
guideguideD.J.:[ɡaid]K.K.:[ɡaɪd]vt.1.引路; 指导He flashed a torch to guide me.他用手电筒为我引路。This book guides us in using English words and idioms.这本书指导我们如何使用英语单词和习语。2.操纵, 驾驶We guided a ship through a storm.我们驾驶轮船通过了暴风雨。3.影响, 支配One should be guided by his sense of what is right and just.一个人做事应当有是非观念。n.1.指导者His elder sister had been his guide, counsellor and friend.他姐姐过去一直指导他, 给他出主意, 是他的朋友。2.向导, 导游A tourist guide will show you around.一位导游将陪您到处参观。3.有指导意义的事物In English, the spelling of a word is not always a guide to the pronunciation.英语里, 一个词的拼法不总是发音的依据。

guide[ɡaid]vt.1.为…领路(或指路);带路;导,给…导游:He guided her across the roads.他领她穿过马路。He will guide you to the top of the mountain.他将带领你们登上山顶。2.操纵;驾驶;控制;支配:Can the pilot guide the plane to a safe landing?驾驶员能操纵飞机安全着陆吗?3.引导,领导;管理…的事务:The Prime Minister guides the state.首相管理国家事务。4.指导;指导…的行动;影响…的决策:You must be guided by your sense of right and just.你的行动必须受你是非心的指导。5.【电子学】导(波)vi.1.担任向导;当指导者n.1.导游;向导;指导者;带路的运动2.旅游指南;入门书;手册;要览3.指导原则;准则4.路标,指向牌5.标记6.导引物;导引装置;(钓鱼竿前端的)系线环,瞄准定向装置7.【电子学】波导8.【军事】基准兵;基准车;基准舰9.【印刷】批示标记10.【医学】导子,标11.(北欧的)职业登山向导12.(招魂术中)指导灵媒的鬼魂13.[美国俚语](服用迷幻药时的)指导者14.[G-]女童子军近义词leadpilotsteer反义词followas a rough guide略示其意,作为大体上的示意court guide英国贵族人名录someone's (或a)“guide, philosopher and friend”某人的良师益友变形vt.guid edguid ing
