for Biology went to the youngest child in the class.生物学头奖归于班上年龄最小的那位学生。14.有助(于),趋向(于),倾向(于):facts that go to prove a case有助于证明案件的事实Many different qualities go to the making of a President.一个总统需要具备许多不同的品质。15.结果,结局;结果是:How did the game go?比赛结果如何?The election went against the government.选举结果对政府不利。16.(事情)发展,进行,进展:Everything was going well.一切进行得非常顺利。17.(经常)被放置;归属:Where is this table to go?这桌子应置于何处?The jewels go in the jewel box.珠宝放在珠宝箱里。18.(式样、色彩等)相配;相称;和谐:That paint doesn't go.那颜料的颜色不相配。The blue carpet goes with the gold curtains.蓝色地毯和金黄色窗帘相配。19.发出某种声音:The balloon went “pop”.气球“砰”的一声破了。The gun goes bang.枪砰地一声响了起来。20.[用于as引导的从句](就某方面)说,一般说来,从一般情况来看:He is a good player, as players go nowadays.照目前一般水平而言,他是个好选手。21.用完,用光;消耗;耗尽;衰退,减弱:My grandfather's eyesight is going.我祖父的视力在减退。He's far gone.他病得很重。22.垮掉;损坏;陷下,塌下;折断;被丧失:First the sails and then the masts went.先是船帆损坏了,接着船桅也折断了。23.死去,失去知觉:His father went first.他的父亲先死。24.(音乐)有某种调子;(谚语等)用某种措辞表达;(被)创作;(被)写作:as the saying goes俗话说How does that song go?那首歌的曲调是怎样的?25.装得下,装得进;塞得进;可通过:That space is too small, the bookcase won't go in.那空间太小,书橱放不进去。No more clothes will go into this case.这手提箱再也装不下衣服了。26.诉诸,求助于:I think you should go to another doctor and get a second opinion.我认为你应该找另一位大夫,再听听另一种意见。to go to law诉诸法律27.开始,开动:Here goes!开始了!28.持续:There is enough oil to go another week.油还够用一周。29.被放弃,被废弃;被去掉;被辞退(常与can, have, to, must 连用):The house must go.房子得卖掉。War must go!战争必须消除!30.(话语等)有权威性,可相信的;(话)是决定性的:What I say goes!我说的话是算数的!31.被接受;被准许;被信以为真;有效:The order still goes.命令仍然有效。32.(在言行等方面)达到特定程度:That's going too far.那太过分了。33.总共,构成,合成:In former times, 12 pence went to a shilling.过去,十二便士等于一先令。34.【数学】(除)得整数商,纳入(与into连用):5 goes into 10 twice.5除10得2。35.将要,打算,预定[用进行时态,后接不定式]:I am going to sell this old car, and buy a new car.我打算卖掉这辆旧车,再买辆新车。It's going to rain.天要下雨了。36.决意[用作不定式,强调感情冲动、迅速果断或拼死之意]:He decided to go do it.他下决心去做这件事。37.下沉:The boat went to the bottom.船沉入了河底。38.[口语]兴奋地表演;以特别鼓舞人心的方式表演:a brass band that can really go确能使人激动的铜管乐队39.[美国方言]想[常用于否定句,后接不定式]:I didn't go to dance.我并不想去跳舞。40.[俚语]撒尿,拉屎41.[古语]离开法庭vt.1.赌,(用钱或物)打赌,以…打赌,同…打赌,押(赌注):I will go you ten dollars.我要和你打赌十元钱。2.循…而行,通行于,沿…进行:They are going my way.他们正沿着我的道走。3.[美国口语]忍耐,忍受;容忍,宽恕[通常用于否定句]:I can't go her any more.我再也不能容忍她了。4.[口语]为…作保释人,为(被捕人)提供(保释金);承担…的责任:His friend went bail for him.他的朋友为他作保释人。5.[口语]出(价),愿付(一定数额的款);出(牌等):I shall go $30 for the dictionary.我愿出30美元买这部词典。6.[美国口语]欣赏,鉴赏;分享,享用,享受,品尝:Could you go a piece of pie?你能尝一块馅饼吗?7.对付:She can't go another dance.她一个舞也跳不了啦。8.[主美国口语]重量为;成长到(某种程度):These apples will go half a pound each.这些苹果每个能长到半磅重。9.走过,穿过:We went the length of the long Corridor of the Summer Palace.我们走完了颐和园的整条长廊。10.[口语]说,说道[通常用现在时叙述过去说的话]11.【棒球】在(全场比赛的特定局次)中投球n.1.去;离开;进行2.成功,胜利;成功的事,进行顺利3.[口语]精神,精力;活力,劲头,干劲;频繁紧张的活动4.[口语]事件,意外的事态5.[美国口语]协议;约定;交易6.[口语]试一下,尝试,试图;努力,尽力7.[英国口语]一次提供(或取得)的量;一杯(酒);一份(食物)8.[口语]一口气,一下子,一举9.[口语]轮到的机会10.[英国口语](剑桥大学学士)学位考试11.(疾病的)发作12.允许,许可;批准13.比赛;拳击比赛14.[the go][口语]时兴东西,时髦东西15.【牌戏】宕(指未能完成定约);吊牌adj.1.[美国口语]完全准备(或预备)好的;处于(可发射、使用等)良好状态的2.[美国口语]运行正常的,功能精确的3.时髦的,合潮流的4.[俚语]好的,行的,对的interj.1.(赛跑时的起跑口令)跑:On your mark! Get set! Go!各就各位!预备!跑!近义词departleavequitretirewithdraw反义词arrivecomea capital go[口语]太好了,妙极了all (或quite) go[口语]最流行的,非常时髦的a near go[口语]极侥幸的逃跑a pretty (或 quite, run) go[口语]难题,难办的事;怪事;尴尬的事as (或 so) far as…goes就…来说as (或 so) far as it (或 that) goes就目前情况而言,就其本身而言as…go就…而论,从…的通常情况而论as people (或 things) go就一般情况而言,从一般情况来看at one go一下子,一举be going strong见 strongbe going to计划(或打算、决定)(做某事)即将(发生某事)可能会(发生某事)be on the go[口语]在活动,在活跃[口语]准备离开;正在离开[俚语]有醉意[废语]衰弱;濒于死亡call it a go一言为定could go[口语]真想吃(或喝)enough (或 something) to go on with见 enoughfair go公平的比赛;公平对待;机会均等first go[口语]第一次尝试;一下子,一口气first go off[口语]最初,一开始 [亦作 at first go off]from the word go[美国口语]始终,从一开始;完全,彻底full of go[口语]精力充沛,劲头十足get someone going[美国俚语]使某人激动(或发怒)get up and go果断迅速地行动go all out[口语]全力以赴,鼓足干劲go aloft死,去世go along for the ride凑凑热闹,逢场作戏Go along with you![口语]去你的!别瞎说!(表示怀疑、不相信)go (and) chase oneself[美国俚语]别捣乱,走开go and (do something)[口语]竟然愚蠢到(去干某事);竟然粗心到… (表示惊讶、厌烦、不赞许等)go around together情侣的定期约会go astray迷路,走失;误入歧途,堕落放错地方go at it hammer and tongs全力以赴地干,精神抖擞地工作激烈殴斗,全力进攻go badly(工作、事情等)进展不顺利go bananas失常,不正常go bang发出嘣地一声go begging (或 a-begging)见 beggo behind someone's back背后行事,暗中行事go below (decks)【航海学】到舱内去go beyond one's duty(出于负责、勇气、决心或多管闲事而)逾越职责go broke[口语]破产go bung[澳大利亚、新西兰俚语]失败,完蛋go bust[俚语]失败,完蛋破产go cahoots见 cahootsgo counter to与…背道而驰;违反…go downhill(经济、健康等)恶化;(道德)日益败坏走下坡路go down swinging体面地失败go down the drain每况愈下go down the line[俚语]被解雇go drink from the sea滚开,别管闲事go dry见 drygo easy[口语]慢慢来;从容不迫go easy on someone待人善良,对人温厚go easy with (或 on)[口语]小心处置…;对…进行从宽处理爱惜…;节约…go farther (或 further) and fare worse每况愈下go fifty-fifty[美国英语]平分,均摊,一半一半go flat out= go all outgo flop[俚语]垮台,遭到失败go for a Burton见 Burtongo for a song非常便宜go for broke全力以赴go for it冒一下险,大胆试一试go full tour[俚语]回家go fut (或 phut)(机器等)故障,不能运转;(机构)垮台;崩溃(计划等)落空,告吹go glimmering见 glimmeringgo halves (on或in something with someone)见halfgo hang[口语]随它去,听之任之go hard with someone使某人遭受困难(或痛苦、不幸、危险等)go hence[诗歌用语]离开,出去go home回家,回国击中要害;打中目标[委婉语]死去,“回老家”[亦作 go to one's last (或 long) home]用坏;穿破腐败深入;使获得深刻印象go home in a box[俚语、委婉语]死go home to使受感动;打动(某人)的心使…理解(或领会);使…有深刻印象go ill不妙;不祥go ill with someone对某人不利;对某人而言是不祥的go in and out进进出出忽明忽暗go in at[口语]痛打,猛烈攻击go in circles(毫无成效地)兜圈子go into particulars见particulargo into the red出现赤字go into the whys and wherefores见 whygo it[口语]着手;进行一些活动飞速行进;使出猛劲干(在比赛中)加油,作进一步努力[常用作祈使句]挥霍;过放荡生活go it alone[口语]单独行动;独自生活go it blind鲁莽行事;碰运气go it strong见 stronggo it strong on见 stronggo it with a rush见 rushgo, man go[美国口语]干得好,太妙了go near to do (或 doing) something几乎要做某事go off at half-cock (或 half cock)枪走火[口语]没准备好就干,仓促行事[亦作 go of half-cock]go one better出价超过对手超过以前的成绩;更胜一筹[美国英语]胜过某人[见 better¹]go out of one's mind见mindgo over big[美国口语](演出等)大受欢迎;非常成功;(演员)走红[亦作 go big]go over-board【航海学】从船上跌落;被扔到船外go phut= go futgo pit-a-pat(心)怦怦地跳;劈劈啪啪地跑go public(封闭式公司)让股票上市公开发售go scot free (或 scot-free)安然逃脱;逍遥法外go seesaw忽前忽后,忽上忽下;交替进行go slow(车辆)慢行;慢慢走慢点来:留神(叫听话人对问题思考一下)减少活动[英国英语]怠工(以表示抗议)go smash into冲进,撞入go snap突然裂开;啪地一声断裂了go soak yourself (或 your head)[口语]走开,别来打扰我go so far as (to do)甚至(做出某事);竟然到(做出)…的地步go solid for见 solidgo some[美国口语]收获很大;很有成就;做了不少(工作、事情等)有效地(或顺利地、迅速地)进行go (someone) one better[口语]胜过(某人);(比某人)略胜一筹(玩纸牌时)增加赌注go somewhere[口语] 出去一下(上厕所的委婉语)go south(with something)[俚语]卷逃;(偷窃某物后)失踪go steady (with)[美国口语](与某人)谈恋爱;(与异性朋友)经常外出约会go straight径直走重新做人,改过自新go swimmingly进行顺利go the way of all flesh (或 of all the earth)见waygo the way of nature见 waygo the whole coon见coongo the whole hog见 hogGo to![古语]别说了!去你的!我不信!(表示不相信、不赞同)快!开始吧!go (to) bye-bye上床睡觉go too far走得太远;做得太过分go to pot见potgo to rest见restgo (to) smash[口语]垮台,完蛋;解体破产go well(工作、事情、计划等)进行顺利go without saying[口语]不言而喻,不必说go wrong走错路失足;堕落失败,不如意(食品、产品等)腐败;变质(机器等)发生故障搞错,弄错going on[口语]接近,快到gone on someone[口语]倾心于某人have a go (at)[口语]尝试(某事);试做(某事)攻击(某人);责骂(某人)have been and gone and done it[口语]竟然干出了这种蠢事(表示惊讶、恼火)have something going for one[美国俚语]有本钱,有条件(尤指有才能、美貌、人事关系等)Here goes![口语]瞧,开始了,看我的!(说话者开始做冒险举动或游戏时说的话) Here we go again.[口语]同样不愉快的事情又发生了。How goes it? (或 How is it going? How are things going?)[口语]你好吗?近况如何?It (或 That) goes without saying.不言而喻;显而易见。It's a go![口语]行!就这么办!leave (或 let) go (of)松手;放手let go放开,松手;让…走,释放不理会;忽略开枪,发射听任;随它去吧 [亦作 Let it go]【航海学】解开(缆绳等)开除;解雇let it go at that[美国口语]谈论到此为止go2[ɡəu]n.1.[日语](日本)古围棋 [亦作 Go, I-go]

gogo[ɡəu]vi.(goes[ɡəuz]; went[went]; gone[ɡɔn])1.去, 离去, 走, 驶; 旅行; 前往(做某事); 前进2.通到, 到达; 延伸至3.死; 垮; 坏; 停止存在; 断开; 废弃, 放弃; 消失; 衰退4.(时间)消逝, 过去; (距离)走[经] 过5.(机器等)运转[行]; 起作用; 行得通, 走[活]动; 工作6.处于...状态; 习惯于; 倾向于, 有助于; 变成[为]; 就...而论7.发生, 进行[展]8.流传[行]; (货币)流通, 通行9.发出响声, 发音; (钟)报点10.放置; 装[纳]入; 被包容11.(算术的)除得, (除)得整数商12.归属于..., 落...手中13.诉诸[求助]于; 查阅14.合起来构成15.花费; 消费; 卖, 卖得(...价)16.相配, 协调; (诗、歌词)有节奏; (与曲调)相配(to)17.迎合; 赶上18.称为, 叫做19.[只用现在分词]备有; 提供, 获得 ⑵⑽招惹, 惹来 ⑵20.判决, 裁定; 起[控]诉 ⑵21.[用不定式作定语]剩下 ⑵22.[美方]想; [用进行时态, 后接不定式]将要, 打算go abroad出国go for a walk去散步go by train [car, air, water]乘火车[汽车, 飞机, 轮船] 去go on foot走路去go on a journey去旅行ten days to go before Easter还有十天到复活节go by one's own decision照自己的决定行事go armed携带武器go mad发狂[疯]go blind变瞎go hungry挨饿go to court诉诸法庭go to a dictionary for a word翻字典查一个词The story goes that ...据说...I must be going now.我现在必须走了。Where does the road go?这条路通到哪里?This pipe goes to [into] the next room.这条管道引伸[通往]隔壁房间。He is gone.他死了。The company goes any day.这公司随时会倒闭的。His eyesight is going.他的视力在减退。The meat is going.肉要坏了。The pain had gone.疼痛止住了。The bulb has gone.电灯泡坏了。The engine in the old car finally went.这辆旧汽车的发动机终于损坏了。The evening went pleasantly enough.晚上过得很愉快。There are eight miles to go.还有八英里(的路程)。Spring has gone and summer is here.春天已逝去, 夏天已经来临。The watch won't go.表不走了。This machine goes by electricity.这机器是由电推动的。Her tongue goes nineteen to the dozen.她喋喋不休说个没完。Refugees often go hungry.难民时常挨饿。She has gone six months with child.她怀孕六个月了。My hair is going grey .我的头发渐变花白了。She is not a bad singer, as singers go.照一般歌星的水准而言, 她还不错。How goes it in your work?你的工作进展情况如何?What's going on?发生了什么事?A rumor went through the town .谣言传遍全镇。American bank notes go anywhere.美钞到处都通用。The clock goes 'tick -tock, tick-tock'.时钟发出滴答滴答的声音。It has just gone six.时钟刚刚敲过六点钟。Where does this teapot go?这茶壶放在哪儿?The knives go in this drawer.刀子放在这个抽屉里。One thousand metres go to the kilometre.一千米为一公里。Two goes into eight four times.二除八得四。Six into twelve goes twice.六除十二得二.All credit goes to the Party.一切归功于党。Victory always goes to the strong.胜利永远属于强者。All his money goes on books.他所有的钱都花在买书上。Don't let your house go too cheap.不要把你的房子卖得太便宜。These words don't go to that tune.词不合曲。We must go with the times.我们必须赶上时代。He goes by a name of Tom.他名叫汤姆。She went under a false name.她用假名。Are there any jobs going?有什么工作机会吗?There's sure to be some sort of dinner going.一定会有一顿饭吃的。Don't go to any trouble.不要招惹麻烦。The case went against him .他官司打输了(这案件判决他败诉)。The case went in his favor.他官司打赢了(这案件判决他胜诉)。There are five minutes to go.还有五分钟。It's going to rain .快要下雨了。There's going to be a meeting here this evening.今晚这儿将召开一个会议。
词性变化govt.1.[常用于否定结构][口]忍受2.[常用于否定结构]买得起3.[口] 打(赌); 叫(牌); 出(价)4.承担...的责任5.生产go two dollars on sth.对某事打赌2美元go two hundred dollars for this painting对此画出价200元She can't go such behaviour.对这种行为她忍受不了。We can't go the price.我们出不起这个价。gon.(pl. goes)1.进行2.[口]精神[力]3.尝试4.[口] 成功5.[口]约定, 协定, 交易6.[the go]时髦, 流行式样7.拳击比赛, 比赛; 轮到的机会8.[口]事态; (难办的)事情9.[口](酒)一杯; (食物)一份10.(英大学)学位考试11.[日]围棋the come and go of the seasons四季的来去first go[口]第一次尝试; 一口气; 一下子; 首先the little [great] go(剑桥大学的)学士学位预[正]考He has plenty of go.他精力充沛。Let's have a go at it.让我们来试试。Here's a prettygo! [What a go!]这事真难办!It's a go.一言为定。[成交了。 好吧, 就这样决定了。]This style is all the go.这式样正流行。It's a queer go.这是件奇怪的事。goadj.1.行的; [美口]一切正常的; 可以开始的2.【宇】可随时发射的3.时髦的, 漂亮的He is not a go person.他不是个赶时髦的人。goint.1.(赛跑口令)跑On your mark! Get set! Go !各就各位! 预备! 跑!

继承用法go-aheadn.1.进取心, 活力, 精力2.许可, 放行信号

词性变化goadj.1.前进着的; 有进取心的2.可通行的go-and-returnadj.1.两端间的, 来回的go-around[ˈɡəʊəˌraʊnd]n.1.回合; 激烈争论2.躲闪, 拖延3.回旋go-as-you-pleaseadj.1.无拘束的, 自由(行动)的go-between[ˈɡəʊbɪˌtwi:n]n.1.中间人, 媒人, 掮客2.【电】连接杆[环], 中间网络go-by[ˈɡəubai]n.1.经过2.[口]假装不见, 不理; 忽视go-cart[ˈɡəukɑ:t]n.1.(小孩的)学步车; 小人车2.手推车3.轻便马车go-devil[ˈɡəudevl]n.1.拖木橇; 运石车2.刮管器; 冲棍3.油井爆破器; 坠撞器go-getter[ˈɡəuˈɡetə]n.1.能干而有进取心的人2.火箭自动制导的控制装置go-go[ˈɡəuˌɡəu]adj.1.?谖璧? ?谖枰衾殖? 舞厅的2.无节制的; [俚]活泼的3.时髦的n.1.?谖?go-kart[ˈɡəuˌkɑ:t]n.1.微型竞赛汽车go-off[ɡəuˈɔ(:)f]n.1.开始, 着手; 出发2.爆炸go-no-gon.1.(宇宙飞船的)飞或不飞的最后决定; 事情的最后决定go-slow[ˈɡəuˈsləu]n.1.(指交通)慢行2.表示抗议的怠工adj.1.怠工的go-to-meeting[ˈɡəutəˈmi:tiŋ]adj.1.节日穿戴的; (举止等)最恰当不过的, 最好的

参考词汇go;depart;leave;都含"离开"的意思。1.go与 come 相对, 强调"走"的动作, 如:He went there 他去那里了。depart属正式用语, 尤指"进行某一特定的旅程", 含有"事先已对离开有所考虑或计划"之意, 如:He departed from France.他离开法国了。2.leave强调"从原来所在之处离开", 如:I can't leave while she is ill.她生病期间, 我不能离开。come;arrive;