

1. 'Fact,fact,fact!'the gentleman shouted.And 'Fact,fact,fact!'Mr Gradgrind repeated.


2. 'In this life,'Mr Gradgrind said,'we only need Facts.Stand up,girl number twenty.I don't know that girl.Who is that girl?'


3. "I want Facts,'Mr Gradgrind said.


4. "No, Jupe, no," said Mr. Gradgrind, shaking his head in his profoundest and most eminently practical way.


5. "Be sure you know your own mind, Jupe," Mr. Gradgrind cautioned her.


6. "Well," said Mr. Gradgrind, breaking into a smile, after being for the moment at a loss, you are even more dispassionate than I expected.


7. "This is a very obtrusive lad! "said Mr. Gradgrind, turning, and knitting his brows on him.


8. "This is a very obtrusive lad! "said Mr. Gradgrind, turning, and knitting his brows on him


9. The latter part of this speech was addressed to Mr. Gradgrind, who received it with a grave inclination of his head.


10. After a few dashes in the public meeting way, Mr. Gradgrind and a council of political sages approved of Jem.


11. Local MP and school master Thomas Gradgrind has raised his children Louisa and Tom according to an educational system that supports this economic regime, one of "fact not fancy".


12. Mr Gradgrind was quite unprepared for his daughter’s words.


13. Mr. Gradgrind never could make out how it yielded this unaccountable product


14. Strange to relate, Mr. Gradgrind was not so collected at this moment as his daughter was.


15. In truth, Mrs. Gradgrind's stock of facts in general was woefully defective.


16. In truth, Mrs Gradgrind's stock of facts in general was woefully defective.


17. "What does this unmannerly boy mean", asked Mr. Gradgrind, eyeing him in a sort of desperation, "by Tight-Jeff?"


18. "What does this unmannerly boy mean", asked Mr. Gradgrind, eyeing him in a sort of desperation,"by Tight-Jeff?"


19. Thomes Gradgrind a good, hard-headed businessman, the people of Coketown said.


20. 12. Mr Gradgrind was feeling pleased when he walked home that evening.

